6 of 1927 - A resolution making additional appropriations to the budget of Salt Lake City for the year 1927. REMA'RKS: Resolution No. ._ 6 T make at].ditional appropria o. ' City the far 1 2 Year 9 7• e. =.s�zxa ._ e.... u D fi r t 191a27 Burton Fehr / I move that the resolution be adopted. Finch / Moran Mr.Chairman - - - Result RESOLUTION .0TC}i3A3, it is necessary to make additional appropria- tions for the support of the city government for the year 1927. THE?EPOP.J, BE I'T RZ,SOLVED TACT the following sums of money or as much thereof as may be necessary be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the City Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the support of the various departments indicated for the calendar year ending Jecember 31, 1927. said appropriations are further itemized in the recuests on file for such appropriations and are in addition to those heretofore au- thorized and lade by the 3oard of commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on December 14, 1926 and Feb. 17, 1927, to-wit: PUBLIC F'LdnNCE. City aecorder tr182.75 sexton's Jept. . .1,650.00 City Treasurer 450.00 PUBLIC 0.6F 'TY. Board of Health 45E.00 PtuiKS AND PUBLIC 2d0P ;TY. t-iecreation 69.00 Park Jet 1,000.00 ' a'THSETTb YSIJ PUBLIC Ii,Pr(UV:.ud vTS. Public Improvements (City's Portion) 36,063.39 angineer (Streets) 600.00 bTATU'TORY .l i J G21122AL Lighting service, all departments, . . . 315.60 Purchase of Tennis Club Grounds . . . . 3,500.00 ,it:'TBaZRK5 ___1D '.i.1:22a SUPPLY. .aterworks 2 745.91 -2- ..ayer N 622.27 2ot^1 , 49 653 9? It is necessary in the opinion of the :board of Commis- sioners for the Peace, health and safety of the inhauitents of salt Lake .3ity, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its oassage.and phis resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. Adopted by the board of Commissioners of ..alt _,ate Jity, Utah, , or. City:-recorder. 1_