49 of 1911 - A resolution that the Mayor and Committee on Streets be authorized and instructed to have the workin (2) psi �,'•_ i, ::'.RCri 23, 1911, L':RDH 20, 1911, 11.1 • ri City Council met in special session, Pursuant t s11. „ay instructed to stop all teamsters from.hauling away the soil around Ensign Peak. r' 1 3 In the absence of the special ent Councilman :•:vi ^•s elected president pro t lead and adopted, � On roll call all members were no,,pent except eouocilren 1=a11, tees, -ccir.ney, 1 ':r':1. �' s!, !resolution 170.49. By Councilman ;.ereton, 'V;ood and Ferry. ,,r yy ti.RF.'�S, iris ii^nor the [.�1 yor has reco rs.men recommended and advocated for several ye era the Councilmen Call, N.eka Huey and Lees entered during the Proceedings. of -ublic Comfort Stations, and FilERF.:1S, Suitable and satisfactory preliminary plans have been prepared for the sane The fallowing call was then read: r' by L. L. Lartin; therefore 7S BE IT. RESOLVED, that the mayor and Committee on Streets be authorized and instructed to have the working drawings and specifications for two of these stations completed and to seleot 6 By Councilmen Davis and Reed: toe lccrti.on for the sarre,cost complete not to exaced 5,000 dollars, and that the completed plane Gentlemen: be referred to this Council for approval,1, special meeting of the Cit Council a .aereb called fer �6yM Referred to the Cormittee of the '�Ihole, to ^net Thursday even irg:�aroh 23, 1911. Thursday evening, parch ^_3, 1911, at 7:30 o'clock it the City i1 '-•hercer, for the rornoee I1 ry' Ise• of taking up the retail liquor ap,lications, and such other business as ray properly core The Council then adjourned. ;: before said meeting. y Ver• re snect ilIlly, r 1. J. Davis, C. B. Reed. • to � � ��� Received and ordered filed. �• 01 The fellewing anpli^_ati ens for liquor licenses for inc^r?^rated clubs were then City ReRer, the Committee on License: � d and referred to p resents Noose Club The alto Club � d Commercial Club Colorado Club Elk Club 11' Eagles Club The application of the Smith-Bailey ,rug' Co, for 'a wholesale li,:.arr license was presented and referred to the Committee on License, The following anllicati ens for draggist liquor licenses sore prose-trod end re- �l� foiled ♦e the Committee on License: • 1��Fi'�:,i 876 let avenue. air •III�I � Sixth ',venue gDrug Co., 02 ill -.v cn ue. m! Bridge Drug Co. 676 hest 2nd South. 5 • fry• Chas. Van Dyke. 3rd a.;th rind La v-,. Bridge Drug Co., ib Son.th �•.a le. '1 i� illls-Corrine Prof Cc. 9th EasSouth co d lath louts. �N tiro k(throt ,u :: :;..,F_r. I ` .. ramnt n e her_�icy, Ith East and Red 1ruth. tr ia}, at 'h..rmacy. Coombs Drug Co., 4th t} ,nd t,atc. , ➢ruchl 8 nonkon, 271 S. Lunn. {�I•� Halliday urug Smith Drug Co„ 2nd South and lain. 17.2 S. ls1n. Tro k E. elt:no rt , '-n • ' 76 :•,no Se,ltb. Frey Side Pharmacy, 775 E. 2nd Seeth. Fronk E. Ilhitvm nth, LiThe application for a retell ill i.or l..:r.r, c o1' gar,^eiC ti°".`.` (1- ■ i '�[ r ..._.. 1� was then prose^tad 'rnd referred to fire him 1111 22From the Chief of Police, .;kl I «,.,, pn�vnuL h _ r.. , owl _0. - .^�+ - �����1� ip311 allh�l'e uu. ,1i. p of amarom^r 1. uo, art L. 11 Gib V7, iomple St„ and L'l Ce 11 �¢. o Li c•en sc, IAV d III. Referred to the � ^rittco ^n ad tH 23 From the r�: It�� :::,;:;0 , r " :Ainyrd5„I} ct. '�,.11, ..ems ,