55 of 1914 - A resolution appointing Mr. Bramel as Land and Water Attorney until January 1, 1915. REMARKS: Resolution No. . ..55 By Commissioner . . Appointing Mr. Bramel as Land & Water Atty. until January. _l } 1915. READ AND ADOPTED JUN 2 '1914 (\lat . ° ) CITY RECORDER. _ -p I Shs. Wells -- I move that the Board of !:�ommi ss i oners pass 10/ Lawrence and adont the followinT resolution: Morris ---L Mr.Chairman - ii yn Result BE IT FESOLV D that the employment of ;i. H. Bramel as special attorney to attend to t%,n land and water matters of the city, be and hereby is contin:uj from July 1, 1914, until January 1, 1915, at present comnensation of ^;?00.00 nor month. AND 31] IT FUG>q'_- TTOITT that the sum of "1,200.00 be and the same hereby is nnroeriated from the salary account of the Law Department to nay said compensation. �J j • a CS,A -Feed-by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,U �t . ..., 191 .._.. A,,c, , \,:,,,,,,„ , aiid (,lam'Reeorder. Temporary Chairman