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6 of 1951 - A resolution authorizing appropriations for the support of the City Government of Salt Lake City Uta
REMARKS: Resolution No. By Commissioner Glade r Authorizing appropriations for the support of the City Government of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the year 1952. Printed to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED DEC fl ' '?51 CITY RECORDER -orm 102 200 1,6 ROLL CALL VOTING -AYE PI Y + Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Burbidge f ristensen I move that the resolution be adopted. ittaxtcxaa Romney /'� Lingenfelter Itioranc Mr.Chairman . . RESOLUTION Result A RESOLUTION MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE YEAR 1952. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the City Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Government of Salt Lake City, for the calendar year ending December 31st, 1952, said appropriations being made to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the following budget, which is hereby approved. SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION ' BUDGET FOR Tll Y .A 1952 ,. ESTIMATED BUDGET BASED CN THE AES:;SSED VALUATION 4205,960,081.00 AT 97;', COLLECTION 199,781,279.00 Total Mill Levy 18.5 3,695,952.00 Library Board 199,781.00 ESTLEETED CAYENNE GENERAL TAXES Prior Year 100,000.00 Current Year 3,695,952.00 Business License and Franchise 573,000.00 Business Tax 145,000.00 Non-Business licenses 132,500.00 Fines and Forfeitures 305,000.00 Rent and Concessions 40,000.00 Departmental Fees and Charges 145,000.00 Earnings of General Depart:;ents 155,000.00 Earnings of eater Department 1,722,138.00 Parking Meters 205,000.00 Utah State Liquor Fund 264,600.00 Excess Revenue 211,114.50 7,694,304.50 ESTIMATED TRANSFER FUND Contracts Payable- Ater Department 28,829.38 Class "C" Road Fund 285,444.00 Airport Nc. 1 Gas Tax 138,316.00 ',Yatermain Extensions 350,000.00 Street Replacements 60,000.00 862,589.38 Total Estimated Revenue BUDGET EXPENDITURES 0,555,893.88 Auditor 59,779.00 Public Affairs end Finance 418,123.00 Public Safety 2,266,793.00 Parks and Public Property 802,254.00 STREETS 9ND PUBLIC 1ATNC7.1T:5NTS Engineers 402,834.00 Streets 934,468.00 1,337,302.00 Eater Department 684,733.00 5,568,984.00 STATUTORY AND GENERAL Operations 959,870.00 Bond Retirement 194,870.00 Bond Interest 108,317.50 Civil Defense Budget No. 145 10,000.00 1,273,057.50 CAPITALL, INTTE."IIv'EN TS Auditor 6,000.00 Public Affairs and Finance 27,000.00 Public Safety 50,000.00 Parks and Public Property 30,000.00 Engineers 6,000.00 Streets and Public Improvements 60,000.00 'Water Department 165,000.00 Statutory and General 308,263.00 652,263.00 R.'V::SdUE FUND TRANSFERS Contracts Payable-”ater Department 28,829.38 Class "C" hoed Fund 285,444.00 Airport No. 1 Fund 138,316.00 .ratermain Extensions 350,000.00 Street Replacement and Cuts 60,000.00 862,589.38 Unappropriated Surplus 200,000.00 Total Estimated Expenditures 0,556,893.88 • AUDITOR'S niPakls1;HT L+ud;ret So. 1 Account No. Maine or i•ccount Amount A 1 Superrieion 10,0000.00 A 2 ,Varies-0 iica 41,40.;.00 51,400.GO B 1 Office oupplias 3,503.00 B 19 Miscellaneous 1a0.00 A 1 Repairs to Acuimaent 2,179.00 3 4 Cltaaning and Ilenovating 200.00 F 4 Auto ^11owr nc, 1,7!0.X l 1 24 Travelling ;bpense 57).00 F 37 Laundry and Linen 10.00 1 39 fiembership and Subt:or.,ptions 100.00 ,379..)0 w19,??2.00 SULUARY Salaries 51,400.00 Operation, 6,379.00 ,259,179.00 CAPITAL AXPL;1B1'T1JR 8 147-2 Accounting Machine A Stand i 5,300.00 Lino Top Counter front and panels 500.00 T7peariter-Stand 200'00 Grand total ;i 6,000.00 i965,719.O0 GP iU LIC e'.F'IJAiiw ANJ• i IN..JNCL mayor-Commissioner's Office Budget No. 2 wcnt. Be. Account Amount A - 1 salary-keyor-Commissioner 46,000.00 A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 6,660.00 A -48 Salary - Secretary Civil Service 2.820,00 415,480.00 B - 1 Office Expense 225.00 B - 2 Printing 150.00 B - 3 Postage 150.00 B -12 Gasoline and Oil 1,000.00 B -13 Tires end Tubes 150.00 • -19 Miscellaneous 350.00 E - 4 Cleaning and Renovating 500.00 I - 6 Repairs to Automobiles 500.00 E -11 Repairs to Tires and Tubes 25.00 I'- 24 Travel Expense 500.00 1 -39 Membership and .ubsoriptions 125.00 #10;:©0 Lrual. L3 i A LTi';NR' Budget No. 5 A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 49,090.00 A -15 Salaries - Attorney & Assistants 20.760.00 429,850.00 • - 1 Office Expense 175.00 • - 2 Printing 175.00 N - 3 Postage 50.00 i -18 Law books 1,400.00 A - 4 Cleaning and Renovating 500.00 N' - 9 Court Costs 100.00 y -24 Travel Expense 500.00 P -39 Memberships, Subscriptions 275.00 433175.00 ,025.00 LIC.EN iE LLPt>:IMf N"1' Budget No. 6 A - 1 jalary - Assessor 44.380.00 A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 1}:620:00 A -11 Salaries - Inspectors 660000 $15.600.00 ▪ - 1 Office Expense 200.00 B - 2 Printing 500.00 • - 3 Postage 600.00 • - 4 Automobile Allowances 1,332.00 1 -24 Travel Expense 4/y.6 2.00 $20,232.06 . Yams #2 . . . • Business Tax budget No. 6-1 Aoct. No. Account Amount A - 2 Office Employees 'a.8.20.00 2,820.00 4 -19 Niscellaneoue Expense 800t00 800.00 3.620.00 iURCH4sING A1ENT Budget No. 7 - 1 Salary - kurchasing Agent 63-ktr.°° A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 0 GO, 421,000.00 b - 1 Office Expense 200.00 b -19 kisoelleneoue Expense 200.00 E - 4 Cleaning and henovntina 1,000.00 1 -24 Travel Expense 500.00 1- 4 Automobile Allowances 840.00 1 -29 Membershipa,Subeariptions 350.00 43.090.00 $24,090.00 IECORLEhISDEPAM.LENI Budget No. 8 A - 1 Salary - Recorder 44,200.00 A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 11.490.00 815,690.00 B - 1 Office Expense 1,000.00 B - 2 Printing 1,000.00 B 3 Postage 900.00 E - 4 Cleaning and Renovating 500.00 e -39 Membership. ubseriptions 75.00 3.47,00 419,165.00 CIVIL COURT budget No. 9 A - 2 6elaries - Off toe Employees 419.830,00 #19.830.00 B - 1 Office Expense 600.00 B - 2 Printing 2,500.00 B 3 Postage 25.00 E - 4 Cleaning and Renovating 500.00 3.62,.00 423,455.00 • •-Page•#3 CRIMINAL COURT Budget No. 10 Root. No. ACCOUii AMOUNT s; — 2 Salaries - Office Employees 417.370.00 017,370.00 B - 1 Office Expense 700.00 B - 2 Printing 1,200.00 8 - 3 Postage 100.00 2.000.00 v19,370.00 CEKETERT Budget No. 11 A — 1 Salary - Sexton 3,330.00 A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 3,660.00 A - 3 Salaries - Maintenance Grounds 98.741.00 H -12 Salaries - Matehmen 5,700.00 R -16 Salaries - Truck Drivers 8,670.00 ti -21 Salaries - Florists 6.540.00 4126,641.00 B - 1 Office Expense 500.00 B - 2 Printing 400.00 B - 3 Postage 150.00 B - 4 Fuel 1,000.00 B- 12 Gasoline aid 011 3,000.00 B -13 Tires and Tubes 1,000.00 B -19 Miscellaneous 500.00 B -25 Greenhouse Supplies 300.00 B -26 Trees,Plants and Seeds 2,500.00 N - 1 Repairs to Grounds 2,500.00 u - 2 Repairs to Buildings 1,500.00 D - 5 Repairs to Streets 3,000.00 :` - 2 Repairs to Equipment 5,000.00 E - 4 Cleaning and Renovating 500.00 E - 6 Repairs to Motor Equipment 2,500.00 E -11 Repairs to Tires and Tubes 350.00 F -37 Linen Service m 60.00 F -39 Bubsoriptions 75.00 24.835.00 0151,4 6.00 TRtRNSUKEit'S DklTMENT Budget No.- 12 A - 1 Salary - Treasurer 45.580.00 A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 23.880.00 429.460.00 B - 1 Office Expense 500.00 B - 2 Printing 600.00 B - 3 Postage 350.00 E - 1 Repairs to Equipment 500.00 D - 4 Cleaning and Renovating 600.00 F - 4 Automobile Allowance 240.00 F -24 Travel expense 500.00 F -39 subscriptions 100.00 *3 .090.00 50.00 DOG TAX COLLECTIONS BUDGET NO. 13 A-11 balaries $11i+580•00 4i4,530.:a) B-1 Supplies 320.00 B-12 Gas and Oil 900.00 F-4 Car Allowance 300.00 F-22 Dog Food 400.00 1,920.00 S16.500.00 16,500.00 Capital Expenditures Page T#4 OG Tim Budget No. 13 N O. Account Amount Y - 22 Collections and Expense 44=W' l PARKING METERS Budget No. 14 A - 11 Salaries 4+20,340.00 t2a,34o.00 PLANNING and LONING Budget No. 15 A - 1 Salary - Lonin- Engineer 4 5,220.00 A - 2 Salaries - Office Imployees 10.080.00 $15,300.00 B - 1 Office Expense 1,000.00 B - 2 Printing 400.00 B - 3 kostagge 45.00 —re-4 -1:l+aa1a,3 amid-MemosatLsg 400.40- A' - 1 Advertising 350.00 r - 4 Automobile Allowances 640.00 7 -24 Travel Expense 400.00 F -50 Hoard of Adjustment 1.000.00 $19 4,3jI. TRAFFIC' TICKET O11ICE Budget No. 16 A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 411.310.00 $11,310.00 B - 1 Office Bigness 400.00 - 2 Printing 500.00 13 .00 C - 4 Automobile Allowance 1�600.00 3 000.00 $1 ;310.00 Grand Total $�+ .V(fi' gV, /„U 00 SULV.ART Salaries 434G69100 3.4(0.49/.a D Operations 77./3 ,a 0 f4� /�/8 /2soa '• 1ege ifs CAPITAL INVt1' TI.X is Budget 147-3 3 - 2 Legal Department- Sedan ( 1946 model turn-in ) 4 1,700.00 3 - 4 kurohasing iteut - :hug and flooring, 00G.00 3 :mivel chairs 300.00 2 steel files 300.00 1 typewriter 175.00 Cooler and e'en 300.00 41,475.00 3 - 6 Criminal Court - Typewriter 415 0.00 3 - 7 Cemetery 1 - 1? Ton Truck $.2,200.00 1 - :sedan 1,700.00 1 - Greve Digger 3,000.00 - Toror Mowers 500.00 3 - Clippers 150.00 1 - Tiller 200.00 Garage 4,000.00 Boulevard ,tall 2,000.00 2 - Gates 395.00 414,145.00 3 - 8 Treasurer - Bookkeeping Lachine 0,000.0G 2 - Typewriters 300.00 1 - Adding Machine 450.00 5,750.00 3 - 9 lion._ Tax - 4+idewalk from street to uog sound it.2.200.00 3 - 10 Mayor's Office - 1 Typewriter 4 175.00 3 - 11 Civil Court - 7 - 3 drawer files 4 700.00 1 - Typewriter 155.00 1 - Office chair 50.00 . 905.00 • • • rage ff 5 A Budget 147-3 3 - 19 rlanning and 'oning - 1 - 4 drawer file 4150.00 1 • map file 300.00 4450.00 3 - 20 Traffic Ticket Office 1 - whiz Machine 50.00 Grand 'Total - +{20 A7..o oO,OD iir fr:.•:rt Ar --OhLIC :',AF:TT K.;,: .T h4._.;1 ., F; liiis IAR 1952 .n,. '[i R' .YFI.0 vudget Pie. 20 Acct. liar. of Account Amount A-1 Gommissioner'c Salary $ 5,000.00 1-2 :lecratary, c:L.rks, 'terobraphers 12,W80.00 A-11 ins ect.r 2.340.00 19,820.00 b-1 Alio, z:upplies 300.00 B-2 'rintiaj 4550.G0 B-3 ostage 400.00 r.-1 Repairs to r`urniture and Fixtures 300.00 F-1, Automobile Allowance 620.00 F-26 Travel rxLense 600.00 F-39 Mesuermaic and .ubecr-itiona 150.00 2, 20.00 Total 22,640.00 t'I.IC RAF TT SDI1,01 0 ;iudget no. 23 Acct. No. Mace of Account Amount A-1 budget Director 4,320.00 A-2 .tenographere and i;lerks 5,010.00 A-12 bi.:y. .Aupt., Gngineers a Jau:.tcrs 27,560.00 4-17 eenh-nits 44,5140.00 A-36 Telephone 1psrators 11,780.00 A-40 aeelrr of Weights and *away 3,780.00 A-111 Last. :;aalere of .te. c: 3ieaaars. 6.360.00 103,350.00 B-1 office Supplies 250.00 1=2 Printing 150.30 i 3 rortae-a 25.00 6-4 Patti. 5,500.00 t5-12 Gasoline and 0i1 1,00.00 n-13 Time and 'tuuss 150.00 t-15 Janitor 'upplias 1,250.00 b-19 b.iscellanesus 50.00 B-24 tight Globes 150.00 D-2 Repairs to buildings 1,500.00 u-3 �eaairs to Plumbing and neat.ing 9,0.00 r 1 0eaairs to Furniture and Fixtures 75.00 F-2 Repairs to Tools and Machinery 950.00 '-6Repairs to Motor Vehicles 350.00 :`-I, Automobile Allowance 300.00 F-7 .ent, -ublic Safety Garage 3,750.00 r'-24 Traveling !.xp enas 300.00 22 0 .00 Total , .ITT SICA;.: ;ud,>st Mo. 24 Acct. do. Wane of Account Amount A-1 3upsrvisioa 2,020.00 2,020.00 6-2 r:.nting 300.00 s.d4 r nel 75.00 0-2 Repairs to i- ilding 100.00 r epairs to fools ,aid Machinery 100.00 -37 Laundry 15.00 590.00 Total 3,410.00 Fla BE.,ART.z,VT budget No. 25 post. a,:. Cass Of ,cwuut hnount A-1 :s:4;:arvialon 5,400.00 A-6 At t. ..tisfs, 4a:ts., L.s., .:to. 178,660.00 A-13 Firemen 5d9,738.00 A-17 ..'names A-31 Alarm '4.rators and .:lectrinians 21,704.40 795,522.1,0 8-1 ffice aupplies 775.00 k-2 rrintia6 1,200.00 6-3 Oataas 100.00 84 reel 6,000.00 2-11 rotor Yeniclsageoessories 750.00 8-12 i::asoline and O11 4,90.3.00 1-13 'irsa and lubts 3,000.00 n-15 Janitcis tppliea 2,000.00 1-17 ..Rdieal - pplles 575.00 B-19 s,.iacsllansous 1,000.00 B-21 .-da,ng 750.00 -24 Light ":lobes 225.00 1-31 `.re Prevention •up ties 750.00 -32 k:nst ioala 450.00 1--34 ilabhlight iloees 75.00 .-35 las light ,itteries 300.00 -37 mew Bose 12,50040 :r40 note 44pplisa 150.00 41-43 ire Fighting -quipsent, Ito. 3,250.00 „-1 Materials and deprirs to u-vunda 750.00 v-2 `.epaire to 1ldings 5,700.00 c:-3 epairs to ''ivaning and a atiAg 950.00 1-1 ceF,ifs to 'urniturs and .Pi:tures 000.00 6-2 'tepaira to 'toola and ,achinaq 750.00 63 nepa:ra to Inatrueents asd nvparatus 11,500.00 r;.f, {impairs to Motor V.niclss 6,500.00 8-15 Repairs to was 300.00 F-24 Ira'el nspenas 350.00 F-37 La.;adq and Linen 3,700.00 r-39 atsno•rsu1p: ,_ .. _nstrn)tnnns 200.0v 67,050.00 Total 862,512.40 .tcb IF: .RTM NT budget FAO. 30 Scot. AYc. Nan. of Account Amount A-1 upervisios 13,980.00 A-2 soretary and Glsres 30,340.00 ►-6 O'apt., ;.t.s., "rt., ,;to. 49,6i0.00 A-7 .'at-ol.oan 316,400.00 a-6 fla nciotne. 138,6u0.u0 A-11 Inspector 4,740.U0 -31 ,apt. voz,sGna=.ation and blppatcher ;5,190.00 561,938.00 4.-1 utiles ;up;.liHs. 2,000.00 -.2 rint.tn4 3,500.00 n-3 octags 500..0 If-12 '5soline and 0>11 24,000.00 0-13 fins and Tuoss 1,500.00 a-15 ianitors ouppli.t 500.00 8-19 aisosllausvus 500.00 o-24 bight Blob's 340.00 v-34 flashlight uloo,s 200.00 2-35 .lashlight hatt.rits 5u0.10 8-36 Cartridges 750.00 o-40 nctoto applies 1,600.00 • cis ,b7aJ;Tf_ ;f budjet do. 30 (oontinued) as_ct. ho. MAIM of Account Asount. f-1 Repairs to r'urniture and Fixtures Repairs to !netr. and Apparatus 500.3u b•6 aepairs to motor Veldtlex 11,000.00 -8 hspa1.ra to Guns, %auba, tc. 900.00 • 11 Repairs to Liras :Ana 'lungs 2,000.00 A-18 Repairs to !argot !gorge 200.00 • 19 Radio rignipaent 5,000.00 r'-4 Antoaobilo Allowance 900.00 F-7 rent 909.60 F-8 Ambulance C,'ntract 75.00 F"-z4 Traveling Aspens* 500.00 P-25 Obtaining aviclenoe 1,50u.00 -• 37 Laundry and Linen 2,200.00 F-39 Membership and _:ubecriptiona 75.00 63.009.60 Total 624,947.60 urm budget No. 33 Acot. !io. Bate of Acoonnt csoant -ti A twins, Lts., :gts. 23,940.00 A-7 •atrolnen 18450000 /'4 SGn.o 0 -• b `lalnciotnes 3.600.00 2.12 o 0 464011070) e-2 1"'rioting 3,70t%.•,0 1;-12 i:asoiine and Oil 14,50G.00 t-13 Liras And ►oas 5-29 iitcyale License i latex 500.00 F-39 traffic saint 14,000.00 1-6 ''.gpa_rs to notes Verriclae 7,000.,0 t-10 'igns and oignals 9,500.00 4.epaire to Uotorcycler .4500.00 -• 17 ignal loner 3)0.00 a-24 Travel Ripens( 350.00 M'-55 Safety C'uneil 1.500.00 56.500.00 ibtal 48,540.00 JAIL budget Mo. 35 Acct. .o. Rams of Acoount Amount Ate- Lieutenant0.00 A-7 atrolinen 21,244.00 A-14 ,atron 2.688.00 28,068.00 .lothing for .rieonors t00.00 b-• 21 °tudang 650.00 Jail uppiies 1,500.00 L,-2 Repair, to buildings 750.00 1--3 Repairs to lunbing and ue:ating 50v.00 r-11 liarlo to rrisomors 23.000.00, 27.200.40 ustal 55,268.00 • • • Jl1L:R2 - ..,'i; .1., •fTM,NT 42,0l 6.00 Salaries 146,709.60 ^ae+ratilne Total 968,755.60 niALTH DEFAATMOIT Budtlet No. 40 Acct. No. Nano of Account Account A-1 'uperrtsion 7,930.00 A-2 Aeries 20,970.00 A-10 .%urscs 76,780.00 A-11 inspectors 5,610.00 111,340.00 ::.1 Offios zsu,,>plies 1,050.00 u-2 rint.ng 3,000.00 6-3 I ostaF;e 70..1.0.0 4-4 F usl 200.00 2-12 ,abol a and .11 4600.00 r-13 Aires and Tubes 1,050.00 c-15 JA:itorl a uupplie s 600.00 1i-17 aedical :.upplies 6,100.0J h-19 Liscellassous i,b50.00 _24 eight vloues 100.00 rl •spairs to Furniture and Fixtures t50.00 F-3 swpairs to tnatr. ar,d A.:paratus 250.00 „-6 Repairs to 5otor Valtslss 2,000.J0 F-4 0atoaouile Allowance 31, •00 F-24 Travel :ap*nae 450.00 F-37 Laundry end Linen 1,500.00 F-39 Ramberwiip and 3ubscriptians 250.00 v-45 'ener41 Llinic 2■500.00 36,350.00 Total 147,690.00 i,.3 ;Y:1naI udittt No. 45 Acct. Co. dine of Account Amount A-i ,uperrlsion 4,164.00 A-3u assistants 6 660.00 10,t$ 4.00 0-.27 :.aooratoxq :riu4,piies 1,200.00 1.2'o.U0 %r.tals 12,024.00 :i,it. as 11,-, ITAL Budget Ho. 46 Acct. No. Man. of Account Anaunt A-i 'iupr,rrision 3,390.00 A-10 urea 2,eCi0.00 0,270.00 3-17 1eetacal Suppizes 600.00 Y...4 4itomobils Allowance 420.00 11.1020.00 P„*.al 7'290.0o • • SAIITATION Budget No. 47 Acct. A.o. Name at Account Amount A—I. 6uparrisiaa 4.52600 A-2 .1srizs 2,430.0k; A-11 in peotors 74.008.00 4,962.00 1-24 traveling Serpens 650.00 d50.00 Total 61012.00 Lx DIVISION Bucket 4c. 48 Acct. No. N . of Account Amount A-1 upereisioa 3,924.00 A-2 clerks 2,430.00 A-11 Inspectors 23.447.55 29,601.55 b-1 Office Supplies 40J.00 8-2 rioting 1,250.00 8-3 ,eatage 300.00 8-12 Gasoline and Coil 2,700.00 513 `ires and Tubes 600.O0 c-28 4..A.ry forting :i ipplies 700.00 :-1 Repairs to Furniture and fixtures: 50.00 f 6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 1,050.0f fi-24 Travel &sponse 3,500.00 Y'-39 *eabezahips and Su:,ncriptions ".00 10.025.00 Total. 40,62o.55 LAi ottr SIATI;,16S eud,et So. 49 4oct. 90. wane of Account Amount A-12 Janitor's Salaries 2,647.45 2,647.45 8-4 Fuel 275.00 .8-15 Janitor's Supplies 300.00 D-2 lepa.re to n:lldings d50.00 IF-3 Repairs to Plumbing and Heating p00.00 1.925.00 Total 4,572.45 ¢;tJW RT - H `I.tM 0".:' tN•ST Salaries 241,845.00 Operations 52.170.00 Total 294,015.00 od!.KrLiI — '48LI4 `;SJ.17 0,,A e4t'1aI Salaries 1,965,403.40 Operations 291.339.60 Total 'J crating Pud4et $ 2,46,793.00 • • • CAPITAL INVJ STMENT$ Budget No. 1)47-4 Fire Department Dry Chemical equipment mounted on a truck t 7,000.00 Air Masks - one hour type 2,000.00 Office Equipment 1,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Police Department Target Range Maintenance Contract 1,500.00 Office and Photographic Equipment 1,200.00 Mew automobiles and replacements 7,000.00 New motorcycles and replacements /5,300.00 Gee Semaphores and ';4a1k-Wait Lights 4,000.00 Police Garage Equipment 1,000.00 20,000.o0 Health Department and Commissioner's Office idew automobiles and replacements 5,500.00 Office Equipment including Offset Press 4,500.00 10,000.00 Total Capital Investment , *0,000.00 Grande Total $ 2,296,793.00 • • • OF 7.7KS T1731...7C ;77 :17.7 ( 977:7 00 1952 7j.,7772:' CO Acct. Oc. fmount • 1 :11poron 3,900.00 • 2 Office 'alaroc 13,530.00 • 55 Li71:tin7 -ur,orintondont 3.300.00 2 .790.00 D.. 1 Office -.1..71-10s 1,000.00 !I- 2 0rintin7, 600.00 3 .'e8ta30 400.00 • 1 0oprs, 0quipment 100.00 7- 4 ..uto >c'ore 1,740.00 • 13 :,(Ivertisin,7 200.00 Y- 24 Tr,.:-/o1 1,600.00 F- 39 :ubscriptiona 190.00 5,640.00 31,330.00 • SNS-E TRE, oi:P_R13 Ni Y^. 61 :cot. vo. ;.mount A. 1 0unefvision 7,440.00 A- 3 ' '^'es, ''si.ntencncc "rounds 23,640.00 31,090.00 .. 1 0f5ice ';xnonse 3.00 P. 2 rrintinr 140.00 13- 3 costa-e 10.00 (3- 12 Tasoline e,nr nil 500.00 1- 13 Tires and Tubes 200.00 1- 13 1iscellar.eous Sup lies 700.00 1- 23 'Nursery Stock 3,00n.00 B- 27 Chemicals 50.00 ll- 2 Repair Ruildin.p^s 75.00 6- 2 Repair Tools 400.00 P. 6 Repair 'rucks 1,000.00 - 4 Auto "xpense .00 24 .„r,-ve1 175.00 5ubsorip{inns 35.00 6,335.00 37,416.00 • 62 Acct. No. -.mount A- 1 Supervision 9,540.00 A- 2 Office Sr,ieries 7,672.00 A- 24 "'pros, Recreation Leaders 20,345.00 A. 3 "dares, aintenance ^.-rounds 12,997.00 46,555.00 R- 1 Office Suorlios 350.G0 R. 2 Trintinr 350.00 R- 3 Fcstc;e 75.00 0. 19 ' edical and 3urricnl Supplies 160.00 - 19 ' isoelleneous Supplies B. 70 Recreation Supplies 7,500.00 n- 2 "eteriel Repair 8uildint7s 3G0.00 E- 2 Repair Tools end 8drehinery 7G0.00 4 Car expense 420,00 F. 6 Rental Equipment 203.00 F. 24 Trevel 250.00 F. 2G Fa-outs end Festivals 2,003.00 F. 27 Adult Amateur f.itletios 250.00 F- 27 Te10 rams 10.00 F. 39 5uT,scriptions 200.00 13,056.00 59,610.00 • • • . „ - , 1_-12 abch • , 11.1, 7. 2 ; -In• . - 1 CC - .10--•_•,2 • :21.),:). ▪ 2 -••;•,Li ' ,• r • • 11 ▪ • - ...Y)0. - z.:•avel z_34' - , 'tfJ • CUSTODIAN .. Budget r 61 A-1 Supervision 4,710.00 A-3 :,ages, maintenance Grounds 3,833.00 A-12 ',:ages, Janitors 30,110.00 A-36 ':ages, Telephone Operators 5,400.00 I. 44,053.E B-4 Fuel 50.00 B-14 Engine Room Supplies 375.00 6-15 Janitor Supplies 1,000.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 800.00 B-24 Light Globes 500.G0 B-37 New Hose 75.00 D-3 Repair Plumbing 200.00 -2 Repair 'fools and 03achinery 150.00 -:-3 Repair Instr. and Apparatus 100.00 F-33 ',indow Gashing 125.00 F-37 Clean Linen 1,125.00 F-38 Hauling baste Paper 130.00 U0_00 48,6E;3.00 • AISPWT W2 Budget 3}66 A-3 Wages, maintenance Grounds 2,1t00.00 2,400.00 B-5 Electric Current 900.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oi1 200.00 6-13 Tires & Tubes 75.00 B-24 Light Globes 50.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 550.00 E-1 Repair Equipment 350.00 E-6 aepair Motor Vehicles 175.00 F-4 Car Expense 300.00 2,600.00 5,000.00 • LIBERTY PARK Budget r67 A-1 Supervision 4,800.00 A-3 ages, Maintenance Grounds 26,339.00 A-7 7+asses, Patrolman 5,665.00 A-21 Wages, Greenhouse 18,000.00 54,804.00 B-4 Fuel 1,050.00 B-15- Janitor Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,000.00 B-24 Light Globes 150.00 B-25 Greenhouse Supplies 1,500.00 3-26 Tree, Plants 0 Seeds 1,250.00 B-37 New Hose 300.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,500.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 2,000.00 F-15 Band Concerts 2,250.00 F-37 rUean Linen 50.00 11,150.00 65,954.00 ATHL':TIC PARK Budget ii68 A-1 Supervision 1,260.00 A-3 '.!ages, Maintenance Grounds 2,485.00 3,745.00 3-19 'uiscellaneous Supplies 35.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 150.00 B-2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 285.00 4,030.00 • • • F'AI3`,)NT PARK Budget #69 A-1 Supervision 2,940.00 A-3 ..ages, Maintenance Grounds 5,200.00 8,140.00 B-4. Fuel 120.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 35.00 B-37 New Nose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds L 00.00 • L.EIORY GROVE PARK Budget #71 A- 1 Supervision S 3,000.00 A- 3 `-'cages, Laintenance Grounds 10,037.00 Sub Total 813,037.00 3- 4 Fuel 300.00 B-19 iiscellaneous Supplies 75.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 B-37 New Hose 100.00 0- 1 Laterial Repair 3rounds 300.00 D- 2 katerial Repair Buildin's 100.00 F-37 Clean Linen 60.00 Sub Total $ 960.00 TOTAL $13,997.00 PIORLER PARK Budget #72 A- 1 Supervision $ 2,630.00 A- 3 as:cos, L.airtenance ;rounds Sub 'Total 3 2,680.00 B- 19 miscellaneous Supplies 3 10.00 B-37 New Hose 10.00 D- 1 Laterial Repair Grounds 50.00 D- 2 Laterial Repair Building 50.00 F-37 Olean Linen Sub Total :,120.00 TOTAL $ 2,800.00 • RIVERSIDE FARE • Budget#73 A- 1 Supervision $ 2,800.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 2,760.00 Sub Total • $ 5,560.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies $ 25.00 B-27 New Hose 75.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 2,200.00 D- 2' Material Repair Building 140.00 Sub Total $_2,141t0.00 TOTAL $ 8,000.00 13th EAST RESERVOIR Budget #74 A- 1 Supervision $ 1,150.00 A- 3 sages, Maintenance Grounds 1300.00 Sub Total $ 1,950.00 0- 1 Paterial, Repair Grounds $ 50.00 0- 2 Laterial, Repair fuilding Sub Total 3 50.00 TOTAL $ 2,000.00 • • • • LINDSEY GARDENS Budget #75 A-1 upervision 2,000.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 150.00 2,150.00 B-37 New Hose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,125.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 50.00 1,250.00 ,lt00 p0 WASATOE SPRINGS PARKS Budget #76 A-1 Supervision 1,000.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 350.00 1,350.00 B-4 Fuel 90.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 25.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 50.00 165.00 1,515.00 SORENSON PARK Budget #77 A-1 "upervision A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 920.00 920.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds D-2 Material Repair Buildings 80.00 80.00 1,000.00 • DERXS FIELD Budget #78 A-1 Supervision 2,700.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 2,225.00 4,925.00 B•4 Fuel 400.00 B 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 150.00 B-37 Mew Rose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 300.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 150.00 1,075.00 6,000.00 EIGHTEENTH BASTARD LAIRD AVENUE Budget#79 A-1 Supervision 1,500.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 1,500.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 495.00 595.00 2 • WHITE SOFTBALL PARK Budget #80 A- 1 Supervision $ A- 3 :ages, Laintenance Grounds 805.00 Sub Total 3 805.00 B-24 Light Globes 3 25.00 B-37 New Hose 25.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 50.00 D- 2 Material Repair Building 100.00 F- 3 Rental 150.00 Sub Total 3 350.00 TOTAL $ 1,155.00 NIRLEY GOLF COURSE Budget #81 A- 3 'oagea, 4:aintenance Grounds $13,955.00 A-23 Salary Professionals 1,920.00 Sub Total $15,875.00 B- 2 Printing $ 200.00 3- 4 Fuel 200.00 13-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 300.00 B-24 Licht Globes 25.00 B-37 New Hose 150.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 1,200.00 D- 2 Material Repair Building 800.00 D- 5 Material Repair Street 1,000.00 Fr 1 Repair Equipment 100.00 E- 2 Repair Toole and Machinery 200.00 F- 1 Advertising; 50.00 F-24 Traveling 150.00 F-37 Clean Linen 150.00 Sub Total ?' 4,625.00 TOTAL 320,500.00 • BONNEVILLE GOLF COURSE NO. 82 Aoot. No. Amount A- 3 Rages, Maintenance Grounds 13,405.00 A. 23 Rages, Golf Professional 1,920.00 $ 16,325.00 5- 2 Printing 250.00 B- 4 Fuel 250.00 3- 16 Janitor Supplies 75.00 B- 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 250.00 B- 24 Light Globes 25.00 B- 37 New Rose 100.00 D- 1 Material, Repair Grounds 1,600.00 D- 2 Material, Repair Buildings 2,500.00 D- 6 Material, Repair Streets 200.00 E- 1 Repair Equipment 50.00 E. 2 Repair Tools and Machinery 200.00 F- 1 Advertising 50.00 F- 37 Clean Linen 125.00 • $ 5,878010 $ 21,000.00 • • FOREST DALE GOLF COrtSE A0. 83 Aoot. No. Amount A- 1 Supervision .00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 15,806.00 A- 25 Wages, Golf Professional 1,920.00 $ 17,725.00 8- 2 Printing 150.00 8. 4 Fuel 200.00 B. 16 Janitor Supplies 60.00 8- 19 Misoellaneous Supplies 200.00 B. 24 Light Globes 25.00 8. 57 New Rose 100.00 D. 1 Material, Repair Grounds 500.00 D. 2 Mnterial Repair Buildings 500.00 D- 5 Material Repair Streets 60.00 E- 1 Repair Equipment 50.00 E- 2 Repair Tools and M nchinery 200.00 F- 1 Advertising 60.00 F- 37 Clean Linen 200.00 $ 2,275.00 $ 20,000.00 Nl1NICI P6L .ROSE GARDEN NO. 84 Aoot. No. Amount A- 1 Supervision 2,740.00 A- 3 'ages, Mainteaanoe Grounds 470.00 $ 3,210.00 D- 1 Material, Repair Grounds 190.00 D- 2 `_aterial, Repair 3uiltings .00 190.00 $ 3,400.00 PAREINGS AND ^OULRVARDS NO. 85 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance 3rounds 12,300.00 $12,300.00 D- 1 Material, Repair Grounds 200.00 200.00:' 12,500.00 HOGLE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS No. 86 Acct. No. Amount A- 1 Supervision 3,000.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 7,155.00 10,155.00 B- 4 Fuel 300.00 B- 10 Forage Supplies 9,000,00 B- 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B- 57 New Hose 25.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 6,000.00 D- 2 Material Repair Building 2,500.00 D- 5 Material Repair Streets 800.00 F- 4 Auto Expense 120.00 F- 24 Travel .00 F- 53 Miscellaneous Expense 350.00 F- 37 Clean Linen 250.00 F- 59 Subscriptions .00 $ 19,&45.00 30,000.00 TRACY AVIARY Budget 07 A- 1 Supervision $ 3,180.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 4,800.00 Sub Total $ 7,980.00 B- 4 Fuel 3 400.00 B-10 Forage 6,160.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 150.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 1,000.00 D- 2 Material Repair Building 400.00 F-3? Clean Linen 35.Go Sub Total $ 8,145.00 TOTAL $16,125.00 TEMPORARY PLAYOROIRUD Budget #88 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds $11,600.03 D- 1 Material, Repair Grounds 4,100.00 D- 2 Material, Repair Building 100.00 Sub Total 3 4,200.00 TOTAL $15,800.00 SHE1t O0) PARK Budget #89 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds $ 1,000.00 D- I Material, Repair Grounds 465.00 D- 2 Laterial Repair Building 21.00 Sub Total $ 436.00 TOTAL 3 1,486.00 • LAKE BREEZE PLAYGROUND Budget 1190 A- 3 wages, Maintenance Grounds $ 600.00 D-.l Eaterial :Repair Ground 100.00 B- 2 Material Eepair Building 300.00 Sub Total $ 400.0D TOTAL 1.42220 GLADE PARK Budget 191 A- 1 Wages, Maintenance Grounds $ 600.00 B- u Fuel B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 25.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 D- 1 F aterial Repair Grounds 100.00 D- 2 Material Repair Building 50.00 Sub Total $ 200,00 TOTAL $ 800.00 kTIGAGO STREET PLAYGROUND Budget #92 A- 3 wages Maintenance Grounds 3 900.00 D- 1 Material, Repair Grounds 50.00 D- 2 Material Repair Building 50.00 Sub Total $ 100.00 TOTAL $ 1,000.00 • • DIL'IORTH PARK Budget #93 A- 3 'ages, Maintenance Grounds 3 1,500.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B-37 Neu hose 50.00 D- 1 Material R;:pair Grounds 2,950.00 Sub Total $ 3,500.00 TOTAL S 3,500.00 STRATFORD & 20th EAST PARK Budget #94 A- 3 .rages, taintenance Grounds $ 1,500.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B-37 New Bose 50.00 D. 1 Material Repair Grounds 2,950.00 Sub Total 3 3,500.00 TOTAL $ 5,000.00 • ELKS PARE Budget #95 A-3 wages, Maintenance Grounds 785.00 B- Fuel T85.G0 B-24 Light Globes 15.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 215.00 1,000.00 VICTORY PLAYGROUND Budget 96 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 945.00 945.00 11-4 Fuel .00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 50.00 B-24 Light Globes 30.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 250.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 F-S Rental 75.00 F-37 Clean Linen 555.00 14500.00 • • • SHOP Budget#97 A-1 Supervision 8,640.00 A-17 Wages, 3deohanios and Helpers 24,578.00 33,216.00 B-4 Fuel 40040 B-12 0aso3.ine and oil 8,000.00 15-13 liras & %ybee 1,700.00 8-15 Janitor 5Uppliea B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 800.00 824 Light Globes 25.00 D2 Material Repair Buildings 1,200.00 E-2 Repaf:lbols do Machinery 2,500.00 E-6 Repair Motor Vehicles. 5,000.00 F 37 Clean Linen 75.00 19,700.00 522 9 UMMOMMOMM DEPARIMFYIRL MAINTENANCE Budget#98 A-I Supervision 11,800.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 107,284.00 119,084.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 200.00 F-4 Car Expense 1,415.00 1,715.00 120,799.00 FAI1 ONT BOYS"' 4c GIRLS' CLUB Budget f#99 A-1 Supervision 3,647.00 A-3 Salary,,Maintenance Grounds A-12 Salary, Janitors 2,360.00 A-24 Salary, Recreation Leaders 31799.00 10,006.00 B-4 Fuel 200.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 750.00 B-24 Light Globes 50.00 B-30 Recreation Supplies 617.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,000.00 D-,2 Material Repair Buildings 500.00 F-4 Car 'Expense F-37 Clean Linen 75.00 F 39 Subscriptions 3,292.00 imaaaa KIW'IS-FELT BOYSk. & GIRLS' CLUB Budget #100 A 1 Supervision 3,847.00 A-3 Wary, Maintenance Grounds A-12 Salary, Janitors 2,265.00 A-24 Salary, Recreation Leaders 3,799.00 9,911.00 B-4 Fuel 400.00 8-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 850.00 B-24 Light Globes 50.00 B-30 Recreation Supplies 1,000.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 500.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 500.00 F-4 Car hxpenae F-37 Clean Linen 75.00 F 39 Subscriptions ,3,475.00 6.00 • • JAYCEE R?YS' .f.W) GIRLS" CLUS9 ?0. 101 Acot. No. Amount A- 1 Supervision 3,847.00 A- 3 Salary, Maintenance Grounds .00 A- 12,Wages, Janitors 2,390.00 A- 24 Wages, Reoroation Leaders 5,614.00 $ 11,751.00 B- 4 Fuel 400.00 B- 18 Janitor's Supplies 100.00 11-1P Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B- 24 Light Globes 60.00 f- 50 Recreation Supplies 500.00 D- 1 b'eterial, Repair Grounds 250.00 D- 2 Material, repair Auildings 250.00 F- 8 Rental 200.00 F- 28 Movies .00 F- 37 Clean Linen 75.00 $ 2,325.00 * )4,0'6.00 • ROTARY Y. M. C. A. BOYS, CUB NO. 102 Acot. No. Amount A- 1 Supervision 2,500.00 A. 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds .00 A- 12 Wages, Janitors 2,666.00 A- 24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 4,335.00 $ 9.390.00 B- 4 Fuel 500.00 B- 15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 6- 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B- 24 Light Globes 50.00 B- 30 Recreation Supplies 200.00 D- 1 Material, Repair Grounds 150.00 D- 2 Material, Repair Buildings 150.00 F- 4 Car Expense .00 F- 37 Clean Linen 80.00 $ 1,210.00 10,000.00 • ELMS 00'IS & GIRLS CLUB Budget #103 A- 1 Supervision $ 3,750.00 A- 3 Salary, Maintenance Grounds A-12 Salary, Janitors 2,250.00 A-21; Salary, Recreation Leaders 4,579.00 Sub Total $10,579.00 B-L Fuel 3 500.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 150.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,000.00 B-21; Light Globes 75.00 18.30 Recreation Supplies 250.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 250.00 D- 2 Material Repair Building 1,000.00 F- 4 Car Expense F-37 Clean Linen 75.00 F-39 Subscriptions 25.00 Sub Total 3 3,325.00 TOTAL $13,904.00 one INTERNATIONAL PEACE GARDENS Budget #104 A- 1 Supervision $ 2,040.00 A- 3 gages, Maintenance Grounds 5,230.00 Sub Total $ 7,320.00 B-19 Mibcellaneoue Supplies 3 500.00 B-37 New Bose 80.00 D- 1 Material, +Rpair Grounds 2,100.00 Sub Total $ 2,680.00 TOTAL $10,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $8O2, SUMMARY SALARIES 628,484.00 OPERA?IcI3 173,770.00 ORAND 20T.L 802,2%1E00 147,5 Capital Iutattaat $30,000.00 • IMPARTMENT CF STREETS AND PUBLIC 1KPRDVII '8 (szanu ttAG Tl6PARINENf) liggia.MaXia Amount A-1 Administration $ 21,900.00 A..2 Office Stenographers 26,230.00 A-Il Imposters 83,010.00 16i5 Engineers 171,969.00 180.00 Am32 Severson 43►845.00 A-39 Ponpmen 19.290.00 $377,424.00 s•1 Offies Supplies $ 2,135.00 3-2 Printing 2,250.00 3-3 Postage 75.00 3-4 !Ml 300.00 8-13 Tires-llatteriee 500.00 3-19 Field Supplies 2,000.00 3 19A Sever supplies 2,500.00 8.27 Laboratory 1,200.00 3 t Fixture Repairs 300.00 s.2 Equipment Repairs 600.00 3-3 Imtrument Repairs 200.00 B.4. Wise Repairs 600.00 3-6 Vehicle Repairs 1,750.00 F.4 Auto Allonopoe 10,000.00 7 24 Travel 600.00 7-39 Membership ' 200.00 $ 25.LTh 00 $402034.60 SL0 R!1452 Salaries $377,424.00 Operations 25.410.00 Total $402034.00 CAPITAL INVEWMCMTS MEW X4. - Laboratory Equipsente Stabilasetsr for Asphalt Teets$ 1,000,00 2 Station Wagons ---2.000_.00 Total $ 6,000.00 = 6.G�Q Orend Total $4080434.00 • DEPARTMENT Of STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS MAIN WICK met H- 14 Account _ itn &co& Wei A 1 Commissioner& Supervisors $ 12,860.00 A.2 Clerks 8,400.0Q $ 21,260.00 B-1 Office Supplies $ 150.00 B-2 Printing 100.00 B 3 Postage 10.00 1-1 Repairs -Furniture &Fixtures 100.00 E-4 Cleaning& Renovating 250.00 7-4 Car Allowance 1,320.00 F-39 Membership and Subseriptions 65.00 2.295.00 $23,555.00 $M BaM t b- A-1 Supervision $ 13,680.00 A-2 Clerks 10,080.00 1-2-1 Stock-float 8,910.00 11-4 Asphalt Plant 17,820.00 A.12 Watchmen 10,868.00 A.17 Mechanics, 57,900.00 A.17-1 Blacksmiths 18,270.00 A.1.7-2 Welders 9,330.00 Ar22 Utility Men and Laborers 24.120.00 $170,978.00 B]. Office Supplies $ 250.00 B-2 Printing 250.00 34 Fuel 12,500.00 ir12 Gasoline and Oil 40,000.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 12,500.00 B-14 Engine ROM Supplies 1,000.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 200.00 B*17 Medical Supplies 30.00 B-s19 Miseellaneons Supplies 14,000.00 8-24 Eleetric Light Globes 110.00 1-.2 Repair Tools 1,000.00 E-3 Repair Instruments 50.00 1-6 Repair Motor Vehicles 30,000.00 1.11 Repair Tires and Tubes 2,500.00 F-37 Limn Service 250.00 $285,618.00 MINIS AlD B00IZVARDS adiatillai= Account ...lbw inatilitaai Mout ."milli AA a-31 FOe� Seplaesnant A114otor Vehicle Drivers ,�,b0 1-22000.00 ' 036.00 $922,121.20 D.2 Asphalt Plat $ 5,000.02 D.4 Plume and Bridges 3,500.00 .2 E Materiel 14 intensaii 35,000.00 Depsir-2-1 Noels Y,750.00 1 Springs Plat 50.0E1 P-4 *Car rAAllemon 140.0y0 F 37 Linen Sorrier 3.0.00 LAilinaiag $368,471.20 SANITARY DIVISION Sifted Nit Au A.46 i and Helperserdsics «14',40 e0 A A-17 Nechanisallabar• Pro-=stsd 3 81..129.80 AMR and INATZMI _tau.1 4..1 Superriaian $ 4,660.00 /0.2 rinks A-11 Iaepiators �00 $ 36,720.00 OtTies Suppliesf. $ 5000..00 8.2 8.3 Portage 150.00 84 lord 100.00 100.00 F.4 Car Albans* 2 Anomie Ward Anoar ,300.00 �.00 743 Examining Board 50.00 50.00 F+39 1=rshtp and Subscriptions 50.00 $41,400.00 OPT D8P Hedad l$e_12S Amt Smenwfsion $ 3,230.00 1.3 Maim maaeo Orem& 25,144.00 A-7,6 Truck Drivers aid Heinen 5.520.00 • 33,874.00 F-4 Car Alinvinse $ 420.00 h2n-n0 $ 34,294.00 • swan 1952 Salaries 0766,083.00 Operation 168.185.00 $934,468.00 CAPITAL 1NMS'1lINITd Bnd¢et Ja1L.7-6-$ Drill Press $ 4,500.00 Main Bearing-Line Boring Machine 500.00 Conveyor Asphalt Plant 3,000.00 Salt Bin 1,000.00 3 Garbage Getters(Cab,Chassis, & Bed) 24,000.00 3 3 to 5 Ton Trucks with 15,000.00 4 yd. water Level Beds. 1 sand & Cinder spreading Body 1,600.00 1 1000 gal. Water Plusher 10.400.00 Grand Total g.,�b8.00 00 r STA!0T=OD 0EI UL.0 itLL 0PERATIaib Budget OM. 141 Aa io. 0. , of Mesas* 1 si ! iaioy-*um.aa.r �i .00 A !! lairrr-Jrdges 20,000.00 A hal l&.u7 F' � --- 651 6 22,850.00 ,1100.00 I ; Printing floatage . 11 3 200.00 a M sail • 1 000.00 C 7 Waterman C 4 a s.a..ptse 112 0000,00 11 � t 't,LigOts of lsry Contracts I 2 x ter Maintenance-Tart. , 10,000.00 7• t Advertising (A...re.r) $ 00 s ' 1:1 1 3 Vito'./ Fees Car Alls.aas.-$pselal Audit. 7 5 Insomnia, Act*, Bldg.. Ct'r, b6,009,00 7 6 Ipesial Ilmmeaant To.., City'. Shaw • 100.000.00 7 10 Clain*and Damages • *0,000.00 7 12 Sputa' ANN. Lighting 12,000.00 7 13 Are Light* 110,000.00 7 16 Surety band' 4,000.00 7 17 apesial Counsel 3,000.00 7 18 Municipal ipd Affairs 20,000.00 7 39 Ip.aial Auditor 4,500.oa r 20 City'• blare County Tar Collestsas 30,000.00 7 iM amigos 27aysl Cxpeass 500.00 7 $0 l.l.pbss.s and tslsprsph 33,000.00 7 It Dowd of Cs.a1 Presidents 6,000.00 7 30 list's g Contingent raid 2,000.0 ▪ 'I Civil amiss Cesslssiea S0000.00 3A Accra Sid?ia.er-lagm 30 e00.00 7 7M z.ew 14i$tai 'mop1400.80 9 Ileati.a.Commissismers 20000.00 16$007 la �of A..3t don.ro ,00 7 7 p l au et d As.. t. 5,00 00 O 1 Wine let/resent Tension 0,000.00 O 2 Toskmas'. Compensation 15400.00 0 .1 Civil• k uo.0 Center lds 3�sfo0A0 O $ lroplayes'a Disability Psa.ias 35,000,00 0 $d nail/to 409040 O 6 Aaplu '��tirss.at Tansies 000040 0 $ City iAaappll ' Iasnras.. 20,000,60 i Sst.re,t Tat Anticipation Betas ' 25<00Q..00 1f37.020A Salaries 22,05040 Operations $ 1.0*0.00 amS9,i70.... i all }J► ,{.1. . ~; ; Ste.r Industrial Co. 1/1A aud 155r500.00 Sonstidal liia Ineuronso Coagaay 1/6 17,5OO.GO 1/0 it5oomo Ci -3oad P.r ban 10,00040 $en A G Railroad Coayaagr 5,000.00 Mon Gardlos Girt oad�c GinterGinter 1,643.06 0a 60,000.00 Monsds stem Sawa 10,57740 15tb Sart sod Tale Sewer 1001.5. tanthill at,. Atom Sewer 1iy000.00 State Plana 5,000.00 Stab Gil DitnA City Portion 21,00.00 street Sine 10,,0000.00 Men sits Abstinent 15,000.00 p'illy and County ui2M ng..Grinds 20,000.00 Agra inviter Trackraek 3,4 181400 $308,10.00 , Ex1 1;�w� 1+anewru f E =f-Amo i yv. l p.soq t) load 17. �i1 6 ,7 ,00 11.40 'p latermos*P.4511 35,000.00 N-33 'I' Cat.rw.1* ..1 0 12,S00.00 S-34 ■r wat.,,,.,k.-1951; 12,500.00 1-3% "*' laterverlrs-196% Q14=40 rt-5! 1ll naterweeka-1211 be 0.0o0.00 6196,750.0o budget No. 10 tart Ile. Cane .t laco t Anaw4 1934 Istvadint 10. S,Tati Y1,8it.50 1-0 Oaterwe iu ' 1,6040 i-31 'W ■at.rworka ■ M "1I"' 1 tterwoo4 De.. ' i)t5B7.S0 l0.50 4-SS leN'stomata Apr. 1104 ,00 Y` 133.Iat.rwuvUU July 4$ 141,000.00 1931$ teswa*a.&.twiit ►. hog 10072.50 5-57 1934 Stars awes hi% S.i3t.50 ,3117,50 01µs '0' 1 budget Is,, lilt Class 'C' Lads $185.111114.00 � j. Civil Defaaa. Operations $ l0,000.0© WW1 ICANCISC wows Oadpt Ca. Ih Iater.aia radaa.ian and Yew b rvi.ea $0,000.00 Street Seplaawmt. aad Date 64000.00 MI10,000,00 83PAR111lk! 0t PAMPA AMD PCAt.IO Pl:OPBATY A18POA!to.1 Madget No. 146 Aesom% We. Sass of Meosat Amount A. 1' Dopamine*$ �A.lax .e. 2.700.000 A- 3 Sa1arplfaiatseaeas meads 14,850.00 A. 7 Magss, Patrolman 10,320.00 A.It Magee, Janitors and Parterre 26,706.00 $67,476.00 1- 1 0fllss ffiapplies 250.00 A- 2 Printing 50.00 lit 1Posta. 90.00 i- dleetrie Current 10,000.00 2.12 Oaaalins A Oil 2,250.00 l• 13 Tire. and Tubes 600.00 8-15 Janitor Supplies 2,500.00 M-19 Mi.esl3.sasoe. Supplies 12,700.00 3- 24 Light alobp 1,250.00 D- 114 Shrubs and Trees 500.00 b- 1 Material R.pai, amends 0,000.00 D.14 Material Repair ,L 2,000.00 D. 1 Material imp it.Ada. wilding 3,500.00 D. lA Material Repair Airbese Building 4.000.00 A. 1 Arpair Badman 2.000.00 1- 2 Repair Tools and Mashiaeiir 250.00 6- 3 Repair laatrsants and Apparatus 500.00 2- 6 Repair Motor wahialss 2.500.00 7- 1 Advertising r. b Oar Aapa.e 5500.00 Y. 5 Inauran.. 9,000.00 7- tb Travel 500.00 X-lb Telephone and Telegram 200.00` p-37 Clean Linen 1,500.00 I. 33 debssriptioa. 100.00 grand Total7te,ra Mr! rrvrr rrr la•rrrrrrrr al.. a I if 1 $t wli !Ifs 11I:IIiirp a ft 4! fill Ii %ft i Eift t r I Pilill Ii i i i i i 1 4 I ci 1 : I #P. 1 Ifli :. s i F c F 11 iI iii)i r e�+LL�jj.�'y-Z4. aq+rrpg 7lAupv jL�S4Sa: I : : i jCti i'sas 'sass k'sgk'sss's's'sisa 'ssks 1 / 1 r N N t / 1 1i ; / ~ H 1 8 8 ij a i 8 • — 2 - . a OM= 0001010110110 Dadrt No. 153 Asst. No. Naas Mamma A.17 liubalss asd of Aomori $ 23.110.00 A-22 Ordinary LaMr - - - $ 12,270.00 2.14 Nat. tar Nss darrioSa - - - Total # 12,270.00 RECONINWITOIS No. 15 Asst. Ms. wins of Mamma Amami A-fl Ordinary Labor 2,000.00 2.000.00 $-14 Nat. far Rep. and *saswsl 2,500.00 2,500.00 Total # 4,500.00 XOR804 PIUS Hurst No. 155 Abet. Har Naas of Asoommt Amount A. i 1upaareiaisw $ 1-33 Pared lire Labor 4,000.00 A.3I tatralmia 3,600.00 7,600.00 8-1, toesaileMws espouse 200.00 200.60 Total $ 7,000.00 YATxY=Nte a&ETATicx baipt No. 156 Lost. to, Baia of Amount Mom* driversA.16 Truk awl s # 2,000.00 !-51 MrsLsw % 00 10,240.00 e-1$ Ilse. lapplios oat Choodssls 1,500.00 1,50000.00 Total # 11.740.00 • - 3 - • PARZ'1 $T1fl1 - Kl. 2SPU.ttlssima tap* lie. 1ST Most. tto. Maas of AOoomM Anima$ A-jl Patrol sad Station Mao 14,472.00 ]$,210.00 B- k Aral p00.00 xClaalaa�la Sop�liea 11,A00.02 2- 2 napaion M Aalldfap' 400.00 k,000.00 Total $ 19s410.00 Dadmot No. 150 Met. No. Nona of Aroaaet Aasoat 442 Ordinary Labor $ 1,1-S6 Past aat Station boo 6,00.00 7,000.00 2- k pool 520.00 0-19 Ot000llsaswa Supplier 600.00 0- 2 Yates to 24111diado 1,000.00 2,100.00 Total $ 9,980.00 2124 LUTU 20110121022 MOM 2s0sai No. 1St Asst. as. Mao of Moeort Amami MS Patrol 6 Station tier 12,800.00 1),b00.00 B. k Pool 500.00 2-19 Visoollaaroaa sgplioe 800.00 2. 2 'lapel,, to lsdl,liatr S00.00 1,800.00 Total $ UAW.. • mum, ALL MAIMS CUL. P1r2 LUSO Dodget No. 160 Asst. le. Ism of Aaeoast Ashout $ 100.00 1-3$ Mena& Static,*Mt 3,060.00 ter` $ 3►060.00 11.12 flat. fir Zap. & IIce. 200.00 200.00 Total ; k,060.00 gat PEAMPTJb P16X DeAsot No. 161 Asst. ■e. flaw of Mews* Amount A.22 Ordinary Lam $ MOO A.39 Operator, 3,3 j.00Q 14,033.00 lM 6 Fool .00 ei 1�00.00 200.00 1. 2 Asp. A Roo. Dub. & Egaip. 300.0@ 800.00 Total $ 4,633.00 VMS I11 UTaA1301/4O!'RAA1Iel A= MAMMA= Ilet at IIo. 162 Acct. 11e. Nan of Mesas* Aweaat 1.22 Ordissrplater $ 1.000.00 4-37 lyeotal Inwsttgstora 3,240.00 A-39 rasp Operators 2,500.40 +6,740.00 D. k Nil 50.00 11-12 1 s pairo .00 11-�• ! to indittoop . oo 00.so Aot. A am. lost. A kelp. 5 OO 1,200.00 fatal $ 7,91.c.0o couLNalimumg Modest Jr. 163 Not. _ A-IT Labor Mass of Aeeet�at $ 5,000.00 11-38 Watormasters A ?strealoaa 3),000.00 $ 34000.00 06 k Mat. fir asp. & *tit. la tdgss 2,500.00 1.50401 Total $ 40.500.00 EAST MHO CAUL *West Mo. 164 Asst. Mo. Same st asee tt Asesat ?-kd Maist. Cool by 00ea1 0o. $ 4510.00 3,5eo.00 Total 6 3,500.00 YAM STATION Mr*D00AFi10 NWest Jo. 165 Mot. Mo. Mar of Mes st Aasost A•12 O rilaa it Lalsr 6 100.00 A-3$ 1atesi A !Mattes Mos 5.730.00 4150.00 *-i1 Ilse. igpiiss 500.00 jt00.0O Total 6 6.030.00 MINT. OF CYL00IU I AMNOMIA !WIT Noieet No. 166 Asst. Ma _ r of Ae000r► $ k 68040 7,3:0.00 1-33 ertaisals, Chlarias art Asrtsala 16,000.00 1- 3 Wit. ter lap. A lea. Mast. 750.00 16,750.00 Total $ l4,070.00 - 6 - Nara. 0 0PIM►TIOi 0r DISTZIDOTI01 USINVOINS tadtst Z . 167 Amt. 1.. tam of Aesoaat Amami • t ad a ltstisa N t $ 6,310.00 $ 9,810.00 B-4 Pal 300.00 1-19 Nt000llasooto &apliss 1,000.00 D. 2 topodas is Dsi1Woss 200.00 140040 Total 6 11,310.00 MAT* DlacarDgfiel Dadtot Asst. t.. Nano of Masai Ass Ail Warr Distsibolisw Ora 15,135.00 30,385.00 Total $ 30s385.00 E mAuu• NAIBI. MINS. CONDUITS. TALTMS l=NAND Dadpt Ma. 171 lost. A- I Sepsraisisa lit .t damn $ 3.940.0S A•1T iWhsaiss A salDoro 32,810.00 A••lt 00dtnsrD Lsssr 0,000.04 W►,360.00 1-!► Feel D. 5 impairs is Strata & Blvd*. 1,000.00 S-12 Bet. for Rep. A R.M. 11,715.60 11,715.00 Total i 57,075.00 Itma• NWT, VAUD SIMONS tsitst Be. 173 Asset. I t. Sr at loseut Awmwt 1.-17 Nadastios sad Helpers .00 A Ller I 39,0 lit0.00 53,790.00 D- dap. itr..ts sad Slid*. 3,000.00 • Notarial far Reps. i larva 1. 16,000.00 1$,000.00 Total $ 72,790.00 - 7 - MAIL. MAi1l. 6 IM$TALW I0 NATANT Budget lo. 17M Asst. Bo. Maas of Asaesat Aasaot A-17 Psolaaias amid Yelpers $ 32,070.00 A-81 0rdiasey La6sr 5,500.00 0 37,650.00 0-u4 Mt. fir dap. and Bea. 4$,000.00 446000.00 Total $ 85,650.00 Minim TO$MTAIMB Ado* to. 175 Aret. Be. Maas et Aawaat Aaeaaat A-47 deshasiss amid Yslpsn $ 3,790.00 A-i1 0riisary Later 200.00 2,1l0.00 B-1,Miaosilass sa Tend.* 500.00 500.00 Total $ 3,400.00 UP. AIITOMUSS• TROOKS Bsyot le. 177 Amt. 1o. Man of Av osot Aasaat A-17 PsMaaiaa& Mors I U,630.00 12,630.00 B-12 Asselias A 011 14500.00 1-13 Pws aar Tiros A Uses 3,500.00 M-6 Mat. for Asp. I Rea. hgdp. 0,000.00 1-11 Mspalra to tires & Totes 100.00 4,100.00 Total 0 36,730.00 IMATAIDAA111• 06iPAa= Bedgot le. 170 Asst. ■s. Man of Amount ,imiesat ►.s! 0edtaarl Labsr $ - . .. 113 oteeallaassss applies - - - Total $ - - - - 8 - IMAM AMMO= e12$141S Budget Bo. 179 lost. No. lams .f Amount Against A..42 Ordt.pry Lehner - 1-19 xisasll.res.s Sspplf.s - - - fatal IerLat& $a11T. ?Zt8 Liles - TBVUAT 1AL COMM Budget lo. 100 Asst. Be. Base easement Ammon A-t$ Ordinary Labor $ 1,500.00 1,500.00 E-14 lent. fait Rep. & Mari. 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total i 2,500,00 600 MTV ?WPM ?LIT Budget No. 181 Asst. Be. lase of A.ssuwt Amount A-17 ■ssi aotas a Wipers $ Paw Operators 3,000,00 3,300.00 1- 2 Bap. & Sao. Mackinaw&E sip• 300.00 300.00 Total 4 3,600.00 AUT080B= Ai lOw 1'* Budget No. 183 Asst. B.. Be.e of Ammon* Amount 14.i Auto AJla.a.s. $ 2,500.00 2,500.00 Total 2,500.00 Total Lair T 5154918,00 Total 21.t.rlal A Supplies $ 164,015.00 TOTAL 07UA2120 OMIT I AU,733.00 9 - Cann*.IPTAIR221201 Baaript lo. 167-8 Asst. No. Naas at AMoasat Aaewtt .1 Ins llrssastaj Davies. $ 500.00 t low a*t ent laa 8,000.00 is. seklesry set Tools 110000.00 T r fintsras 300.00 600.00O0 NovDas 0 40,000.00 500.00 .8 Water Spaat0a'a Item mho � 126,20O.0O Soul Capital Tsysstssat t 165,000.00 OLIO 5oTA, 1869,733.0O • .. Salt Lake City, Utah TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Gentlemen: We, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, beg to report that we have met as required by law and ordinance in session from time to time, until the work of completing the budget has been accomplished, and herewith submit report and statement of expenditures and revenues necessary to be raised for the year ending December 31, 1952. We have carefully considered the requirements of each department of the City Government in detail as well as the estimated and anticipated revenue and have decided upon the list of appropriations hereto attached. To make this appropriation effective, the City Recorder has given notice of hearing on the budget and appro- priation resolution in accordance with the State Statutes, and is hereby directed to furnish each department with a certi- fied copy of the estimate and apportionment for that particular department, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to solicit bids for the printing of 200 copies of the budget. Adopted December 27th 1951. Respectfully, y r 7) City Au o Board of Estimate and Apportionment. } • In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution become effective January 1, 1952. This resolution shall take effect on J uary 1, 1952. Adopted by the Board ofssioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27th day of December, A.D., 1951. 71-7 y ram_ ity R.ecor er ( SEA L ) • STATE OF UTAH, SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, ) I, Irma F. Bitner, the duly appointed, oualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of report in detail of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment estimating the anticipated revenue and providing appropriations for the support of the Municipal Government of Salt Lake City Corporation, for the year ending December llet, 1952, passed by the Board of Commissioners December 2 th 1951, and as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this day of December, A.D., 1951. g44/14"/-) My Recorder ( SEAL )