52 of 1972 - A resolution authorizing filing of application with Department of Housing and Urban Development, for Resolution No. g2
B Stephen M. Harmsen
Authorizing filing of application with
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, for a grant under P.L.
89-117, for construction of sanitary
sewer extension for the area "Swede
Town" located in the northwest portion
of Salt Lake City within Model Cities
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Bureau No.63.P116
✓riesal ut n 1u._ 52_--- Project No. ___
M - - - (For HUD 'Jae)
111� rtesolucion authorizrng fatm; of appricatl,.n a1Ih the Dopa)Inent or flu,,nlu:; and Urban De-
velopment, United States of America, for r, ,, „1,1 under P.L. tr -117.
• WHEREAS, pursuant to P.L. RA-117 the United tiluten of Amer).-.: has uu!h„rized the making of
grants to public b,•dies to aid in tin aner!:,, uu- Cr,!!strutt.l on nl Basic outer and sewer
Now Therefore, n,- 1: Resolved D.y._The Board of Commissioners of_Salt Lake City
(coo., Hord of Appl„ant)
1. That E.J. iJake) Gam.__._—__--___._be and he is hereby authorized to execute ano file
(U..,Rnated IIf,r,al)an application on behalf of Salt Lake City Corporation -_ with the
ihan„ 1,K.1 (Covpor a1.) No., o) A).pl, oni)
Department Ji r"using and hrban Uevel,rlo-•:rt, United Matt Grreernment, for a grant to
aid in finnDrtnh .hr r,onstrurl!or, of A sanitary sewer extension- _ ---_�
(Betel Projer, (,•.,rtpt,an)
and an assurance of
compliance w,'.1, the Department of •liuo-..np and Urban Des,-;aliment regulations under
Title hI 01 :Ai, Civil Rtghl.. Art of 191.1•
That _ . Jrn
2. ---_� Gam__ .. __... ._ ..- .. M�yar��dlt Lake City be and
(Na.. of A.thar,and ll.,.rrnrn,or,r., Ir.rlef
he is hereby authorized and dl roc.t.rd r, •.,,rnish such Information as the Department of
Housing and Urban Development may rea:,r,nuuly request in connection with the applica-
tion which is herein authorized to be turd.
The undersigned duly qualified and acting Chief--Deey City Recorder. of tr,e
(r,,le of Officer)
Salt Lake City...Corporation _—.------___-__does hereby certify: that the
(E..rr Leal (Corpar.re, N..e of App l,cnnt)
attached res,.luti„n is a teue aad co me,t cony of the resolution, authorizing the filing
of application wI lh the Department of llootIt'; and Urban Development., as regularly adopted
• at a legully convened meeting o: the _Board Qf_�ommiasl nerS duly held
�{I' �I,, (Boor of Booern,ng Hoar of Appl.ront)
on the '�_day of e_LL"_ /__ t91pJi; and further that such resolution has been
fully recorded in the journal of proceedings and records in
in my office.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this �" day of 17M.eAc16., ,19'-�2.
If the Applicant has an official
seal, impress here.
) S.gn lyre ,.1 trdtngOfficer
Title of Becordtng Off.,,, ---
2326B1-P HUD-Wash.,D.C.