57 of 1911 - A resolution that all papers filed regarding grading of 3rd South between 11th and 12th East be with (2) S ti,. k ;; s; ',. -,, — MAY 1, 1911. RAY 1, 1911, I i IReports Co. 132 from the Committee on License in the matter of application of the and the amount of the estimate placed upon the Authorized List for preement. Resrectllully submitted, Bergerman Co.; No. 130 from the Committee on License in the matter of application of Sig Simon A. J. Davis, R. C. Lyne, F. 3. Fernstrom. I for a Heuer license; No. 133 from the Committee on License in the matter of application of Utah Read and adopted and the amount placed upon the :.uttorized List. (Iter.,1416). III Liquor Co. for a liquor license; No. 135 from the Committee on License in the matter of applica- 90 From the Committee on Finance& Salaries. tion of Rieger& Lindley for a liquor license; No. 134 from the Committee on License in the Recommending the pegement of items 1417 to 1434. i,��f Read and adopted and the mounts placed upon the Authorized :Act. matter of 11.;uor application of Wineman& Metcalf; No. 131 from the Committee on License in the I II matter of liquor apnliesti on of Rieger& Lindley; all of which were presented to the City Council _ 12 From the Committee on Fire Department. I1 Recormending the payment of items 1435 to 1441. 1I April 27, 1911, and laid over until May 1, 1911, were taken up. Councilman Mulvey moved that Read and adopted and the amounts placed upon.the Authorized List. the reports be laid over until Thursday, May 4, 1911, end the City attorney instructed to render II t an opinion as to whether the refund for the unexpired portion of the lie enees they now have 113 From the Committee on Waterworks. II t In the matter of petition No. 318 of Jesse D. Jewkes, et al, that Lorenzo S. Clark 1 1 could be made by the city, which motion carried, will deed the city tom rods strip of land on Tenth East between Browning and u Emerson Avenues if city will grade and improve said street end lop watereeins; we i te' recommend that the petition be grunted, streets to be graded under the supervision �iV Resolution No. 57 by Councilman McKinney that all papers filed in re grading of 3rd of the Street Supervisor at en estimated cost of y20C.00, watermains to be laid at an estimated cost of :al197.59, same to to paid from the Peter Bond Fund,''e y l South between 11th and 12th East be withdrawn and matter reconsidered, resented to the Ci Respectfully submitted, 'tl ' P e. E. Lulvey, J. B. L:oreton, C. H. Reed. e Council Larch 27, 1911, and laid aver for one week; presented April 3, 1911, and laid over for & II I Read and adopted. ('Watermain Ext. No. 353.) i'II one week; presented April 10, 1911, and laid over for one week; presented April 20, 1911, and laid over for one week; presented April 27, 1911, and laid over for one week, wee taken up end 114 From the Committee on Waterworks. �, I Racer/lending the payment of items 144_ to 1447. @ ordered filed. lead and adopted and the amounts placed rerun the A°.:t;:orsosd List. 11 P@: • Requisition Tom supplies from the folios& Prison DepIInment for i61595.00 was then ' 115 From tee commence en .en,eiee..,e. t nk en up and referred to the Committee on Finance& Salaries with the chairmen of the various In the natter oP net ti on Ito. 2B7 oC F.oden Jensen, et al, asking that watermainsII i], be laid m Riooeevelt Ave, north pre Eth Bast to Bro'rn Ave., then west w,. eoisiL Lease aeeoo:n Led. - +h 'net ;*r ear,: we recommend that the petition be granted, at Ave. t^ anu estimated cost of 3,1706.01. lespeetfully submitted, •I_; REPORTS OF $TANDIiiG COILLITTEES. u. E, l;ulvey, J. 1. too rote n, C. 3. Reed. ( . 1 � I Redd ¢red adopted. (Wntem¢in Ext. ?!o, 354.1 � ), 47 From the Committee on Municipal Laws. 9eromreneino the payment of items 1394 to 1397. I I,i lead end adopted and the amounts placed upon the Authorized List. 116 From the Committee on Wutere0e' . �, .. :.�- 1'or an '� N' 1 1 In the matter of petition llo. 437 o' Heller',roe. Dry Goods ee., r I r 42 From the Committee on Streets. abatement on the tax assessed against the store; we recommend that e40.UU be recommending the payment of sterna 1696 to 1411. abated. Rosoectfu,.iy aubi�.iLLod, ' .� Read and adopted end the amounts plea ed upon the Authorized List. ti. E. iulvey, J. B. lioroton, C. 11. Reed. 1' 27 From the Committee on Sanitary & Mailkete. Read and adopted. Recommending the payment of items 1412 and 1413. • aced. .m,. ,. ,tad :x,. the ...outs pined upon the Authorized List. lit'A,7 y 117 From the Committee on Watcrero rKs. n l ne+seam eekirf that orrineling tax g,l 43 From the Committee on Public Groupie & Waterways. In the muemn' e, N .at 32 - • •••- 11 n.r Recommend-1n, the pre meat of items 1414 and 1415. for 100 ft, of laver: at 324 W. ore South nbche abated 5 n os tee auyu��wnrr� � .._._.._.,. _.. ..-. ._.__, 'let. .eo recommend that the sum of.'�. E�;� I I 1.. E. L.ulvey J. 8. Lloreton, C. 3. Reed. III■ / e. m..�.r,.,. w,r„rea a y�l�.o..a, µqr, „�� ��-the, he ,e hand and ado tad. •x, p 1 tile alter ul' rur,.yLirna for t>uppliaa frvn the City engineer's iiepL. forru399u.00; +L ( francthe lnmhi rev fact• far .578.00' from the Fire Sect. Any 11R4E6.00t from the Wuterwo rke .. ..._,... 11111: wDept• for 1582.92; and from the Health Dept, for $1055,00; we ha►e examined same and '118From the Uommittee oar '"rococo,end that they he allowed. ',.m• per'Ie.i n 2e r'AF uRa ectfull submitted, In the matter of etition Ile. 416 of rneor. Ioo Co., ^s"1 A•0, Davie, W. C. Lyre, F. S. Fernstrom, 111 inch pipe to Lhelr lea pl:.ra; mrrmmrnd that the pots Lion a hr<mtedt vorkto be dono nt petitlaner':� z::rr.ncce:nd .nrdrr the sunarviaion of tau ouPri�a.� almakyRoad and adoptcd. '� of 1"laterworke. J ` Ro pat i°ull� submitted, i E. :.:u7vey, ... B. h:o r,Lon, C. li. Rood. rit I, 09 From the Committee on Finance & Solari so, VRead and adopted. �b' In the matter of report No. lb from the Board of Public Works end report No. 3b from k he Ity Aell for on 1eth '-.r0 Fir✓7 '{stl mate on Sevier Ext an el on No. 220, amounting to 1', Prom the Cornmittee un l'l.�6e:'ors:15e3.e4, 1n fever of .lames ermnady Comet• Co., and reeking that the amount of 2311.10 119 o the amount bo ordered transferred from the Sewer Bond Fund to the credit of Sewer r of II. 9. Ci lee, ask ray! for u, .i.cnt ;- extension tlo. 220; we recommend that the reports be filed, the transfer ordered and In the matter of pat iti on a. 3Aa un j I p n vatnr tax ansesned for 1, animals rend venial ".t L915, 6tk J,.t}, a , �3. � , 1!` I ■ •O I.T i