6 of 1919 - A resolution submitting approval of list of polling places and judges of election for bond election REMARKS:
Resolution No. E6
By Commissioner.........aahe.id
Submitting approval of
list of polling places and
, judges of election for bond
election of February 25, 1919.
i . ,
i '.
Salt Lake City,Utah, February 24th ,1919
Crabbe r -_
Green I move that the resolution be adopted.
Nealen 61 '"
I --
Mr. Chairman -
WHEREAS by ordinance duly passed by the Board of
Commissioners on the 21st day of -January, 1919, a special election
was called within Salt Lake City to vote upon the question of in-
curring a bonded indebtedness of said Salt Lake City, and
WHEREAS the City Recorder was by resolution passed
on the 3rd day of +'ehruary,vdir.ected to select and make arrangements
for not more than five suitable voting places in each municipal
ward of said city,/and to select and submit to the Board of Commiss-
ioners a list of names of at least three suitable persons of proper
political belief for each voting place to act as judges of election
and to prepare official ballots in the designated form, to secure
copies of registration books, sample ballots, 'notices oC election,
stationery, tables, chairs and other things necessary for such
election in each voting place, and to do all things necessary and
rewired by law to he done by him as City Recorder of Salt Lake
City in the calling and holding of said election, and
7.6HERE4S it appears to the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City that pursuant to said ordinance and resolution, Wm.
, .4,, -Leatham as .Gity Recorder o- Salt Lake-Ct-ty, has procured and
prepared the proper and necessary ballots for use in such election
and has issued proper instructions to registration agents and to
judges of election and has prepared and delivered the proper and
necessary stationery.and notices of said election,,,,and
WHEREAS the said Wm. A. Leathern, City Recorder
of Salt Lake City has selected and made arrangements for
the hereinafter specifically described and designated polling
places within Salt Lake City as offioial polling places of said
eleeotion and has submitted a list -of names of persons to aot as
Judges of election who are +Maly qualified as provided by law.
NOW THEREFORE Be it resolved by the Board ,of
iCommissioners of Salt; Lake City in regular session convened that
the acts and doings of said Wm.• A.'3,eatham., City Beoerder as afor
said, ,in preparing the said election ballots, election notices an•
• stationery and in supplying and furnishing the same for use in the
said election, and for all of his acts as said .City Recorder in p e-
*ration forthe holding-pf said election, be, and they are hereb•
approved, ratified and ecnfirmed, and
BE YT FURTHER RESOLVED That the following
epeoifically designated and described paling places, be, and they
are hereby designated as the official paling places for the res..
pective• election districts stated . pr the special city election
to be held, February 25th, 1919, to-wit:
Residence of A. H. Little, 7;2 South Fourth East,
Salt Lake City* tor Districts Noe. 1, 2* 3 and 6 within the
First Ward of said pity.
Building at Nos. 903 & 905 South 9th East, Salt
Lake City, for Districts Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 within the
First Watd of said city.
Waterloo Pharmacy at 400 Bast 17th South, Salt
Lake City, for Distriots'Roe, 10, 11" -"12'and annexed terri-
• tory, within the First ward of said city.
Lloyd's Pharmacy at Cor. 11th East and 17th South,
Salt'Lake City, for "))striots Nos. 13, 14 and annexed terra
tort', within the First Nerd of said city.
Fereat'SohOolAnorth ent )4w 8th>gast and
e1* $Ohtb, 4
7:t Lakes City, for Bi' e1 Ned.1b•., 16, 17,,
iB andannexed territory,` Within the PI;Vst NandeOl said oit
Perry Hotel, at 110 West 3rd South,' Salt Lake
City, for„Districte Nos. 26,. 27i 30, 31, 33, 33 and 34,
within the Seext Ward.of said city.
,30th Nerd Soout Ball atFirst W et and Colts Ste.
'".Salt Lake:City,-for. Districts Noe. 36, 37 38'and annexed
territory, within the second Ward of said City.
Residence of Mary E. Hutchison, at 1022 Euclid,
Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 28 and 29 within the
Second Ward of said city.
26th Ward Amusement Hall at 860 best 8th South,
Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 35, 39 and 40 within the
Second Ward of said city.
Relief Society Hall at First North bet. First and
Second West Streets, Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 51,
52 and 53 within the Third Ward of said city.
Residence of W. T. Noall at 520 West Fourth North,
Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 54, 58 and 59 within the
Third Ward of said city.
Warm Springs Bath House at Salt Lake City, for
Districts Nos. 55, 56, 57 and 60 within the Third Ward of
said city.
Residence of Mrs. Bertha M. Gray at 80 Third Ave.,
Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 76 and 77 within the
Fourth Ward of said city.
20th Ward Annex at Cor. Second Ave. and D Streets,
Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 78, 79, 83 and 85 within
the ourth Ward of said city.
Residence of Jas. S. Castleton, 823 Second Avenue,
Salt lake City, for ?liv tr t J'as. Ally p 1 84 w't17-In
the Fourth Ward of said city.
Public Safety Bldg. at First South and State Ste.,
Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 101, 102, 103, 104 and
109 within the Fifth Ward of said city.
Residence of Geo. J. Carter at 137 Lincoln, Salt
Lake City, for Districts Nos. 105, 106, 107, 108 and 110
within the Fifth Ward of said city.
Room 2 City and County Building, Salt Lake City,
for Districts Nos. 111, 112 and 113 within the Fifth Ward
II of said city.
Phillips Church Kindergarten, 5th South end 7th
East, Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 114, 115, 116 and
117 within the Fifth lard of said city.
BF. IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the following
named persons shall constitute, and they are hereby appointed
the official judges of said election to serve in the respective
election districts named, the said persons so herein designated
being duly qualified electors within their respective election
districts and otherwise qualified as provided by law, to-wit:
For Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 6, Mr_e.. H.D.Brooke,
9.08 South bth East; Mrs. Sarah J. Smith, 615 South Second
East; Mrs. A. H. Little, 732 South Fourth East.
For Districts Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, Caroline
Roxbrough, 992 South llth East; J. T. Thorne, 927 Lake Stree,;
Mrs. Elizabeth Beer, 1172 South 9th East.
For Districts Nos. 10, 11, 12 and annexed territor,,
C. D. Brinton, 1652 South State Street; Mrs. Rose A. Stelter
784 Roosevelt Ave.; Mrs. Frank Coxless, 1471 South 7th East.
For Districts Nos. 13, 14 and annexed territory,
B. A. M. Froiseth, 855 Sherman Avenue; Mrs. Mary F. Hill,
1980 Douglas Avenue; Geo. H. Islaub, 1978 12th East Street.
For Districts Noe. 15, 16, 17, 18 and annexed terr
itory, George Saville, 2384 South 7th East; Miss Florence
Harrington, 1975 South 7th East; Mrs. Annie G. Vine, 2482
South 7th East.
For Districts Nos. 26,. 27, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34,
Mrs. E. Aplin, 349 South 1st West; Mrs. Mary T. White, 61
West South Temple; Mrs. Maggie McCurdy, 24 West Fourth South
For Districts Nos. 36, 37, 38 and annexed territor',
Jennie C. Mortensen, 131 West 6th South; Erma Walker, 13
Sperry Court; Jas. H. Ludlow, 247 West 7th South.
For Districts Nos. 28 and 29, J. L. Hutchison,
1022 Euolid Ave.; Mrs. S. C. Haslam, 963 West Second South;
Margaret Clegg, 970 West Second South.
For Districts Noe. 35, 39 and 40, Mrs. Mary E.
Sanderson, 1230 Indiana Avenue; Mrs. J. E. Shea, 1546
Indiana Avenue; Sadie Dunford, 1240 West 8th South.
For Districts Nos. 51, 52 and 53, Mrs. Hattie
Whiter', 152 North 1st West; Harriet Dyer, 142 North 7th
West; Kate Thomas, 137 North West Temple.
For Districts Nos. 54, 58 and 59, Joseph C. Wade,
19 North 9th West; Mrs. Mary E. Haslam, 544 West 3rd North;
Mrs. Lily B. Morrison, 360 West 6th North.
For Districts Nos. 55, 56, 57 and 60, Edward
Brooks, 1064 Goodwin Avenue; Margaret Fernstrom, 809 West
14th North; George Batley, 140 W. Apricot Street.
For Districts Nos. 76 and 77, H. B. Giles, 115
Third Avenue; Edith Kimball, 211 Canyon Road; Mrs. Wm. W.
Eager, 39 E. North Temple.
For Districts Nos. 78, 79, 83 and 85, Mrs. F. Y.
Kraft, 230 Fourth Avenue; Aiice?L. '.Neslen, ?76 Thtrd`Rve ;
Jean Salmon, 183 E Street.
For Districts Nos. 80, 81, 82, 84, Elizabeth Ball
372 I Street; Frank Davis, 174 K Street; C. T. Loback, 167
L Street.
For Districts Nos. 101, 102, 103, 104 and 109,
Catherine H. Gatrell, 553 East 3rd South; E. J. Randolph,
142 South 2nd East; Margaret E. Carlin, 454 East South Temple,
For Districts Nos. 105, 106, 107, 108 and 110,
Batheryn M. Smith, 163 McClelland St.; Win. B. Todd, 835 East
2nd South; 'Hiss Zella Gallagher, 1163 East lst South.
For Districts Noe, 111, 112 and 113, Mrs. Kathleen
MoCooey, 268 East 4th South; Florence Canty, 419 Church St.;
Mrs. Minnie P. quay, 214 East 5th South.
For Districts Nos. 114, 115, 116 and 117, E. P.
Scoville, 503 South 10th East; Dottie A. Moyle, 323 South
7th East; Ella M. Ipson, 425 South 9th East.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That in the opinion
of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the health,
peace and safety of the inhabitants of said city, that this re-
solution take effect immediately, and said resolution shall take
effect upon the passage thereof.
Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of'.0a1t Lake City,
Utah, February 24th, 1919. f
Teripor y �rFiaan
City ecorder.