6 of 1929 - A resolution accepting bid of Snow-Goodart and Company for the refunding of $750,000.00 in water and REMARKS: Resolution No. 6 By Commissioner Fehr Accepting bid of Snow- Good-art & Co. for the refund- ing ofiR50,000,00 in water and sewer bonds, dated April 1st, 1919. ca7o.Auslam JAI?2J 10:e9 111 —41 ROLL CALL VOTING i '`' 'I AYE N tY Salt Lake City,Utah, Tanutry; 29th 1929 Burton Fehr I move that resolution No 6 by Mr Fehr Finch be adopted. Moran Mr.Chairman - - - Commissioner of public Affair 8ce Result. --! SsWnuTv 29th ► A. B.`ll119. The Beard of Oemaissioners of Salt Lake City, set is Begslar 8gsion. On Hall soil the following suss ours Prescott Coanisoioaer _BURTON T. T. , Os0*lssioner of Poblia safety Oaaaioaionor IMR, MIAs. N ' Coswisaioasr of Public Daprev meats. Commissioner FINCH. HARRY L, Ceaeiaaioaor of Public Affal end llama. Commissioner MORAN Pk. J., , Ooaatosioaor of red* and ' Mlle Property. Commissioner Bowman, John F. Mayor-Commissioner of Water Supply . Waterworks, absent on Official Business. Oumoissioaor FERR , thus iatrodused sod scrod the adsptjwa of the following resolutions /1 E E E O L II S 1 0 B wIlallAS, pursuant to Ordinate*and isaolafisa hsrotstoro adapted, ads and entered try the Bari of Commissioners of salt Lake City, on tote Slot day of April, A. B. 1910, said City daly laud end sold the follow- inn dooaribad heads, to-sits • 1. One hundred*lady-six thousand Dg113ra ($196,000.00) Sewer Bondy - Soria we, auditing of 196 hoods, slumbered from 1 to 19$ iaolusiys,. deasrinstisa $1.000.00 ugh, said Una being dated April lot. 1919, papablo April'1st,'1939, rsdosaablo at the Splits of said Citp'OR an otter April let, i0s9, .Os aa0r into st pey1ng date, with i taroot thsreaa at the rate of fin :per ant (5%) per samtsa, from date sail paid, Amble ami-masutslly an th11 lit days of April and Motor is sash year, Whisk-said bonds wore losuod for i the mop *fp/lying the ovens* of Inarwiag, improving. extending and oddi»g to the present draila * system of said City and to osnatruet storm sewers. i X. live h*Mrsd and forty theussM Dollars ($6d0.000.00) Satar . Aloud* - Series "Cr, ssnsisting of 0440 beads, membered fro* 1 is 340 innlusivs, Idesm*iaation$3,000.00 moth, Mil bonds twine dated April 1st, 1919. Mably April 1st, 19319, redeemable at the option of said City n or after April 1st, isms, on ate interest paring dates with interest thorium at the rats Of five per cent (6P per amen tree data'until paid, payable seniEmmsmat.1y en the first dgys of April and Ostolsr in sash year► *high nil bent. were issued for the pin**, of inereasing, improving, unerring, Ong, perfeeting and adding to the waterworks system of said Oily. 3. ps*rte nt thousand Dollars (414,000400) sates Dents - series "r said Deeds Defer Wad April 1st, 1919, muberet few 1 to 14 iinolln ive, pay- able April 1st, 1939, redeemable at the option of sail City et or after April 1st, 10ft, maw interest paying into, with interest thorium at the rats of five per sent (5%) par awn, free date until pail Dayable Lod-amxwaliy tot the first days of April sal Metier in oath year, which salt bonds were t' for the psrposs of defraying the exponso of imoreasiag, improving, ealarglag, extending and adding to the present tutor supply of said City ant to that ;ad to auq*ire additional water sights and by dotelppussi from warless sebum of ply AID MUM,at a rsruaar nootiap tnlj sallod and lawfkll r held by this Road on the 16th dare Jdam►rp, A. D. 1129, a'resolution vas duly adytsd, 'ado sal entered, milling sail beads ter rsdeaptian, and has causal to 1e published sells. of intention to redeem, ritual eat rattly all of salt bends, so mentioned and daeribod, in manner providet therein and to egserdan 'with a` mantles and ardor adopted y sold Dart, en the Hied day of April, A. D. 1919, nut, ►8DRRt5, told Dalt Legality, is without sufficient foals to redeem Waal mat pay said sntstandiap bonds' aquntiar is taw wiry is 10 this said ease 050,000.00 and it will be neseesary to tone its rofsndiag Imago in the said sae of 050►000.00 tar the purpose of obtaining fonds with whitlh to redoes and refund said outstanding bands so isssmd, sat, WRD>11ti8, 3Mw, loodart ant Qeaaaq, a Utah Cuparatioa, has offered to pwtehaee, at par sad maenad intnrett,plus a peenituu of $0040.00► all of sold refunding bends, to-stts 1 99.000.00, one.baif of obtab bends ($011,000.00) are to war interest ii t e r to of four mat ono-ball (t1 ) per Beat per ammo oat the remaining sae half (4676,000.00) to bear intorost at Is. rate of tsar sad leer*.-vwrtsr (40) par sent per anima. payable aa•_11Tr shish Did is is tbs aorta ant Mares as fatless, to-oils Ds.oab.r litho 1ftt. lehanttle dip O Allsoiea Salt Lake City. Wish. Sandsm I to herewith otter is *fist as as '-ais.r $100.000.00 salt Loh* City 0% Usti, flaaty41, let, 1109. far 45,06000.00 salt ISM City 4i%awl $156,000.00 40 Mats it the fall ring sOSSZttiiat $16,000.00*Heat*, two Psalaany 1st is *soh it the yaws 11s0 is IS oat $ .000.00 4 lands, darn fsbramr7 1ii la.ash it the Tara Ilia t. 1St ant to pp the Oily, is additiaa, 40,000.00 psalm. . Sh.si.t %r s fe0a6.e., .000..00r sat: .eao.shta.ts. fl 441 ll r4 1]11sa1em asdo 0 g40ia00t. 0 SMr r assts. datot April 1st. 1111. It is first it as►t*g lad that **tong*to b insiod,la rorsAsaps Sir for Ord Dead.. shall to is Ma rout*i Ii waititats lap! .bllptisas .t Salt Loos City to fir iati.ra.ttoa-of Oar AttQrwlyi,'oat rat airea t* fats sash stgs ends res010ieas ae sells regairst to that sd. It is farther asdsrtiti.l sad,tested that tin sae boats ars Si t* least bat d.liios.d to as as se d.liwr the old bowls is**Oh*ap. said are to be *01104lst Tor April 10th, 1l$1• this offer is tar'imsdiat*as.spissis. e*ipsittally ealaittet, aLI, MOW* h ODOR! $ 00eDIX S0 ($i+s.a)- that solid bid of Sass Sodas**ad Ca.afiaeyy, is the hialiist, tea prat sot advantage's* *as r..aivat DT said my for salt bats, ps 'l aailG3e If Is Ilan 11SOLYED AID OUZO. b7 the,kart or 1. • missioners of Salt Lake City that the offer of said Snow, Goodart and deapany for the parobase of said $750,000.00 Refunding Bonds be and the same is hereby accepted and that the sale of said$7150,000.00 Refunding Bonds to +laid Snow, Goodart and Company and the notion of said Hoard in accepting *aid offer and all proceedings pertaining thereto, are hereby ratified and Confirmed and said bonds are hereby ordered to be delivered to said Snow, 400dart and Company, in accordance with the terms of id,bid. ✓7 Comslesioner T. T. BURTON seconded the motion for the adoption of said resolution and the acceptance of said bid and the same Upon being pat to a vote, was carried by the affirmative vote of all Commissioners present, the vote being as follows: Commissioner T. T. BURTON "Aye" Commissioner CHAS. N. FHHR "Aye" Commissioner HARRY L. FINCH "Aye" Commissioner �'• J. MORAN "Aye" Commissioner JOHN F. BOWMAN 'YM"Absent on official Business• ADOPTRB ABD APPBOYRD, this • day of JANUARY , A. D. 1929. ATTEST: Mayor. City Recorder. (NELL) Commissioner FEHEI then introduced and moved the adoption of the following Ordinance, which Ordinance was read in full by the City Recorders 4.