6 of 1943 - A resolution that the Board of Commissioners go on record as opposed to the passage of Senate Bill N fir - REMARKS: Resolution No. " By Commissioner KEYSER That the Board of Commission- ers go on record as opposed to , Hj the passage of Senate Bill #108 before the 1943 '-'ession o the Utah State Legislature, relating to culinary water supply. ?wafted to the Word of Commlogooe 11' AND PASSED , FEB 1 11943 • c,714,3V4P/^1144•Pet - - a' 11! — I move that the resolution be adopted. Keyser r, 1 Matheson (if __ "` v McConkie Mr. Chairman - - - f_/ _ RESOLUTION Results LEETi_'1ab, under the power granted by statute Salt Lake City has acquired an e.:tensive eater system for furnisninrt and distributing to its inhabitants culinary voter, :.hich underta__ing ha:: involved and ..ii1 continue to involve the enpenditure of great suals of money a,hicn the city alone has been and s it be required to raise; and ,'-;_ad, bait Lake City at its own enpense necessarily maintains ail the facilities and ene oys ali such experts, includ- ing a board of health personnel as required by Iaw, as are necessary to assure the uroper quality annsurity to its culinary 'eater; and CHEI BIAS, the function of supplying culinary water to its inhabitants is by its nature a1xii:saei:orial usage, one which should and can be best adainisteree by the city aut:ioriai es; and to vest in the ':fate a,oard of heal th the povers and functions contemplated. by Senate Lili hi. luS no peneinb before the ib4f ses _r e of the Utah Le I s_ature \.onid be to oue.oriaose noon the cityIs ad-ministration of a local iuisction survision by a state board resulting in a duplication of facilities, personnel and er.-�ense. db, TiilhhF El, CC I'i r.-':SOLVED that the boars of Co..Lcission- ers of ;bait Lake City Co on record as oo,;osed to the pass e of senate Li-' i,o. 18 and that a copy of this resolution be forwardea to the president of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representa- tives of the Utah Legislature for consideration by the ,:senate and ,house and the proper committees thereof whenever said measures shall he considered. • Passed by the Boa-d f Conf,lissioners of ialt LE..ke City, Utah, this day of __ AeAcd , 1943. city Leeoraer.