5 of 1941 - A resolution requesting Governor Herbert B. Maw to take definite and favorable action during present REMARKS 5
Resolution No.
I By Comrnissioner Jenkins
Requesting Governor Herbert I
B. Maw to take definite and
favorable action during present
Spl.Session of Legislature li' •
on the five model defense
bills known as S.B. 252, 253,
254, 255 and 276.
� lid
fronted to the bard a1 emnraistiindll
MAR2 $1941 I'
I i ti�
I il
Dated Filed
I °i
Goggin - - -
Matheson - - - -
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - L
IT R;H:OLVED by the City Commission of
joltLake City, Utah:
tts- pars;lount oiobleo before th
.m,erician p ople today is th t •.sfense, and
.lieedh.,S, the, United totes Government hos
Isbsrked on a vast progr mto prepare this _esocracy t. defend
itseltioll emergencies, and
ii _TaLS, a unified )1an 1 Lotion which woul.U.
bring al-tost identical ..tatutes for National efense to sli of
the severol totes, has been propelred as • result of the
Fedefal-eAste Conference of Law aniofceeuent Proale s of Notiumal
defense, held at the epurt ,ant :f Justice, Y:ashingt n, C.
ugust 5th unS 6th, 1:,,40; the Conference being Eel under th
,loint ads ices of the Governor's Conference, The Council of
Btate Uovernaents, The Nut' nsl useocisti,m f ttorneys
Gen rsl, Lnd th Interstate Co:.mission on Criee in coopera-
tion with the United tot s U:epsrtseot of snC;
ThehLL , oalt Lcc City, a aa ,-.(alber of
the tate uf Utah and of the Union, the Csunty eat of .slt
Lake County, which inc„udes 42)4 of the entire populeti,n Lf
the Ctata of Utah, is vitally cone rned in this proble . of
Nati.mel 1,-efone ; nJ
HurcEsE, the . tot: of Jt.h should and must
do its phrt in the union of totes by cooperdti g to meike
effective the unified National defense orogr,a.
Cc therefore :utit.ul the Honorable Herbart
B. -an, Governor f Jtuh, to reqtest the :tuto Legislature to
-2- hesolati.;n
take defin_te and favorable action during the present 6pecial
Session of Legislature on the five model defense bills, embracing
in substance those being posse: by other loyal States of the Union
which were submitted is the Senate as S. 3. 252, 253, 254, 255 and
276 in the Twenty-fourth Legislature and were acted upon favorably
in the Senate bat were lost In the last :..inute rush of business
in the House ifting Committee.
adopted by tt Board of Co:eniss ons s of Salt Lake City
Utah this day of i,.,.A.,•4 1'P41.
ity ecorder