6 of 1910 - That all special police commissions heretofore granted be revoked and all future applicants for spec REMARKS: (':
Resolution No.
By Councilman O'DOIZELL
Thct all special police
( commissions heretofore granted
be revoked and all future
A! applicants for s;ecial po13ce
commissions he required to -
. apPear before the Committee cn
Police .. - • - - -
4 ,
WHEREAS, the efficiency of the Police Department of the City
depends upon the physical and mental condition of the officers and
men emplyel therein as a requisite to 3cod sefvice,
NOW THEREFORE DE IT RBS(LVED by the City Council that all
officers and employees of the Police Department be at once required
to a .rrre submit to an examination by the Health Commissioner and
his assistants in order to determine their fitness for their re—
spedtive positions.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all special police commissions
heretofore granted, be, and the same are hereby revoked, and all
applicants for such special police commissions required to appear
before the Committee on Police.