6 of 1915 - A resolution appropriating $12,500 to purchase Young Men’s Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.) property REMARKS: 1,' Resolution No. 6 1 -I By Commissioner Wells ___ G t q} aA h,1 Appropriating1 r �12e5�� to F gi '(; purchase. Y.I..C.A...building. kI ./. READ AND ADOPTED ; ; JAN 251915 ,? . ;' „ CITY RECORDER. si _( k I I fi: x ; { Epppp ;I hearman Veils . vs .awrence I move that the re ut be pt Morris Alen ,;� �� +! 11 Mr Chairman ___ _ s44, �Y _ tt'i —T- Result I R 0 0 L U I O N . RE i0L7ED, Th't the lease end option to. r?n;Fat_�s whet is known cc t`'e Youn,- *,en.' Chrction Aecocietion proporty EA tLe corner of first South end Stte Streets, t .i. city, _resented to the Boerd of Commissioners this dry, end doted os of December 1, 1914, be accepted end ep;roved, end the Meyer ens. City Recorder be, end they r re hereby authorized to execute the sr roe in di.plicote, end to deliver one of sr•id duplicrtee to the pert;; of the first pert named in raid lease end opti,n, upon the Boerd epprovind of the trust deed mentioned in srid le se and option to purche,ce. RESOLV=;D FURTPTR, That 5i12,500.00 be, end the some is ;,ereby coproprieted, with ^hich to purchoee q,12,530. i0 bonds to be i:_sued es provided in soil lease -rid option to pirrcheee. W91/4A/ T641 Pass by-the Board of Comnussioners of Salt Lake City,Utah JAN 25 tirg 19 , C /7 (4- 7 tY Recorder. .__ mayor