5 of 1945 - A resolution vacating certain portion of dedicated area in Lee Charles Miller Park as a part of said I �I Resolution No. By Ft00..: .e.da8&u ccwrunox.f Vacating certain portion 1 `! of dedicated area in Lee Charlq' !! Miller Park as a part of said ii park. Premed 10 the Boyd of Coototioliners AND PASSED I, • MAY 2919$ f • rat# a5/4 wr 11 i, • Ii _ j f4f li • i r�! ,P1N1 1045 \''buourded. at aet 0 441414"-- • 9,t/1 . 1/4FA.--C.„ cortialia1. TAutil. Rectorder 3.L.County, Prilifttid itkite kW of Commissiones ti ANO pAsegwy, Del)• rage/7 p,f 4.go- # MAY 29 1945 h LLLUTIO N. 144461* delf*A= emplamMas VIHEBLAS, on theth hOi nay oe nay, 19:35, th. huarc connisci3hers of alt Lane city cedicated anC set aside as a ;:ftiefic park a certain tract of ianC, to De d_ottn and cesighatec as the Charies 1-'ark; and 7T.ffh_LAL, It riot avpears to so for the best lhtorebts of ,,eit LaL:e City aria the inhabitants thereof that a certain portion of the dedicated area oe 'vacated a. a ,a.rt es sale oar . NJ', TB:L:1E131th, Bf 11 1-c,631.1iLD that saiu reshLution of creatine; toe nilibr 1',arh he vacated 4S ,o tne L'offing h.:scriber, portion t _croof, to-tit: Ca.i...encing at a 20iO4: 46.9 feet North of the touth- vest corner of Lot 7, Liocf a9, lve Lore fiat "C", hig ieo Lurvey, and running thence North 89° 57t 20n f.ast 14.86 feet; thence North 68° u9t 15n Last 161.56 feet; thence North 88° '351 57n East 1:36. 3 foot; thence North 75° 251 30T1 Last 261.Ji feet; thence North 49° 271 '43n l'4.0 feet 51010 or ie.s to the Last lire of said Lot 7; thence North along the Last line of Lots 7 and 8 of said :lock one flat to tne Northeast corner of Lot 8; thence Vest 759 feet, Alore or fess, to tne Noftnwest corner of said Lot 8; thence Louth Il feet; thence ;,ast 159 thence Louth :io8 feet, thence vest 34 fo,t, thence ,:outh 63 feet, thence Loath 58') 331 ',.ost 63 feet nor or _Leas to a point 71 eet Last of the Vest line of Lot 7; thence ant 71 feet, ..wro or less to the ' et line of Lot 7; thence oath ;o12.il feet, morn or iean to the place of beginhing. the sane is Loinued an: set aside and. dedication of the L,e (friaries nifier par?: es to the above described. portion is hereby vacated. 11, ,a by the Boar:, of Confissauhei,„..).s of 6a.t. ,aae _Lt./ tnis 2 ± cay of LRY '7.12ger2-.t/' 4...j • Lity 1-,acorder. t teal Affleck I move that the resolution be adopted. Matheson V r I Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . RESOLUTION Result WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of May, 1935, the Boaru Commissioners of Salt Lake City dedicated and set aside as u ruo-�� park a certain tract of land to be G._own and designated as Lee Charles Miller Park; and WHEREAS, it now appears to be for the best interests of Salt Lake City and the inhabitants thereof that a certain portion of the dedicated area be vacated as a part ci said park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said resolution of May 22, 1935, creating the Lee Charles Miller Park be vacated as to the following described portion thereof, to-wit: Commencing at a point 48.9 feet North of the :.uth- west corner of Lot 7, Bloc: 29, Five Acre Plat ITCH, Lig Field Survey, and running tnence North 89° 571 20u East 124.86 feet; thence North 68° 091 1511 East 161.56 feet; thence North 88° 051 5711 East 136.23 feet; thence North 75° 251 30u East 261.01 feet; thence North 49° 271 2011 East 120 feet more or less to the East line of said Lot 7; thence North along the East line of Lots 7 and 8 of said Block and Plat to the Northeast corner of Lot 8; thence West 759 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said Lot 8; thence South 12 feet; thence East 159 feet, thence South 208 feet, thence Vilest 34 feet, thence South 60 feet, thence South 58' 301 West 63 feet more or less to a point 71 feet East of the west line o1 Lot 7; thence West 71 feet, more or less to the West line of Lot 7; thence South 212.11 feet, more or less to the place of beginning. and the same is hereby rescinded and set aside and dedication Lee Charles Diller Park as to the above described portion is'hereb5 vacated. Passed by the Board of Commissioner of S Lake City, Utah, this 29th day of May , May City Recorder.