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5 of 1949 - A resolution authorizing appropriations for the support of the City Government of Salt Lake City for
r, ` Resolution No._ . Earl J. Glade 7 1 By COMMISSIONER r , A.izthorizing appropriations for ' the support of the City Govern ment of Salt Lake City for the I year 1950. 4 Promote to the Board of Commieeioners AND PASSMD DEC 291949 gromei-75/04 .. ' . ,, .. att,tacoiti,m, ,. , . . . .,,„ . . . . . , . . , , , . , . . . . , • • AIM Form 102 200 1.16 • ROLL• CALL • VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, 194 Affleck I move that the resolution be adopted. DE PEi Matheson . . . . Romney . . Lingen£elterjrxdolcv Mr.Chairman . . RESO TION Result ri A RESOLUTION NIXING 2PPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT CIF THE CITY GOVER=T FOR THE YEAR 1950. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the City Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the govern- ment of Salt Lake City, for the calendar year ending December 31st, 1950, said appropriations being made to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the following budget, which is hereby approved. ,ESTIMATED BUDGET BASED ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION $187,897,877.00 at 97% COLLECTION EQUALS 182,260,941.00 TOTAL MILL LEVY 18 1/2 3,372,827.00 LIBRARY 1 M • 182,260.00 19 0 1950 ESTIMATED REVENUE GENERAL TAXESt Prior Years 90,000.00 Current Year 3,372,827.00 Business License 320,000.00 Business Tax 130,::00.00 Non-Business Licenses 110,000.00 Fines-Forfeitures 220,000.00 Rents-Concessions 50,000.00 Departmental r'ees-Charges 135,c00.00 Earnings General Departments 135,000.00 Earnings of Water Department 1,600,000.00 Class "C" Road 317,500.00 Airport No. 1 156,721.00 Parking Meter, 200,000.00 Excess Revenue-48" Line 315,823.00 Utah State Liquor Fund 272,454.00 Watermain Extensions 300,000.00 Street Replacements 100,000.00 Total Estimated Revenue $7,825,325.00 BUDGET EXPENDITURES Auditor 53,175.00 Putlio Affairs and Finance 398,022.00 Public Safety 1,939,670.00 Parks and Public Property 645,413.00 STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Engineers 288,645.00 Streets 806,189.00 1,094,834.00 Water Supply and Aaterworks 550,520.00 Total Departmental Expenditures $4,681,634.00 STATUTORY AND GENERAL Operations 810,490.00 Bond Retirement and Sinking Fund 264,750.00 Bond Interest 137,657.00 Class "C" Road Fund 317,500.00 Airport No. 1 156,721.00 Total $1,687,118.00 CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Auditor 600.00 Finance 15,010.00 Public Safety 106,640.00 Parks Department 82,506.00 Engineers 61,000.00 Street Department 56,600.00 Water Department 444,500.00 Water Department-48, datermain 190,540.00 STATUTORY AND GENERAL• Building 15,500.00 General 57,750.00 73,250.00 Total Capital Investments $1,030,546.00 REVENUE TRANSFER ACCOUNTS Watermain Extensions 300,000.00 Street Replacements and Cuts 100,000.00 $ 400,000.00 Unappropriated Surplus 26,027.00 Total Expenditures 17,825,325.00 A IT0$'3 DIPAAT103It Mdlytt"aa_. 1 Await* Ie. Mama et daaaunt *mast ArI Iaparrisien _ 0 0.100.00 k+3 Seilasi.s-0ttiee 34,260.00 I 46,460.00 3�1 OtWU * 3uppliss 0 3,600.00 1-30 14taseilaneaua 76.00 Sal Is-pairs Catalyst** 1,400.00 3.4 C1asala6 and aaooertta` S00.00 1-4 Amite 41lawmee 1,440.00 T-id Trataliu4 3spanse 500.00 40 5rrd»rahip and Satiseriptiona 100.00 6,T16.00 0i3,178.00 6sisris41 046,460.00 Opsratisna 6,T16.00 468.314.00 CAPITAL SCPCSDITURBS Budpii xe. 147r3 6alaulattn6 Machine I 600,00 . . . . • • , ' • . , . . . . . . . . . • . ' ' : i'i,.i'.1:11.tia. 01' Wa..IL: ..i ii,l,iL, ,,Iii., ii INANCic 1 9 5 0 BudGet Mayor-Cormeicsioner'e Office Budget No. 2 acct. No. Name of ;,coount amount k.. 1 salary - hayor-Commissioner 46.000.00 .. 2 a1rtat - Office 'Employees 9,180.00 i- 48 6alary - 6000y. Civil Berrie' ;. .160.00. 417,340.00 13- 1 Office expense 175.00 13- 2 Frintini. 150.00 3- 3 Iostege 125.00 13- 12 Gamoline and Oil 1,000.00 b- 13 Tires 75.00 B- 19 Wiscellaneous 350.00 i- 1 Lepairs - Furniture & Fixtures 50.00 Y-- 4 Cleanine, end Renovatin8 500.0C ::- 6 hepcirs to i.utcmoulle 500.00 L... 11 heirs to tires 25.00 F- 24 Travel bxpense 50.00 F- 39 bubscriptiona 100.00 3.100.00 20,440.00 Bureau of 1,:eohnnic41 Inspection udget No. 3 ,>- 2 L.elariea - Office 'employees 4.710.00 -11 balariee - Insectors 33.750.00 38,460.00 b- 1 Office Lxpen6e 135.00 b- 2 .Printing 500.00 il- 3 Fostage 35.00 j2:- 1 1epeire to Furniture & Fixtures 50.00 E.- 4 Cleaning and 'Aenovuting 3o0.00 F-24 Travel 'xponse .3o0.00 e- 4 eutomiedile Allowances 4,620.00 F-39 1.41bsoriptions 200.00 6.140.00 444,600.00 ' ••. , • Legal Departs:ant budget O. 5 2 Cialarise Orrioe Employees 47,830.00 A-15 6alaries - Attorney & Acsietante 19.200.00 427,030.00 B. 1 Mice Expenne 175.00 b- 2 krinting 125.00 B. 3 footage 25.00 B-18 LOW books 1,000.00 AL- 1 Repairs, Furniture & Fixtures 50.00 E- 4 Cleani:41 and Renovating 400.00 1-24 Travel ".ii'xpelr.e 500.00 F- 9 Court Gaeta 100.00 F-39 Wemberahlps 225.00 2 600 00 ) • 429,630.00 Lioense Department udget No. 6 1 ilary ,asetaor 3,720.00 2 i.ALlary - Clerk 2,340.0C A.11 Oalaries - Inspectors 5.760.00 411.820.00 B. 1 Orris. Expense 175.00 B. 2 Printing 400.00 B. 3 l'ostage 500.00 B-29 Tags and klatos 1,500.00 Y- 4 Automobile .11owanses 1,332.00 1-24 Travel Expense 50.00 3.957.00 413.777.00 business License Budget 6-1 A- 2 6alary - Clerk 2,340. 0 b-19 Misuellaneous Lxpense 500.00 42,840.00 urobasing Department Budget No. 7 1 Salary - Atrohasini,; Agent 3,840.00 .. 2 6alaries - Office Employees 13.800.00 417.640.00 b- 1 Office Expense 125.00 b- 2 minting 100.00 4 Cleaning and Nenovating 300.00 . •. , . •• . . kurchasind Cepartment oont'd budget No. 7 forward 525.00 17,640.00 F- 4 Automobile Allowances 4840.00 F-24 Travel 'ampenke 350.00 F-39 Eemberhips 450.00 2,165.00 19,805.00 hecorder'a Lepartmect budget No. 8 • 1 0elry - hecordar 0,600.0 Eisieries - Office amployees 10.950.00 14,050.00 B- 1 Office Nmpense 900.00 b- 2 krintin 1,000.00 3 kostage 700.00 • 4 Cleaning and Lenovuting 350.00 7-24 Travel txpense 350.00 F-39 Liubscriptions,Membership 50.00 2450,00 17000.00 vii Court Budget No. 9 • 2 Eielaries - Office Employees 414.760.00 414,760.00 B- 1 Office impense 550.00 li- 2 krintin 1,500.00 B- 3 Mstage 10.00 L- 1 Furniture Nepaire 50.00 -11- 4 Cleanind and henovatImd 150.00 2,.260.00 i17,820.00 Criminal 0ourt Budget No. 10 .4- 2 balcrisa - Office 'imployees 410.140.00 •40,140.00 B- 1 Office Eapence 400.0C B- 2 600.00 B- ) 1-ostage 125.00 1.125.00 411,265.00 . . •• • • • Oemetery 4partment budget o. 11 :,- 1 bairy - bexton c2,910.00 A- 2 LIclarier, - Office T,Inployess 4.560.00 .,;; 7,470.00 2.- 3 Salaries - Ground 94,815.00 A-12 bularies atohmbn 2,490.00 -16 balsrie - Truck Drivers 9'960.00 -21 balerles - Floriets 5.460.00 112.725.00 i120,195.00 b- 1 Office bxpenre 275.00 b- 2 Office '.xpenm$ 250.GO b.. 3 iostge 100.00 13- 4 fuel 800.00 0-12 U i1 3,000.c.0 b-13 Tires and l'ube2 1,000.00 13-19 iAscellansous Expenr.e 500.00 b-25 Greenhouse L'upplies 275.00 13-26 Trees, :aunts, Oseds 3,000.00 b- 1 LepairE to Grounds 2000.00 A- 2 epairs to buildings 2,000.00 b- 5 lisp-sirs to c4reets 2,000.00 • 2 Lepeirs to .12:4uipment 3,500.01; 4 0104ning and helloveitin6 150.00 • 6 Impairs to kotoMotor 6(iuipment 1'800.00 L-11 'fire epaire 150.00 Y-37 Linen Lervice 45.00 F.39 bubseriptlons 60.00 21.403.00 4141.60Z.00 Treasurer's Department budget 140. 12 1 Lulary - Treesurer 5,100.00 2 Lularies - ()trice iLtipluyees 17.400.00 ;r22,500.00 b- 1 ()mos ba.pbnue 800.00 b- 2 1-Tinting 500.00 13- 3 i'oEtace 250.00 • 1 Repair to 1,', uipment 20C.00 1- 4 GleanIng and kenovcttng 300.00 ie-39 Subscriptions 75.00 2.125.00 24.625.00 ,o-„z Tax - 1,11c,et No. 1-j, i2 11tion ri1-Arpow:C 41).000.(4, 1 COO.CO 1,ep,.a.t14ent hut No. 14 ,=-11 ; tipervior e Uo11ectorb v15,030.00 415,030.00 ...JA1(03t No. 1) 1 - Lonir.,; ineer - uffice ;Jriployees 6,Ot".0 00 41,100.00 b- 1 Ltfice pen 1,000.00 b- 2 b- 3 ;- I dvortitin 5C .Co .- 4 6ourd of ..dju!tmcnt ItL(0.(c ).4.70.00 0-4.570.0C raffia Tiek€.t uffice Luelet . 16 - office ma9�® v7h110. L- 1 4fict5 i,AperiJ.e 110.00 I,- 2 L- ) )(0.00 610.QC 77,920.(4 UrtAnd Totta 098,022.00 .-unmary ;. 61rieL ,330,01?.Clo uperetions 68,007.00 ,.'398,022.00 • • • . . . . :;epartment or iublis Lrfaira and Fint,nee 1 9 5 0 4eapital investment ount 147-3 147-3-2 Le6a1 Department ,935.00 147-3-4 ,arahavin•: Department 25.00 147-3-5 i-,ecorderor Department 270.00 147-3-6 Criminal court 525.00 147-3-7 Cemetery 10,500.0U 147-3-8, Treziaurar's Department 1,010.00 17-3-9 Do6 'Dax, Department 800.00 147-3-14 Dayar' 275.00 147-3-11 kAvil our. 485.00 147-3-12 rkin ; eter Depertment 270.00 147-3-16 L. . I. Department 105.00 Lioenee Department 135.00 147-3-19 i'lannint; an6 ,.on1n4; 21>.00 415,810.00 • DEPa*.'Pt :.:4 OF PUBLIC ::AF:-.TY BUa -_? .._a'.:I'.t,,M •:a as 1, IRk Y:.AR 1950 c)`: 4 : Ii'M R';i OFF'ICL. Bus-et No. 20 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-T-- CcmmissionerIn 5a.lary i 5,000.00 A-2 Socre'.ary, clerks, 'tanoraphere 29,427.60 A-11 Inspector 2,700.00 ! 37,127.60 B-1 "3fice Sullies 250.00 B-2 Pr kiting 450.00 B-3 ostage 400.00 N-1 apsirs to Furniture and Fixtures 300.U0 F-4 Automobile Allovaace 620.00 F-24 Traveling :rxpenae 600.00 F-39 Me bereips and Subscriptions 100.00 2,720.00 total 39,847.60 Pu IC Al TY 3 TcnINO budget No. 23 Acct. No. :tame of Account Amount A-1 Gudgat Director 3,720.00 A-2 Stenographers and Clerks 4,470.00 A-12 Bldg. Szpt.,.ngineers, and Janitors 22,730.00 A-17 Mechanics 32,633.88 A-36 Telephone Operators 10,360.40 A-40 Sealer of Weights and Measures 3,150.00 A-41 !sat. :^acii rs of Weights and Measures 5,560.30 82,644.28 B-1 Office Su7plie.e 175.00 3-2 Printing 150.00 B-3 Postage 25.00 B-4 Fuel 5,500.00 B-12 Uaso:,ine and nil 400.00 B-13 Tires and 'Tub"s 150.00 B-1S Jaui;,or's Supplies 9e5.00 B-19 Miscellaneous S.:pplias 50.00 8-24 Light Glob 100.00 D-2 repairs to !3uildin a 6,500.00 D-3 ie:,aire to Plumbing and Rating 800.00 F-1 Repairs to Furniture and Fixtures 75.00 E-2 Repairs to Tools and Macninery 950.00 E-6 Repairs to .motor Vehicles 350.00 F-4 Automobile Allowance 300.00 F-7 ent, Public Safety Garage 3,750.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 300.00 20,500.00 Total 103,144.28 CITY $• Bud'et No. 24 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-1 Supervision 2,t1 0.JO t 2,400.00 B-2 Printing 320.00 B-4 Fuel 75.00 D-2 f,zpairs to $,ilding 130.00 -2 de,airs to T.ols and Vac.inery 100.J0 F-37 Laundry 15.30 610.00 Dotal . 3,010.00 F1:5: AfPahl'r;44T Bu i et 'io. 25 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-1 S,;,.:rvision 5,17:00 A-6 Asst. Chiefs, Cants., Lts., tc. 133,820.30 A-13 Firemen 477,858.38 A-17 Mechanics 18,600.00 4-31 Alarm "';upator an J ;•.1<<trlcians 21,540.0J 656,918.38 I3-i Office S.P,Lias 775.00 B-2 Printing 1,230.00 B-3 Posta,;e 75.J0 0-4 Fuel 6,950.00 B-11 Motor ►ea.icle Acce sories 775.00 o-12 0acoline and Oil 4,930.00 S-13 Tires and Tubes 2,630.00 B-15 Janitor'. supplies 1,850.00 B-17 Malice-1. supplies 575.00 8-19 Miscellaneous Ju,r.}lies 1,000.00 B-21 Bedding 750.00 B-24 Light 3i'b s 225.00 B-31 Fire Prevtntion Sup;lioe 750.00 B-32 Chemicals 450.00 i3-34 Flashlight Globes 35.00 B-35 Flashlight Batteries 225.00 Fs-37 bec nose 7,200.00 lb-4i Photo Su :1i:s 150.00 B-43 Fire Fi Ming .quinmuat, ''tc. 2,750.00 0-1 'ctarial a:ri Repairs to Gr:,unds 500.00 1)-2 :;airs to o.41d`..n:x. 5,730.00 D-3 Sepair's to P1u;nbing aui FF..::ating 950.'J3 -1 'repairs to curcclt,re and Fixtures 550.00 -2 cpeire to Pools cmd '.achi=..ery 75000 -3 epairs to Instrose:is anc Apparl';..s 0,5J0.30 -6 Reoai!s to ''otor Vehicles 4,350.00 =-15 ciepairs to Uo:;e 250.30 F-214 Travail xlk.ne;e 350.10 e.=1 Linen 3,70000 r'-39 ,a">,rsr.los a:d Suh=cripions 150.00 59,465.03 Total t 716,403.38 Pn rC" r•' rr 8u1ret No. 30 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A 1 Su,urvisson a 13,029.36 A-2 acraL.ary and Clerks 19,702.52 A-6 Capts., Lts., Sets., 35,697.08 A-7 Patrolmen 2L8,256.16 A-W P1a1nciothes 143,005.60 A-il Inspector 4,48308 omnunlcatian ,t is,;tcher 7,:J3.36 a: 472,448.06 8-i ffico Supplies 2,500.00 8-2 Printing 3,300.00 u-3 oe:age 500.00 a--12 0as,.iino and 23,030.00 n-13 Aires and 'rubes 1,000.J0 d-15 Janitor's Suppli::s 450.00 1J-19 ii:iscellaneous Supplies 500.J0 8-24 Light Glob-s 275.00 2-3L Flashii±ht Glob,a 175.00 B-35 flashlight Pa:teries 400.00 8-36 Cortridges 650.00 8-40 Moto Sao Ili 1,800.00 1-1 ?epairs to Fur:.ituru and •ixtures 400.00 -3 Pepairs to Instruments and Apparatus 500.00 hepai_rs to ''otor Vehicles 11,000.00 Repairs to Guns, ,:labs, atc. 9.-0.00 1-11 ilepairs to Pares and Tubes 1,1400.00 -18 T:xrg...t Range 200.00 6-19 eaio f.quipment 4,500.00 F-4 Automobile Allowance 900.00 F-7 F.ent 909.60 F-8 An;,ulai ce Contract 75.00 F-24 Tr.<iveling ixuense 500.00 'r-25 Obtaining ;:vid:.nce 1,500.J0 F-37 Laundry and Linen 2,2)0.00 F-32 Memberrs;.i,s ail Subsc:r9,ationa 75.00 59,60).60 Total € 532,057.66 TF::'Fr'IC Budget ?b). 33 ' Met. No. Name of Account Amount Cants., L',s., ';rts. 14,361.60 A-7 Patrolmen 189,754.52 A-d nlai.nclotses.-+en 3,379.20 207,495.32 8-2 Printing 3,000.00 B-12 dasoline aad Oil 14,300.00 B-13 axes and Tubes 1,200.00 8-29 uicycle Unease Plates 500.00 8-39 Traffic Paint 12,000.00 r-6 Pamirs to Motor Vehicles 6000.00 ::-10 signs and Signals 7,000.00 -16 e.x i.s to nsotorcfcles 1,600.00 -17 ,i;-na1 Phones 350.00 F-24 Traveling txpense 300.00 F-55 Safety Coanc it 1,500.00 47,450.00 Total 254,945.32 JAIr. audget 'to. 35 Acct. No. ;dame of Account Amount A-7— Lieutena t 3,334.12 A-7 Patrolmen 18,105.08 A-lb atron 2,566.8n « 24,506.00 8-9 Clotring for Prisonrrs 500.00 B-21 .. e-.d'ng 500.00 0-42 Jail Sug:dl,:s 1,5)0.30 ---2 Tpairs to Buildings 750.J0 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing and Ncatiag 400.4 F-11 Meals to 'risoners 22zil0.00 26 1150.00 Total 50,656.00 Salaries 704,449.38 '?:aerations 133,209.60 `Dotal 837,658.28 II T l3u i:et No. 40 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-1 Su;ervis;on W 5,I3.�00 A-2 Clerk, 18,2d0.00 A-10 Nurses 56,850.00 A-11 Inspectors 5,160.00 85,390.00 3-1 Office i inpl ies 900..4 0-2 Fri.ntLi2 2,800.00 0-3 r°o€+tags 500.00 !s-1{ k ae1 100.00 n-12 Gasoline ani Oil 2,600. 0 S-13 Tires and tubes 350.00 is-15 Janitor's Sceptics 630.00 e-17 `c:9lcal auppiies 6,500.00 B-19 ','•iscella:eous 1,7:4.00 b-2l cir,ht globes 60.00 -1 repairs to i'urniture a.d n ixtures 250.00 repairs to Instrum,nts said. Apparatus 250.00 ;a1rs t> Motor Vohicles 1,100.00 F-4 Automobile Allowance 6,570.00 F-24 traveling Pacpense 450.00 r-37 caudry ana Linen 1,2)0.0) F-31 Memberc hi is and Subscri, tions 250.00 -45 Venereal clinic 2,500.00 29,480.00 Total " 114,870.00 3u3aret No. 45 Acct. .dame of Account Amount No. A-r Snpervision 3,5770.03 A-30 Assistant 2,790.00 6,360.30 H-27 Laboratory Supp.ii.s 1,050.00 1,050.00 Total , 7,410.00 N ..JCY B NP:."AL Buia;tt No. 46 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount 1:1-- crvision y 3, 90.00 A-10 Nurse 2,74.00 6,090.00 -17 die,1ca1 `u.plies L65.�4 e-4 Automobile Allos:ance 420.00 885.00 otal 6,%75.00 • • Hud7at 47 4cct. No. :;a-;o of Account Amount a-I- 4 orviai.on 3,4 0.00 A-2 larks • 2,%58.96 A-11 Ls.en tors 54,427.40 61,316.36 F-24 rravalin; •x,e_,se 650.J0 J;,O.JO total 62,16L.36 Ii.K .`IviSI^N Bud ct •ao. 48 Acct. 44o. N-me of Account Amount -1 r erviaion 3,330.00 A-2 irks 4,020.00 A-11 Insl::ec tors 25,110.00 32,460.00 3-1 '?ffics ,>u .'lioe 400.00 8-2 rri:xtinh 1,125.00 S-3 ,ost-ge 3J0.OJ -12 cline anA Oil 2,1100.00 n-13 liras and ru ea 730.00 i-2a alr� s ^tin^ S,pplies 703.00 -1 o ins to Fu:ni lure and Fixture:, 50.00 -6 iRepai re to 'iotor 'ro.icles 850.:oO F-24 Frsvelin; case 2,500.00 F-31 )ember^hits a:d `.:;,scr;.i.Liona 75.40 450.:,0 Total ; 41,710.00 CiHj+a r hi'i;r AB Budget to. 49 Acct. No. tame of Account Amount 7=17 Ja:A':.or's `salaries ,: 4:1+44.40 4,40.4o -4 <,nal 275.o? -15 Ja-litoPs 300.00 a-3 .:;,airs to Plu-bin:c and H attng 500.00 -2 ;repair' to u.:ildin;:s 750.00 1,c"ir_5.00 total 6,27i4.40 Salaries 1o6,065.76 ?;orations 43 50.0i Total 239,,105.76 • • — „ 8;_,Ic ., F. f.alaries 1,679,605.40 Operations 260,06i.60 Total Operating budget 1,a37,2670.00 CA'ITAL INV 'T Eudgit o. 1h7-4 Fire Department 1 ziy fraelic Lift Track for signal division t 7,000.00 1 L.Ton Service Truck 1,500.00 12 .One—hour "errand Tyfl Air ;'..;;ke 2,04300 10 FM ra iios com lut.uiy e,as ed to make ;;ea' ir.quency change 4,500.00 1 Auto obile replacement 1,200.00 1 Multigraph -achine el 50 600.00 16,340.00 olice ';epnrtment New auto otr.ies ai* golacc ents 35,000.00 Ne: Pltrol "'a>:on 3,330.00 Neer ;-ctorcycles and re, 1acements 1,6 0.00 A:nbala:ice Units 3 r-;lacum:;n,e and 1 new a:::ulance 13,0d0.00 Radio eg4,roent nec-:ss,ry 'n making new frequency cnan,-e 12,500.00 ;dev. ;.,rrainal h.dlding x'or the tranamitting plant located at 132h o. 3rd ;t 5,000.00 target .a.:;:e Contaact 1,500.0O Office and pt,oto>ra,4%ic e.t:,icoent Police '.%ara;re equipment 2,J00.00 73,400.00 Health fe:-artme:-t and Commissioner's Office 'nets nc::o obilea, r_;-lacementa .1.c.1 cet.lanu•)us items 14,000.00 "fiice .d::ment 1,000.00 15,000.00 uvular of .ci. as ,t.ed =ea;;ur:. 1 Auto.;obile r . .ace.r.,:nt 1,400.00 1,400.00 Total Capital Investments 10 h0.00 Grant Total $. 2,046,310.00 • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY CONNISSIONER.S OFFICE • BUDGET #60 Ad Supervision 8,720.00 A-a Office salaries 17,248.00 A-55 Lighting Superintendent 3,150.00 Sub Total 29,118.00 B-1 Office Supplies 900.00 B-2 Printing 400.00 9-3 Postage 300.00 E 1 Repairs Equipment 75.00 F-4 Auto Expense 1,680.00 P-18 Advertising 100.00 F-24 Travel 1,500.00 F-39 Subscriptions 75.00 Sub Total 5,030.00 Grand Total $34,148.00 SHADE TREE DEPARTMENT B(D0ET #61 A-1 Supervision 5,640.00 A-3 wages, Maintenance Ground 16,495.00 Sub Total 22y135.00 B-1 Office Supplies 10.00 8-.2 Printing 125.00 B 3 Postage 10.00 15-12 Osseline & Oil 500.30 1-1.3 Tires and Tubes 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B-26 Nursery Stock 500.00 B--27 Chemicals 50.00 D-2 Repair Buildings 75.00 B-2 Repair Tools 250.00 B-6 Repair Trucks 300.00 F-4 Auto Expense 420.00 F-39 Subscriptions 25.00 Sub Total 24065.00 Grand Total . $25,000.00 1! . . RECREATION BUDGET #62 A-1 Supervision 7,740.00 A-2 Office Salary 2,940.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Ground 10,188.00 A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 18,100.00 Sub Total 38,968.00 8-1 Office Supplies 350.00 42 Printing 350.00 8-3 Postage 75.00 8-17 Medical and Surgical Supplies 200.00 8-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 8-30 Recreation Supplies 8,500.00 0-2 Material Repair Buildings 300.00 8-2 Repair Tools and Machinery 2,200.00 F-4 Car Expense 840.00 F-8 Rental Equipment 200.00 F-24 Travel 250.00 F-86 Pageants and Festivals 2,000.00 F-27 Adult Ameture Athletics 250.00 1A-28 Telegrams 10.00 F--39 Subscriptions 200.00 sub Total 15,825.00 Grand Total $54,793.00 WASATCH SPRINGS BUDGET #63 A-1. supervision 6,090.00 A-2 Salaries, Caihiere 3,760.00 A-4 Salaries, Engineers and Assts. 4,800.00 A-12 Salaries, Watchman 8,486.03 A-14 Salaries, Matrons 4,805.00 A-20 Salaries, Lifeguards 4,985.00 A-22 Salaries, Laborers 9,507.00 Sub Total 42,431.00 B-1 Office Supplies 25.00 8-2 Printing 100.00 4.3 Postage 15.00 8-4 Fuel 5,000.00 B-14 Engine Room Supplies 100.00 8-15 Janitor Supplies 1,050.00 B.19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,200.00 4.23 Bathhouse Supplies 2,200.00 8-24 Light Globes 100.00 • • • • WASATCH SPRINGS (Cont.) BUDGET #63 D 3. Material Reoair Grounds. 550.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 1,000.00 D-3 Material Repair Plumbing 500.00 E-1 Repair Furniture and Fixtures 250.00 1=2 Repair Tools and Equipment 300.00 F 1 Advertising 300.00 F•4 4uto Expense 300.00 F»37 Clean Linen 8,500.00 F-39 Subscriptions 7.00 sub Total 21,497.00 grand Total $63,928.00 CUSTODIAN BUDGET#64 A-1 Supervision 4,086.00 A-3 v"ages, Maintenance Ground 3,452.00 A.42 Wages, Janitors 22,935.00 A-36 Wages, Telephone Operator 2,280.00 Sub Total 32,753.00 1-4 Fuel 125.00 3.14 ?engine Roca Supplies 125.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 1,000.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B-24 Light Globes 500.00 3-37 New Hose 75.00 D-3 Material Repair Plumbing 300.00 B-2 Repair Tools & Machinery 125.00 E-3 Repair Instruments & Apparatus 300.00 F-33 Window Washing 300.00 F-37 Clean Linen 1,000.00 F-38 Hauling Waste Paper 150.00 Sub Total 4,200.00 Grand Total 36,953.00 • AIRPORT Ok BUDGET #66 A 3 rages, Maintenance Grounds 2,400.00 Sub Total 2,400.00 • B-5 Electric Current 900.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 200.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 75.00 B-24 Light Globes 50.00 b 1 Material Repair Grounds 550.00 F.-1 Repair Equipment 350.00 E-6 Repair Motor Vehicles 175.00 F-4 Car Expense 300.00 Sub Total 2,600.00 Grand Total $5,000.00 LIBERTY PARK BUDGET #67 A-1 Supervision 3,600.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 20,539.00 A-7 wages, Patrolmen 5,665.00 A-21 Wages, Greenhouse 20,000.00 Sub Total 49,804.00 B-4 Fuel 1,050.00 B 15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 13-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,000.00 B-24 Light Globes 150.00 8-25 Greenhouse Supplies 1,500.00 946 Trees, Plants, & Seeds 1,250.00 B-37 New Hose 300.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 1,500.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 2,000.00 F-15 Band Concerts 2,250.00 F-37 Clean Linen 50.00 Sub Total 11,150.00 Grand Total $60,954.00 ATHLETIC PARK BUDGET #68 A-1 Supervision 1,260.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Ground • 1,485.OD Sub Total 2,745.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 35.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 150.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 100.00 Sub Total 285.00 Grand Total $3,030.00 FAIRMONT PARK BUD(F'T #69 A 1 Supervision 2,600.00 A-3 adages, Maintenance Ground 4,500.00 Flub Total 7,100.00 B-4 Fuel 120.00 B19 Miscellaneous Supplies 73.00 B-37 New Hose 75.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 400.00 D 2 Material Repair Buildings 500.00 F-37 Clean Linen 30.00 Sub Total 1,200.00 Grand Total A8,300.00 JORtDAN PARK BUDoET #70 A-1. Supervision 2,580.00 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 9,690.00 A-21 Wages, Greenhouse 2,580.00 Sub Total 14,850.00 B-4 Fuel 300.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B-25 Greenhouse Supplies 400.00 D1 Material Repair Grounds 5,000.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 2,000.00 F-37 Clean Linen 200.00 Sub Total 8,100.00 Grand Total 22,950.00 • • MEMORY GROVE • MIDGET #71. A 2 Supervision 2,604.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Ground ' 7,068.00 Sub Total. 9,672.00 B-4 Fuel 100.00 11-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 8-2 'Light Globes 25.00 B-37 New Hose 100.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 300.00 0-2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 Sub Total 725.00 Grand Total *10,397.00 PIONEER PARK BUDGET #72 A 2 Supervision 1,680.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Ground .00 Sub Total 1,680.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 10.00 8-37 New Hose 10.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 50.00 D.2 Material Repair Buildings 50.00 Sub Total 120.00 Grand Total 41,800.00 RIVERSIDE PARK BUDGET #o73 A-a. Supervision 2,560.00 43 Wages, Maintenance Ground .00 Sub Total 2,560.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 25.00 3--37 New Hese 75.00 it 1 Material Repair Grounds 200.00 D-,2 Material Repair Buildings 140.00 Sub Total 440.00 Grand Total $3,000.00 • THIRTEENTH EAST RESERVOIR PARK BUDGET #74 A-1 Supervision • 1}150.00 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Ground .00 Sub Total 1,150.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 50,00 Sub Total 50.00 Grand Total 1,200.00 LINDSAY GARDENS BUDGET #75 A.4 Supervision 1,600.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Ground .00 Sub Total 1,600.00 B-37 New Hose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 125.00 0-2 Material Repair Buildings 50.00 Sub Total 250.00 Grand Total $1,850.00 WASATCH SPRINGS BUDGET #76 A-I Supervision .00 A 3 Uages1 maintenance Grounds 335.00 Total 335.00 B-4 Fuel 90.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 25.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 50.00 Sub Total 165.00 Grand Total $500.00 30fENSON PARK BUDGET #77 A--3 Rages, Maintenance Ground 500.00 Sub Total 500.00 D-I Material Repair Grounds .00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 Sub Total 100.00 Grand Total $ 600.00 • PERKS FIELD BuR)GKT 778 Al Supervision, 2,700.00 1-3 rages, Maintenance Grounds' 1,325.00 Sub Total 4,025.00 B-4 Fuel 400.00 B49 _Miscellaneous Supplies 150.00 B•117 New Hose 75.00 D-1,, Material Repair Grounds : .300.00 Die Material Repair Buildings 150.00 Sub Total 1,075.00 Grand Total 5,100.00 F!i.iTERNTH EAST & LAIRD AVM. BUDGET #79 Al Supervision 1,500.00 Sub Total 1,500.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 !)-2 Material Repair Buildings 495.00 Sub Total _593.00, Grand Total p2,095.00 WHITE SOFTBALL PARK BUDGET Am Aa3 Wages, Maintenance Ground 605.00 Sub Total 605.00 5,24 Light Globes 25.00 8-37 New Hose 23.00 D1 Material Repair Grounds 50.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 F-8 Rental 150.00 Sub Total 350.00 Total $955.00 NTBLFT GOLF COURSE BUDGET #81 A-3 rages, Maintenance Grounds 13,955.00 A-23 rages, Golf Professional 1,920.00 Lb Total 13,875.00 • NIBLEY GOLF COURSE (Copt.) BUDGET #81 •9-9 Printing 200.00 9-4 Fuel 200.00 8-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 300.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 B37 New Hone 150.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,200.00 D-2 Mate-ial Repair Buildings 800.00 D-5 Material Repair Streets 1,000.00 Fe-1 Repair Equipment 100.00 0-2 Repair Tools and Machinery 200.00 F 1 advertising 50.00 F-24 Travel 150.00 F-37 Olean Linen 150.00 Sub Total 4,625.00 , Grand Total $20,500.00 BONNEVILLE GOLF COURSE BUDGET #82 A-3 lages, Maintenance Ground 13,355.00 A-23 Wages, Golf Professionals 1,920.00 Sub Total 15,275.00 8-2 Printing 250.00 250.00 B-4 Fuel B+15 Janitor Supplies 75.00 3-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 250.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 8-37 New Hose 150.00 8-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,600.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 2,500.00 fl-5 material Repair Streets 200.00 &-1 "epair Equipment 50.00 E1 Repair Tools & Machinery 200.00 P-1 Advertising 50.00 F-37 Clean Linen 125.00 sub Total 5,725.00, Grand Total S21,000.00 • FOREST DALE GOLF•COURSE BUDGET 023 A 1. Supervision 3,000.00 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Ground i 12,805.00 .A-23 4agee, Golf Professionals 1,920.00 Sub Total 17,725.00 1.1-2 Printing 150.00 11-4 'nd 200.00 11,-15 Janitor Supplies 50.00 8-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 B-37 New Rose 100.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 500.00 D..2 Material Repair Buildings 500.00 10.3 Material Repair Streets 50.00 164 nspair Equipment 50.00 312 Repair Tools &Machinery 20000 pl Advertising 50.00 F-37 Clean Linen 200.00 Sub Total 2,275.00 Grand Total $20,000" E'UNICIPAL ROBE GARDEN BUDGET #3L A- 1 Supervision • $ 2,310.00 A- 3 ;ages, kaintenance Grounds 220.00 Sub Total 2,560.00 D- 1 Materials, Repair Grounds 190.00 Sub Total 190.00 Grand Total $ 2,750.00 PANKINGS AND POULEVANDS BUDGET #85 A- 3 ':Pages, kaintenance Grounds 14,300.00 Sub Total 4,300.00 D- 1 Material q:epair Grounds 200.00 Sub Total 200.00 Grand Total 4,500.00 HOLE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS BUDGET #86 A- 1 Supervision 2,780.00 A- 3 ;aages, Lraintenance Grounds 7,420.00 Sub Total 10,200.00 B- !t Fuel 300.00 B-10 Forage Supplies 5,000.00 13-19 kiscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B-37 New 1,ose 50.00 D- 1 Iaterial Repair Grounds 7,000.00 D- 2 " ^ Buildings 2,500.00 D- 5 " ^ Streets 800.00 F-24 Travel 200.00 F-33 liscellaneous Expense 400.00 F-37 Clean Linen 250.00 Sub Total 17,000.00 Grand Total 27,200.00 TRACY AVIARY BUDGET #87 A- 1 Supervision $ 2,320.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds ' 6 320.00 Sub Total 9,140.00 B- 4 Fuel 300.00 B-10 Forage 5,000.00 13-19 biscellaneous supplies 150.00 D- 1 Materials, Repair Grounds 1,000.00 D- 2 It ^ Buildings 500.00 F-37 Clean Linen 35.00 Sub Total 6,985.00 Grand Total 16,125.00 TEMPORARY PLAYGROUNDS BUDGET #88 A- 3 ;iages, Maintenance Grounds 700.00 Sub Total 700.00 D- 1 Material, Repair Grounds 50.00 D- 2 v Buildings 50.00 Sub Total 100.00 Grand Total 800.00 S EMOOD PARK PU1)GET #89 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 700.00 Sub Total 700.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 465.00 D- 2 ° Buildings 21.00 Sub Total 436.00 Grand Total $1,186.00 LAKE BREEZE 'PLAYGROUND ' BUDGET #90 A- 3 Wages, laintenance Grounds • 200.00 Sub Total 200.00 D- 1 Laterial Repair Grounds 100.00 D- 2 " Buildings 300.00 Sub Total 400.00 Grand Total 600.00 C'IGA;O STREET PLAYGROUND BUDGET #92 A- 3 Wages, laintenance Grounds 500.00 Sub Total 500.00 D- 1 Eaterial Repair Grounds 50.00 D- 2 " " Buildings 50.00 Sub Total 100.00 Grand Total 600.00 ELKS PARK BUDGET #95 A- 3 Wages, i:aintenance Grounds 785.00 Sub Total 735.00 8-24 Light Globes 15.00 D 1 taterial Repair Grounds 100.00 D• 2 " " Buildings 100.00 Sub Total 215.00 Grand Total $1,000.00 • VICTORY PLAYGROUND BUDGET #96 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds ' $ 645.00 Sub Total 645.00 B- 4 Fuel 50.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies ' 50.00 8-24 Light Globes 15.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 250.00 D-.2 " e Buildings 100.00 F- 8 Rental 75.00 F-37 Clean Linen 15.00 Sub Total 555.00 Grand Total 1,200.00 • SHOP BUDGET#97 b- 1 Supervision 3,000.00 l 17 Wages, Mechanics and Helpers 16,448.00 Sub Total 19,448.00 B- 4 Fuel 400.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 6,000.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 11,700.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 800.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 D- 2 Material Repair Buildings 1,200.00 Fr 2 Repair Toole and Machinery 2,500.00 $- 6 " Motor Vehicles 5,000.00 F-37 Clean Linen 75.00 Sub Total 17.700.00 Grand Total 37,148.00 DEPARTMENTAL MAINTENANCE BUDGET #98 A- 1 Supervision $ 12,240.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 72j540.00 Sub Total 84,780.00 D. 1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 D. 2 • Buildings 200.00 F- 4 Car Expanse 1,415.00 Sub Total 1,715.00 Grand Total $86,495.00 FAIRMONP BOYS & GIRLS' CLUB BUDGET #99 h 1 Supervision 3,847.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Ground 584.00 A 12 Wages, Janitors 2,360.00 A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 3,799.00 Sub Total 10,590.00 8-+4 Fuel 200.00 8+15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 1-.19 Miscellaneous Supplies 750.00 B-24 Light Glebes 50.00 8-30 Recreation Supplies 617.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,000.00 D-,2 Material Repair Buildings 500.00 F-37 Clean Linen 75.00 Sub Total 3,292.00 Grand Total 113,882.00 KIWARISFELT BOYS' & GIRLS' CLUB BUDGET #100 A 1 Supervision 3,847.00 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Ground 584.00 A-12 usages, Janitors 2,265.00 A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders ',799.00 Sub Total 10,495.00 B-4 Fusl 400.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 850.00 8,44 Light Globes 50.00 8-30 Recreation Supplies 1,000.00 D-1. Material Repair Grounds 500.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 500.00 F 37 Clean Linen 75.00 Sub Total 3,475.00 Grand Total $13,970.00 • • JAYCEE BOYS' & GIRL3' CLUB BUDG!'T 1101 A-1 Supervision 3,847.00 A-3 wages, Maintenance Grounds 584.00 A-12 Wages, Janitors 2,390.00 A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 5,514.00 Sub Total 12,335.00 B-4 Fuel 400.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B44 Light Globes 50.00 11-30 Recreation Supplies 500.00 0+1 Material Repair Grounds 150.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 250.00 F4 Rentals 200.00 F-37 Clean Linen 75.00 Sub Total 2,325.00 Grand Total C14,660.00 ROTARY Y. M. C. A. BOYS' CLUB BUDGET #102 A-1 Supervision 1,555.00 A 9 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 200.00 A-12 Wages, Janitors 1,000.00 A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 935.00 9ub Total 3,690.00 B-4 Fuel 300.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 11-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B024 Light Globes 50.00 B-30 Recreation Supplies 100.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 150.00 0.+2 Material Repair Buildings 150.00 F-37 Clean Linen 60.00 Sub Total 1,110.00 Grand Total $4,900.00 • ELKS BOYS' & GIRLS' CLUB BUDGET #103 • A- 1 Supervision 3,750,00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Ground 540.00 A-12 Wages, Janitors 2,250.00 A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 4,579.00 Sub Total 11,119.00 B- 4 Fuel 500.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 150.00 B-19 kiscellaneous Supplies 1,000.00 B-24 Light Globes 75.00 B-30 Recreation Supplies 250.00 D- 1 Material Repair Ground 250.00 D- 2 Material Repair Buildings 1,000.00 F-37 'Clean Linen 75.00 F-39 Subscriptions 25.00 Sub Total 3,325.00 Grand Total $ 14,444.00 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $645,413.00 SUMMARY Salaries $496,993.00 Operations .00 9' CAPITAL INVESTMENTS BUDGET #147-5 14744 Liberty Park 6,000.00 B Fairmont Park 27,300.00 C Memory Grove 2,000.00 D RiversiMs Park 10,400.00 E Eighteenth East & Laird Ave. 2,000.00 F Nibley Golf Genres 5,385.40 G Forest Dale Golf Course 800.00 H Bogle 7,00logieal Gardens 8,000.00 I Tracy Aviary 3,000.00 J Shop Equipment 17,421.00 $32,506.0 w • • • DBPARTM RT OF 3TR STB AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS k NOIN3 HIN3 DEPARTMENT BUDOET 150. 180 Asot. 120-A 1 Administration 20,360.00 2 Office, Stenos. 15,650.00 11 Inspeotors 21,000.00 lb Maginesrs 160,380.00 32 6exersen 34,500.00 30 tuspmsn 14,735.00 39a Remington Pump Plant 5,000.00 Totals ;870,615.90 Materials B 1 Office 2,000.00 2 Printing 1,750.00 3 Postage 40.00 4 Fuel 500.00 12 Gas, Oil 25.00 13 Tires, Batteries 500.00 19 Meld 2,000.00 10a Sewer 2,500.00 87- Laboratory 1.200.00 8Tpairs 3 1 Fixture 230.00 8 2quipment 600.00 3 Instrument 200.00 4 Ottioe 1,165.00 6 Vahiole 1,500.00 Serrioss r 4 Auto Allowanos 3,500.00 94 ?meal 300.00 39 Memberships 80000 1$,Q4Q.0Q Totals _ 888,646.00 SUMMARY Salaries 270,615.00 Operations 18.030.00 288,645.00 • Page-2. Capital Investments 147-8—\ A 1 New Equipment 4,000.00 2 Street Signs 10,000.00 8 Furniture, Fixtures 1,000.00 4 Blueprint Uaehine 4,000.00 6 Remodel Office 2,000.00 6 Storm Sewer 40.000.00 Totals $ 61,000.00 • • • ,4• DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS MAIN OFFICE Budget No. 121 !! i-A-1 Commissioner and Supervisors 13,340.00 A-2 Clerks 7,410.00 20,750.00 B-1 Office Supplies 150.00 B-2 Printing 100.00 B-3 Postage 10.00 E-1 Repairs Furniture and Fixtures 100.00 E-4 Cleaning and Renovating 250.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 300.00 F-39 Memberships and Subscriptions 50.00 960.00 Total 21,710.00 SHOPS ,.22-A-1 Supervision Budget No. 122 12,960.00 A-2 Clerks 5,880,00 A-2-1 Stock Room 5,220.00 A-4 Asphalt Plant 13,440.00 A-12 Watchmen 4,740.00 A-17 Mechanics 45,96o.00 A-17-1 Blacksmiths 11,100.00 A-17-2 Welders 8,730.00 A-22 Utility Men and Laborers 19,050.00 127,080.00 Office Supplies 250.00 B-2 Printing 250.00 B-4 Fuel 11,000.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 40,000.00 b-13 Tires and Tubes 8,000.00 B-14 Engine Room Supplies 1,000.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B-17 Medical Supplies 20.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 11,000.00 B-24 Electric Light Globes 50.00 E-2 Repairs Tools 1,000.00 E-3 Repairs Instruments 50.00 E-6 Repairs Motor Vehicles 30,000.00 E-11 Repairs Tires and Tubes 1,500.00 F-37 Lineh Service 200.00 104,420.00 Total 231,500.00 • STREETS AND BOT,LE;ABDS J4-A-1 Supervision Budget No. 123 20,880.00 A-11 Inspectors Replacement A-16 Motor Vehicle Drivers 130,250.00 A-19 White Wings 50,220.00 A-22 Utility Men 76,400.00 A-22 Laborers 19,695.40 297,445.40 D-2 Asphalt Plant 5,000.00 D-4 Flumes and Bridges 2,000.00 D-5 Material Maintenance 34,167.00 E-2 Repairs Tools 1,000.00 E-2-1 Warm Springs Plant 750.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 F-37 Linen Service 10.00 43,347.00 Total 340,792.40 SANITARY DIVISION Budget No. 124 1 Supervision 6,180.00 16 Truck Drivers 131,289.60 -17 Mechanical Labor Pro-rate IRRIGATION 137,469.60 Budget No. 125 154-22 Supervision and Watermasters 12,780.00 12,780.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 420.00 Total 13,200.00 POWER AND HEATING budget No. 126 106.-A-1 Supervision 4,500,00 A-2 Clerks 6,468.00 A-11 Inspectors 20,904.00 31,872.00 B-1 Office Supplies 400.00 b-2 Printing 500.00 B-3 Postage 150.00 B-4 Fuel 100.00 E-2 Repairs Tools 400,00 F-4 Car Allowances 2,940.00 F-33 Examining Board 90.00 F-37 Linen Service 15.00 4,595.00 Total 36,467.00 X Suct mipatitii axailx xaec4cgligti :haliamxx CITY Dud? Budget No. 128 128-A-1 Supervision 3,030.00 A-3 Maintenance 16,800.00 A-16 Truck Drivers and Helpers 4,800.00 24,630.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 420.00 Total 25,050.00 SUMMARY Salaries 652,027.00 Operation 154 162.00 806,189.00 CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 147 - 6—i\r OtAitKIXIAtiatlidtaX Acct. 0 Calculator 500.00 Files 600.00 Caterpillar 9,000.00 Roller 5,000.00 Elgin Garbage Getter 7,000.00 Drill 4,500.00 Six-5 Ton Trucks 20,000.00 Wash Rooms-Sanitary Department 10,000.00 56,600.00 G rrl, - eZr;rrrr* 11 1;;;r; ©rrZZ*;rrrrrst ii ; • ' I 4 eir4 111"111411[11111[971111111111TP1141 it iftlir f -. Al ; " r.lz .Er" I. 4 ' • I 1I oily,. 611 ;14 thillodiNftillifi : r. .111 1 tir f irlis!r: lif i 2 . 1 Mr rasE *g*i ! ff*Phi 'x aI lift 1 4 44 � d i it tit a �1 E i (: �.t m 1 illf • ' " $ 1 i « r ■ / t :ottt . ea IP CX:0 1 rup.r ..e.,4 rii.riw. tstp ,.ori. 1..... gift ii iiiiiiiillili#iii#iitiii§ii$Iitili$i u I kkkkkkkkkkks s 1 k • k • • DOWD $111133 i1: AID 1114L110 ten 3ad$rt 1e. 141 Mom*b. lore et Amount iserust ' "— load Sinking tas4P-11Zi' i WACO* 11.0-4 De.4 Disking tsa.1$I4 11,710.00 3(44 *If" Waterworks 1944 I9,000.00 11411 '1" *ater+wrks 11111 11,100.00 144 *40 Waterworks 1114 11,100.00 1 "t' Waterworks 1111 4 4 11.000601 Iim19 1111 Iattmrorke 1171 4 % 10,000.00 HAM 191$ Stara Sean 1041 40 15.000.00 9144.750.00 D033 IMAM 1644011X1. 34i mama 10. use of Ammon Mtsmrt ''- ""`- 11D4 Detwr4ed 1e.T t 0 1.170740 040 M'Wateruorke 4 p% 1,037.10 3(43 M Waterworks 4 D 4% 17.111.50 3(43 "I" I sterwerks 4,111.30 44 'el" Watsresrks 1,141.11 3-1S "le waterwerke 11,010.00 14* 1131Waterworks 4 47,000.00 D+40 1114 Waterworks 4 1/4% 11.$41.40 141 10D1 $fiat. lever 4 D 4% 0,100.00 *41 MI Stern Sewer 1.000.00 147 1134 Satyr Wasted MOT AO 9117,147.10 OL4$1 "0' D04DS swot so. 1414 9117,100.00 41M*?1e. 1 ladpt 10. 141 1111,774.00 . • WARM /O7 P 8 MD Mole P&OPZBt1t • Al kT its. 1 Budget Ca. 144 A..ewat=o. Raaq er Assent Amount Salary 1,140.00 h i Wages, laiataaaase Grounds 13,480.00 M! Wages, Patrolman 4,440.00 Ar$i Daps► Janitors R0,194.00 I 45,0916.00 D•I Oilier Supplies $00.00 D-t Printing 60.00 D-D Postage 71.00 9.4004.0 NO Al..ltri. Current 14,$00.00 B-IS Gasoline sad Oil 10110.00 Mli Tires and Tubes 960.00 D-IS Janitors mad eappiier ! 400.00 i-IR Miseellanssus Suppii.. 1►►000.00 1-24 Light 1lobts l,e4i.00 NCO Shrubs and Trees 200.00 NI lataris1 Repair Grounds 9►100.00 3-1 Yetarial Repair Duildiags $,11i0.00 1.1 Repair Apwipmant 4400.00 Ira Repair Tools and Yee&Taws S00.00 Ire Repair Instruments Cad Apparatus $00.00 D-4 Repair *tor Tehiel.s 16000.00 NI Advertising 100.00 7.4 Auto Capanss 900.00 N4 Iasursas. 14000.00 7-14 Travel 1r60.00 I I4 Telegraph sad Telephone 100.00 7-37 Clew Lima 1,100.00 7-E9 Sebs.rlpti.ns 100.00 Grand Total $ 10S6,721.00 CAPITAL.EXPENDITURES Budget No. 146-2 Capital Expenditur.s I i0,000.64 r - — CAi'ITAL c.'c NA10i::S R: rt+t `. . 147-7 Salt lake nefinin.- to pnny (.rater) v 15, e0.Ci0 Yrra Plant -ofund 1/4 75,000.00 18,7s,0.00 Parking +-eters (finance) 4,00.00 L x d Purchase 10,000.00 Mosquito =+bate-ent 10'0,00t0 357,7=,0.00 . 1dIni7, 15,600.00 $73,260.00 a Oe,otes rod firure CAPITAL I`.T1:;cT' 7,TT Account No. Sace of Accc•.:nt Amount 2 Auditor E0.00 3 Publio Affairs 1 rsnoe 16,010.00 4 Public -afcty 106,640.00 6 Parks 4 Public Property 82,506.00 G ,,n:riiaere 01,000.00 Streets 56,600.00 117,600.00 7 Statav ry and General: Haildir„ 15.600.00 Misoeltense:4857,7s0.00 73,250.00 8 pater ''upn1y •%aterwor.s 444,500.00 9 natr-o.in 46" line 190,540.00 t1,0c0,640.00 'ITS Bad;-et No. 140 Aoe tt No. 1 datortiain Extension A New 4,rvioes 3C0,000.00 2 Stroots •c 1ceor'nts 1' Cuts 100,000.00 _'0,'00.00 Total $ 26,02 .00 Total Statutory end "er'eral 0,143,61.00 1950 BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY AND WATERWORKS ADMINISTRATION Budget No. 150 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount . A- 1 Supervision $ 18,260.00 A- 2 Office Employees 66,480.00 A-11 Meter Readers and Inspection 20,040.00 1-22 Ordinary Labor 800.00 $ 105,580.00 B- 1 Office Supplies 1,000.00 B- 2 Printing 3,000.00 B- 3 Postage 2,700.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies P00.00 D- 2 Repair and Remodel Office 500.00 E- 1 Rep. and Ren. Fur. and Fixtures 500.00 E- 4 Cleaning and Renovating 500.00 &- 7 Books, Maps and Charts 600.00 F-24 R.R. Fare, Trans. & Tray. Exp. 400.00 F-39 Membership and Subscription 100.00 F-43 Water Filings 150.00 F-46 Street Car Passes 200.00 9,850.00 Total 115,430.00 REPAIRS MACHINERY & TOOLS, & MAINTENANCE OF SHOPS Budget No. 151 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A- 1 Shop Supervision 7,650.00 A- 2 Clerks Stenos., and Office 17,790.00 A-17 Mechanics and Helpers 25,590.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 3,370.00 54,400.00 B- 4 Fuel 1,200.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,500.00 D- 2 Rep. to Office Bldgs., Shops 1,000.00 E- 2 Rep. and Ren. Tools and Mach. 3,500.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen Supply 500.00 7,700.00 Total $ 62,100.00 • - 2 - NEW WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS Budget No. 152 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics and Helpers - - - A-22 Ordinary Labor - - - E-114 Pipe and Fit. and Misc. Supplies - Total - - - NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS Budget No. 153 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics and Helpers 10,290.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor - - - 10,290.00 E-114 Mat. for New Services - - - Total 10,290.00 RECONNECTIONS Budget No. 1514 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 2,100.00 2,100.00 E-114 Mat. for Rep. and Renewal 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total $ 14,100.00 • • - 3 •- FOREST FIRES • Budget No. 155 Acct. No. Name of Account, Amount A-33 Forest Fire Labor 3,000.00 A-38 Patrolmen 5,870.00 $ 8,870.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 200.00 Total 9,070.00 WATERSHED SANITATION Budget No. 156 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-16 Truck Drivers and Helpers 2,490.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 600.00 A-38 Patrolmen 3,380.00 6,470.00 B-19 Misc. Supplies and Chemicals 1,200.00 1,200.00 Total 7,670.00 PARLEY'S SYSTEM - MT. DELL RESERVOIR Budget No. 157 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 1,000.00 A-38 Patrol and Station Men 13,220.00 14,220.00 B- 4 Fuel 900.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,700.00 B-33 Chemicals 1,660.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 300.00 4,560.00 Total $ 18,780.00 - 4 - CITY CREEK SYSTEM Budget No. 158 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor $ 1,200.00 A-38 Patrol and Station Men 5,540.00 $ 6,740.00 B- 4 Fuel 600.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,200.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 1,200.00 3,000.00 Total 9,740.00 BIG & LITTLE COTTONWOOD SYSTEMS Budget No. 159 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 1,410.00 A-38 Patrol & Station Men 10,715.00 12,125.00 B- 4 Fuel 450.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,000.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 500.00 1,950.00 Total 14,075.00 MAINT. ALL EXCHANGE CUL. PIPE LINES Budget No. 160 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 A-38 Patrol & Station Men 2,460.00 2,760.00 E-12 Mat. for Rep. & Ren. 100.00 100.00 Total $ 2,860.00 I • - 5 - • • • • • 3RD EAST PUMPING PLANT ' Budget No. 161 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 ordinary Labor $ 200.00 A-39 Pump Operators 3,300.00 $ 3,500.00 B- 4 Fuel 275.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 100.00 E- 2 Rep. & Ben. Mach. & Equip. 500.00 975.00 Total 4,475.0o WELLS INVESTIGATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Budget No. 162 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 1,500.00 A-37 Special Investigators 2,640.00 A-39 Pump Operators 3,000.00 7,140.0o B- 4 Fuel 250.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 900.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 150.00 E- 2 Rep. & Men. Mach. Equip. 500.00 1,800.00 Total 8,940.00 CANAL MAINTENANCE Budget No. 163 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 3,000.00 A-38 Patrol & Station Men 14,100.00 17,100.00 D- 4 Mat. for Rep. & Maint. Bridges 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total $ 19,100.00 • - 6 - EAST JORDAN CANAL Budget No.•164 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount F-48 Maint. Canal by Canal Co. $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Total 2,500.00 WATER STATION LANDSCAPING Budget No. 165 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 100.00 A-38 Patrol & Station Men 4,860.00 4,960.00 B-19 Misc. Supplies 200.00 200.00 Total 5,160.00 MAINT. OF CHLORINE & AMMONIA PLANT Budget No. 166 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-34 Water Sampler 2,280.00 A-45 Sanitary Engineer 3,840.00 6,120.00 B-33 Chemicals, Chlorine and Ammonia 16,000.00 E- 3 Mat. for Rep. and Ren. Mach. 750.00 16,750.00 Total 22,870.00 MAINT. & OPERATION OF DISTRIBUTION RESERVOIRS Budget No. 167 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 1,500.00 A-38 Patrol and Station Men 7,730.00 $ 9,230.00 - 7 - Budget No. 167 (Cont'd.) Acct. No. Name of Account Amount B- 4 Fuel $ 275.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 700.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 200.00 $ 1,175.00 Total 10,405.00 WATER DISTRIBUTION Budget No. 168 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-32 Emergency Service Crew 13,550.00 A-38 Water Distribution Crew 8,055.00 21,605.00 Total 21,605.00 REPAIR & MAINT. MAINS, CONDUITS, VALVES & HYDRANTS Budget No. 171 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A- 1 Supervision 3,060.00 A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 25,890.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 8,000.00 36,950.00 D- 5 Repairs to Streets & Blvds. 1,000.00 E-12 Mat. for Rep. & Ren. 7,000.00 8,000.00 Total 44,950.00 • • • REPAIR &MAINQ. WATER SERVICES Budget No. 173 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics and Helpers $ 10,260.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 38,450.00 $ 48,710.00 D- 5 Rep. Streets and Blvds. 4,700.00 E-14 Material for Reps. & Renewals 11,000.60 15,700.00 Total 64,410.00 REPAIR, MAINT. & INSTALLING METERS Budget No. 174 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics and Helpers 17,220.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 7,260.00 24,480.00 E-14 Mat. for Rep. and Hon. 23,000.00 23,000.00 Total 47,480.0o DRINKING FOUNTAINS Budget No. 175 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 2,400.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 400.00 2,800.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 500.00 Total $ 3,300.00 • • • • - 9 • - REP. AUTOMOBIIE S & TRUCKS Budget No. 177 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics & Helpers $ 11,010.00 S 11,010.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 12,500.00 B-13 Purchase Tires & Tubes 3,000.00 E- 6 Mat. for Rep. & Ran. Equip. 7,500.00 E-11 Repairs to Tires & Tubes 100.00 23,100.00 Total 34,110.00 INDIVIDUALS & COMPANIES Budget No. 178 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor - - - B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies - - - Total - - - EXCHANGE AGREEMENT SERVICES Budget No. 179 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor - - - B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies _ - - Total • - 10 - • REPAIR & MAINT. PIPE LINES - INDUSTRIAL CENTER Budget No. 180 Acct. No. Name of Account • Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 E-14 Mat. for Rep. & Ren. 500.00 500.00 Total 2,500.00 60TH SOUTH PUMPING PLANT Budget No. 181 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount T A-22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 A-39 Pump Operators 2,200.00 $ 2,500.00 E- 2 Rep. & Ren. Mach. & Equip. 500.00 500.00 Total 3,000.00 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE Budget No. 183 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount F- 4 Auto Allowance 1,600.00 1,600.00 Total $ 1,600.00 Total Labor 421,660.00 Total Material & Supplies 128,860.00 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $ 550,520.00 pPV , _ , , • — 11 — CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Budget No. 147-8 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount .1 New Measuring Devices $ 1,000.00 .2 New Automobiles 15,000.00 .3 New Machinery and Tools 1,000.00 .4 New Furniture and Fixtures 500.00 .5 New Chemical Toilets 1,500.00 .6 New Meters 25,000.00 .7 New Office Equipment 500.00 .8 Water System Improvements 400,00O.00 Total Capital Investment $ y,500.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 995,020.00 • Salt Lake City, Utah TO TEE BOARD OF CO=SSIONERS SALT LAL'E CITY, UTAH Gentlemen: We, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, beg to report that we have met as resuired by law and ordinance in session from time to time, until the work of completing the budget has been accomplished, and herewith submit report and statement of expenditures and revenues necessary to be raised for the year ending December 31, 1950. .Ie have carefully considered the requirements of each department of the City Government in detail as well as the estimated and anticipated revenue and have decided upon the list of appropriations hereto attached. • To make this appropriation effective, the City Recorder has given notice of hearing on the budget and appro- priation resolution in accordance with the State Statutes, and is hereby directed to furnish each department with a certified copy of the estimate and apportionment for that particular department, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby direct- ed to solicit bids for the printing of 150 copies of the budget. 2.9,UI Adopted December tgo 1949. Respectfully /%, otar City A i or Board---of Edtimate and Apportions t In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution become effective January 1, 1950. This resolution shall take effect on January 1st, 1950. Adopted by the Board Commissio rs of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 7'9 d of December A.D., 1 City Recorder ( S E A L ) 1 • • STATE OF UTAH, SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, ) I, Irma F. Bitner, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of report in detail of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment estimating the anticipated revenue and providing appropriations for the support of the Municipal Government of Salt Lake City Corporation, for the year ending December 31st, 195Q, patsed by the Board of Commissioners December o29`' 1949, and as appears of record in my office. II, WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this 9" day of December, A.D., 1949. 9)7 (, � City Recorder ( S E A L ) I