53 of 1973 - A resolution urging Governor and Legislature to place proposed amendment to Section 39, Chapter 8, U 't.--:- --- , , Resolution Pio.__53 i 1 zoY James L. Barker, Jr. . GOMA 155101.13111 prging Governor and Legislature to ,, Olace proposed amendment to Section il Chapter 8, Utah Code Annotated, 1! 1953 -allowing cities and towns to li Xegulate rental housing within their ii..boUndaries and jurisdiction on the ,! i I agenda for the 1973 Special Session II! ! 1 of the Utah State Legislature. ,I 1,1 Presented to the Board of Commissioners 1 AND PASSED ,1 SEP -6 1973 i it 1 CITY RECO' . , , ! t I ,1 1! , ,1 t ,_ . ,• . • ,It L i 1 i . 1. 1 1 1'1 11 [ 1 1 1 11 1 1' 11 11 11 1., 11 ; ' `r September 6, 1973 The Honorable Warren E. Pugh President of the Utah Senate State Capitol Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Sir: Attached is a Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City at its regular meeting held this day. Said Resolution urges that the Governor and Legislature of this State expedite the placing of the said proposed amendment on the agenda for the 1973 Special Session of the Utah State Legislature. It is respectfully requested that this matter be given your earnest consideration. Respectfully,. City Ramos September 6, 1973 The Honorable Howard C. Nielson Speaker of the Howe of Representatives State Capitol Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Sir: Attached is a Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City at its regular meeting held this day. Said Resolution urges that the Governor and Legislature of this State expedite the placing of the said proposed amendment on the agenda for the 1973 Special Session of the Utah State Legislature. It is respectfully requested that this matter be given your earnest consideration. Respectfully, \A""±tttel\ City R September 6, 1973 Legislative Council c/o Mr.j. Leon Sorenson 326 State Capitol Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Sir: Attached is a Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City at its regular meeting held this day. Said Resolution urges that the Governor and Legislature of this State expedite the placing of the said proposed amendment on the agenda of the 1973 Special Session of the Utah State Legislature. It is respectfully requested that this matter be given your earnest consideration. Respectfully,' NVIalh?ta City Recor r ROLL CALL 2� VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, September 6 ,19 73 Mr.Chairman.., - ' I move that the Resolution be adopted. -17 Barker �/ Harmsen ✓ �Harrison Phillips i RESOLUTION Result WHEREAS, there presently exists in Salt Lake City a sub- stantial shortage of rental housing units available for occupancy to low-income residents of said city. WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the public interest of Salt Lake City and its inhabitants that the city immediately extend its best efforts to alleviate the housing shortage. WHEREAS, the city strongly desires to improve the local hous- ing situation. WHEREAS, the city cannot fully and effectively encourage the rehabilitation and growth of low-cost housing without a grant of power from the state legislature permitting the city to regulate rental housing within the boundaries and jurisdiction of the city. WHEREAS, the attached proposed amendment to Section 39, Chapter 8, Utah Code Annotated (1953), would grant to the city required authorization. WHEREAS, passage of said amendment is desirable and would greatly facilitate the attempt to improve the housing situation in Salt Lake City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY that said Board does hereby urge that the Governor and legislature of this State make every effort to expedite the plac- ing of the said proposed amendment on the agenda for the 1973 Special Session of the Utah State Legislature and that the Governor and legis- lature be, and, hereby are, encouraged to use their best efforts and means to encourage and obtain passage of the said proposed amendment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, that copies of this resolution be mailed to the Governor of this State, Legislative Council. Speaker of House of Representatives and president of the Spnatp Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 6th day of September, 1973. i OR An Act to amend Section 39, Title 10, Chapter 8, Utah Cede Annotated (1953), to allow cities and towns to regulate rental housing within their boundaries and jurisdiction. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah that Section 39, Title 10, Chapter 8, be amended to read as follows: Section 39. License of certain businesses. They may license, tax and regulate hawking and peddling, pawnbrokers and loan agencies, employment agencies, auctioneers and auction houses, music halls, theaters, theatrical and other exhibitions, shows and amusements, the business conducted by ticket scalpers, distilleries and breweries, brokers, and keepers of public scales; stages and buses, sight-seeing and touring cars or vehicles, cabs and taxicabs, and solicitors therefor; bathhouses, swimming pools, skating rinks; smelters, crushers, sampling works and mills; hotels, and other public places, boarding- houses, restaurants, eating houses, lodginghouses, rental housing, laundries, barbershops and beauty shops; hackmen, draymen, and drivers of stages, buses, sightseeing and touring cars, cabs and taxicabs and other public conveyances, porters, expressmen and draymen and all others pursuing like occupations, and prescribe their compensation; may license, tax and regulate secondhand and junk stores and forbid the owners or persons in charge of such stores from pur- chasing or receiving any articles whatsoever from minors without the written consent of their guardians or parents; may license, tax and regulate storage houses and warehouses and require bond to the city for the benefit of bailors therein; may license, tax and regulate the business conducted by merchants, wholesalers and retailers, shopkeepers and store- keepers, automobile garages, service and filling stations; butchers, bakeries, laundries, druggists, photographers, assayers, confectioners, billboards, bill posting and the distribution or display of advertising matter.