51 of 1970 - A resolution authorizing condemnation proceedings of certain properties for the purpose constructing , Resolution No. 5 _ I E. J. Garn COMMISSIONER .Authorizing condemnation proceedings of certain properties for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer and other `:improvements in the area of 17th South 4 Street, west of 8th West Street. I, `: E ; Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED . i OCT 1 1970 f V OR* t' 1 . , - Ori " 10, 1972 .R.ry L. Nroctg,:.onery Ank.A.r„icr,!-.- City Atiorn,-)Y City, Utr:L. T Bourn of City Coro miesionani. rt its meeting tixiny, authorized the filinj, of the find l order of condemnation. inerrd by the DiSt tiet Court 0.11 AtIniot 14. 1V/2. in ooncortion v.ith the D. Wffllini Leyton property. inminuch an etll ineeon hare no Wen resehAld aul salt Lake City io no 'tho miner of the property condemned. Youra truly. City licoomi,r.t CC: Stmoto Dios FILED IM GLE RIVO C:LIC: Galt L Ite de�+h4y 1.5±0.h it <« y • . . : ii Ray L. Montgomery AS 1 ft.1972 f Attorney for Plaintiff i 101 city & County Building ve.iry�ne @vwe ci=l ,Iz£, tra Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 oy _ .,XR• �A 1 �: � Telephone: 328-7788 }' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH I' -!i --oo0000o-- 4 SALT LAKE CITY, a municipal 3i corporation of the State of ,�2 dfUtah, V q i FINAL ORDER OF % i Plaintiff, CONDEMNATION ' .- i vS. di 1 a a1 D. WILLIAM LAYTON, et al., Civil No. 195811 '�'' ! -. ; { Defendants. i� ,r: ; l' 0 ; P o000000-- i c ' 3 ; The court hereby finds that heretofore on the its day " nuary, 1972, this court made and entered its judgment in the ' n 'entitled proceedings; and The court now finds that pursuant to law and the said ', 'TP_Ion., plaintiff did pay said judgment into court together -:.ith all interest required by said judgment; and ' It further appearing to the court that plaintiff has made ';." alw.payments' as required by law and order of this court and this ' •i is not.a case where any bond was required to be given, and all °. , . ,1 and singular the law and the premises being given'by the court is j#, understood and fully considered, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that :the yL - { parcels of land hereinafter described are hereby taken and con':::, - i damned in fee simple title as to parcels No. 1 and 2 described - . below for the purposes,described and set forth in plaintiff's 'ii' l .complaint. '. q D gianiing..At:;therNditheast corner of Lot.14, 'L j7ilock.2, Riverside Subdivision of Lots 20 and. ` it 21 Riverside Plat, a subdivision of part of t Ns E. 1 - S.:W. n and N. W. a - S. E. 1/4 of:See t� i % 'tion 14, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, ' �� `` and running thence S. 89°59'39" W. 111.125 feet, II .. thence S. 0°14'00" W. 50.68 feet; thence S '89° ' i '1 °i -. 56°10" E. 111.125 feet; thence'N. 0°14'00 E.' ;• •t p 50.54 feet,'to the point of beginning -'r ' f - - Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 15 c . Block 2, Riverside Subdivision of LotsZQ and . ° ' `:' ' t 3 ..,..„.„... . , . . ,,,:::;: ,-: ,-,-,.,:. "-::-"-,"!,,..:::::',"...-:(:..2-,-ir,''',,::„'„,.--„,.',.'„, %....'1,....:',N:,.''zt:', :, .',',."','„„:'i':,',n:',c'f.,,,.-4:::.:,„, :::',.:,:?...',1., ,„,•_': ,,,,:::,::.:,,,..,,:,,..:,f;,.. ....,...,,L'L.,,,,,',... . ,"-::::.,,,,,,. ..".„ , . ,. ,;.:;•:,:-,tz.:,.',.-„,,,-,',,,,....,,777.., :__-,L,..'„.",LJ:,L-;:;-,,,;;,...,,,;-:,-"-•-"0'-"'"-'4''4' ' ,'- 21 Riverside Plat, a subdivision of part of the N. E. 34 - S. w. 1/4 and N. W. 1/4 - S. E. ki . . of Sec- !' If tion 14, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base: and Meridian, and II and running thence S. 89-5939 W. 111.125 ,feet.', thence S. 0°1400" W. 50.52 thencefeet,.. : ,.)0.-E !I 5610" E. 111.125 feet, thence.Y. .0 14 .E. 50.38 feet to the point of beginning. ,,....,:„: It ! IT, IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that said use ' Ill'is a public Use and 'a use authorized by law::, ,,,,; ,,,:.' IT IS 'FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that a:cOpy20!::::,...:.,..,:,. this final order of condemnation be filed with the Connt,y Recorde o f Salt Lake County,t State of Utah, and thereupon the property •,,. :.:::::: interests hereinafter referred to and set forthshallrest:in fee . , . . Tsimple..—title in ,plaintiff as to said aforedeScribed parce1 :Nos. '5 day Of tl977 / • ;;':!,-!!-1,1.-', !,'":- ',.:"if; :,' . ....' • ,,.,, " ::.' . : Judge James S. Sawaya °.;,` ':,' . '.7!,-''Y;`&-4- '• ' CLL. ' '' '',; , . '.' . ',::''.:, ''.:::„.':'!'' ' ..l:''', :''';:i.' 1...-: :"•.::'..•.,..'.:'', ''''.:;. :','''''' ,'-':-'''.:'1..•:'; '':, !I*,-1'. .Jt/'‘`e(V\^d n-,,,,Itv Clerk '';.'...:',;,... .::7:':: .;,Irl.:;',:[,':, -,-.,, ,.:....'.'•.,'; .:',':';,,;:11 :',,".",,,'-: ..' ,:",. 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WHEREAS, it is necessary to widen and install curb, gutters and a sanitary sewer on 17th South from Eiglth West to Redwood Road in the corporate limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the public interest and necessity require the acquisition of the two parcels of real property hereinafter described for the widening and improvement of the above-named public thoroughfare; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: That it is necessary and in the public interest of Salt Lake City and its inhabitants that the City, for the use of the public, install a sanitary sewer in and widen, resurface and improve 17th South between Eighth West and Redwood Road, all of which is within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City; That said land hereinafter described and the whole thereof is hereby determined to be necessary for said improvements as herein- above described. That condemnation proceedings be, and the same hereby are, authorized to be brought, in the name of Salt Lake City by the Law Department of Salt Lake City, to acquire thereby all the land 'herein- after described for the necessary construction of a sanitary sewer and the widened and improved right of way and public street, as hereinabove set forth. The parcels of land hereby authorized to be acquired by condemnation proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the statutes and the Constitution of the State of Utah relating to eminent domain are situated in the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, and are more particularly described as follows: Parcel #1 owned by Ida T. Layton: "Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 15, Block 2, Riverside Subdivision of Lots 20 and 21 Riverside Plat, a Subdivision of part of the N.E.1/4 - S.W.1/4 and N.W.1/4 - S.E.1/4 of Section 14, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and running thence S. 89°59'39"W.111.125 feet thence S. 0°14'00"W.50.52 feet, thence S. 89°56'10"E.111. 125 feet, thence N. 0°14'00"E.50.38 feet to the point of beginning." Parcel #2 owned by D. William and Helen P. Layton "Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 14, Block 2, Riverside Subdivision of Lots 20 and 21 Riverside Plat, a Subdivision of part of N.E.1/4 - S.W.1/4 and N.W.1/4 - S.E.1/4 of Section 14 T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and running thence S. 89°59'39"W.111.125 feet, thence S. 0°14'00"W.50.68 feet; thence S. 89°56'10"E.111.125 feet; thence N. 0°14'00"E.50.54 feet, to the point of beginning." Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1st day of October, 1970. .lede MAYOR .,Ii1",61/ 44 11 �� CI'yi ORDER