57 of 1912 - A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract on behalf of Salt Lake City with Frank Rou REMARKS: Resolution No. 57
By Commissioner Keyser
Authorizing the 210.70T tO
enter into contract,on behalf
of Salt Lake Citymith 2renk
Roux Mit removal of all dead
animals found within the city.
APR 181912
ern,Pre`Ce "' •
Salt4zke City, Utah,.. �t_4...a• 191"
VOTING Yee I NO I move that resolution Mr / -4.X.S
be adopted.
Keyser ......
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Lawrence 1 ///ggqIII666
Mr.Chairman . . . .1
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, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Mayor be hereby authorised and direo$-
ed to enter into a contract on behalf of Salt Lake City, with Fran*
Roux, to the following effeot:
The said Roux shall have the exolusive right and privilege to
remove from the corporate limits of Salt Lake City any animal foun4
• dead within ids said city, and any meat, fish or poultry duly con-
demned as unfit for human food by inspectors acting under the
;health and pure food ordinances of Salt Lake City; he shall have
the exclusive right to receive dead dogs and oats from the City
Pound. The dead animals so taken by the said Roux, shall be by
him disposed of and destroyed in a modern and sanitary rendering
plant to be erected and maintained by him beyond the corporate
limits of Salt Lake City, subjeot to the regulation and supervision)
of the health authorities of said city.
In consideration of the exclusive right to receive and remove
dead animals and condemned meats as aforesaid, the said Roux shall''
,perform said services free of charge to Salt Lake City.
The life of this contract shall be five years. Th • CRoux
'shall enter into a bond to Salt Lake City in the sum of Q D
. dollars, to secure the faithful performance of his duties under
:the contract.
Upon being notified by an officer of the Health or Pollee
Departments of Salt Lake City, or by any duly qualified officer or
employee of said city, that a dead animal is lying within the
„limits of said city, it shall be the duty of the said Ream forth-
with to remove wash animal; and any negligence or unreasonable
delay on his part in such eases shall be ground for reeoision of
said oontraot by Salt Lake Oity. ,
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