60 of 1911 - A resolution instructing the City Recorder to advertise notice of intention to curb and gutter with 14-i'll'il.II":4,h ."1"Fitls1) ;')e,,,II.lI,' x3x 0 'a• — 207 1 )/ngypp ;, 1_n. R, F,JII =IL 3, 1911• I . ll III ' 1 I. Petition, ao,313 of Eugene Giles, et al, which was presented earlier in the session and cn it I S 'f I laid over to come up with report from the Committee of the facie, was then taken up and laid on - pl� BILL li0. 39. For ar ordinance c Sainting the e rer_t un n the rr rty r A 1 the table. - 11 described in the territory lr•.14�.�.d 'o teen S-n - to and -rtt ar sir t _^u .tom Report Po, 80 from the Cocrdttee or Engineering& Sewerage, which was presented earlier the Intercepting 'Cower east to Second Trot :;:rest, ,n :kohl- ,.,..r=ct for the con- III l� in the session and laid over to come up with retort from. the Committee of the llbcie, was then struction of sewe1. rs.,11 li - Be it ordained oy the ty C.1 0 1t t t'? taker. ur and ordered filed, TU' .1 e- c ct Cc, 1 STCTI Oil 1• 'ihst th :;sc: cent ist aide y r ', a proved and co'pleted by the 1^aru o '11 lis n nd evi s per t..or^ 1u1 art ed :he contract between the city and the Salt Lake & Ogden Railway Company, for the F rp se ei h + o cat in c 6 7 and 8 for l- 17, +'at by the Salt ailed City survey, abutting on thesmith side .n•nt. t Lobe of arc y 1 _rdl_r„ _ .., • g rbage, for period of five years from .,oral 1, 1911, as Prepared by the Second lest and Thin: West et i er +y f - I purpose of constructing severs upon said P.nti n 1 _id e 1.c „a, '^I' City .tt racy, was .�rer. up and approved or. r^11 call vote, all rcembers voting eye except and the asosa-.cots rade -r t. .e i r'. Tinted 1 .t u SECTI` 2. ."ic r rr ro or_:1 t. c ci;ect ;. n v.:1. { ;•eur.cilmen • Davis and O'Donnell, rho were absent. ,.arch- 1$ ` introduced by Councilmen h'r nu a t en n. o.0 ar tire. On Doti • c 4he lease of durnirr ^rmmr.s from the Utah 'rime & Cement Co., together with nee of l ..,1l a to _ of. t _I mar. Terry the rules -etc a r-.P ^ iif lime, at a rental of 1150.00 per month, 'was taken up and approved on roll call vote, all • .._loll hr^nt, rd r or5:1 r c, eau c..c nd ti:r. by Councilmen D..vas _nu bers voting aye except Councilmen Davis and �i'bonnell, who were absent.I� ^em title, third tire in full and pas .n 11 e r lire, 1 rr�cr tine -;e cncept •r 8 From the Board of Equalization& Heview. oe rt La.1e -or yes _Inc. erred to the Councilmen Davis and Lm:.aP, were .� 220 ftn . -ih_1 ti I ' k� Gentlemen: tiayor for pis anrrcval. I Serer -— �I I 1 pi k We, your Board of Equani ation& Review, appointed by your Honor- rot anon th riO -.-`ter f t' able aody Larch 20th, 1911, to hear the complaints and to equalize the tax levied upon the pro- BILL H0. 40. For an ordinance corlinn19 -he o-e pert, ewers nr, upon Lots 1,7 and 8, Block 15, hoot "'.', for the purpose of constructing vitrified • dtreets, in Sewer _����pp. 'i' pine sewers eieht (9) inches in diameter ::non Snow's Court between Lain and Best Temple Streets, �', - described • on 'ooth sides of Snow's :.rt, fetrmon �.,. ''' ., -' �I llh !'tl it Sew.rer District .4o,2 respectfully report that anon connletion of the list of property in said II ,I'� ., IL ''1. district taxed, re gsve nub lie notice of the co"nleticn thereof, stating the time and place oY Dist-i act I'o,2, for the ecesl.....o..� - ^., I meet_ng of said Board, t'ct said Board rret atthe time and place in said notice specified, and r ..need in ses::ian .or the fall period of five consrcut£vo days, to hear the complaints of any 11 IIe it ordc-ineA by the ..its �omvi. 1 leaf -.' .e - t' '�kl,1' �;11 c „on feeling ag;-ricved, and that during said time said lists were open to public inspection. rn` ll,a .'_de by the Coy Treasurer as c;r nntedPd I i that :p n- aret men die tnc Nare nee. any tax uae.uni or unjua L, and toe aesenmment lint prepar- S,a,_iJ.3 ; - _ Bn roved and comp leted by tN irsrd o1 E t><o ,eon er and 1 cu+, 'h'i Na ed c•; ra ter aaurer ,s urpr.-ved by said 7oard of Equalization and Review without any corree-i p ' - 1 t, plat pp rr' a r, or lterati o,:, and said Board submits herec'th ordinance confirming the levy of said tax, by pthe City Council for thatSur ..se of toe ;o,:cry, o _ C„u t t- .01 ii rd cot tl i '� i ' roc cared by the City .atorneY• " Salt Lace City Surveyy, abutting r tj It 1 if 3 nor the curl ne cf c,.'tr�st- " ICI Respectfully submitted, Temple Streets, in scorer La ti Ic confirmed, and t'n.. -•�� „uTents I�. "lurk Reedall, i a sewer upon said norti n oo ssad street i 'r txr rd lil',I� J� •) Chairman, maded and returned in said completed loots ar hers:,r,f" Ion af,rr,vrl, I M. rS ,,TITT,- % This or•1mn r 11 . u Pllr deceived and ordered filed, the assessment list approved and the ordinance laid over „ II introduced by C unciln ra �d 11, �a taken u .nd road 1•V^^mn-r Li�rr^nn .ride t •', to en o u. .n re Lr .'Brno (Sewer ::xt,to,245; -first and ?inn; Estimate.) man Roedall the rules were suspended -n roll call •"-c A ms by 11 ; -` 9 From the Board of Equalization& Review. Councilmen Davis and O'Donnell, who car. ,.b:. r -nu tf "- IIia i -_t1 r_ e° no^rot Gentlemen: I' title, tkard time in full .and passed 'n roll v•t c� II! Y q PP Y Y Councilmen D_vie nr.d O'Donnell, nr. ,pre to sc t, tit) unproved and referred to tl:c Mayor Ve, our board of ualization& Review a ointed b our Honor- i t '1 ; �.. - _,. ,.,. _. , .. 11, Lour tLc ocrn -,,o :;•and. to .,u °, n,.I1x lovi od ,:,::,n `l.o I:rc- .rr.-..n -'-_- -- l ty a, t r, loon :. 6,6,7 and 8 Block 12, .11t 1'or the ,,urpoce of constructing vitri- for his sppr wal, (Sewer I; , a a . Ira ..t,f Ina /ln1 t,•.n1,.n Ilo1 ,rl n Ilf.l innhna in Ai....,nfn� z on the aide o1 Seventh South Street between Second Host and Third West Streets, in Sower I'j p .. C ur._ilman ,,.nd•all. II '. ..rt r ; re ^.ti'ully report that upon comrletien of the list of property in said district • Resolution heobb. 3y _ ,.r 'I,�� !NI R .� uu.i., .,,, :, �. :. .,,,,u,:uL...,. L.,.�,. .,:at.n6 IL,. Ll,,,a ....1 i.l,.... ..,ct.,.b ; that til: , , ,. u,., „� 6p .d .lo lyd;LLthat said BoardV rot at the time and Place•in said notice specified, and continued n BE IT R730LVID, Ill � '.I 1 R III 'Nutt. cement, lit :.a ,)ley 1cod yard as nor el:_ns Ind oci l'iclti ins in �l H� '.11 1 Teri.0 co five consecutive da7o, to rear the eorn_ainto of a V pennon. fee - b H b ■I`I'IA`I .,.,,.'O ,� 1...c rd,.�'e•n n..{t„ •,...,. i 1 r unjust, and the assessment list rroparedrreoto ue the !� E,I r r v e ey 1 f re of nouuiliut,N,n one review without any currootion or cad :,1 d ' ...,;, a r , ..;en non;nnnnn non e1 rmi nn thn lnv,r ni' Sold tar, rod Respectfully submitted, Hos�4utr n I,a,59. By f. I. n 1] MIRY RFd1DAT,l,, I -a. foil is 1 1 r .err 1 'o t �IL �I �) Chairman. pmgnLVl'D, tn•t �rl I1 -r-. 11 ion racte for I Received ,nd ordered riled, the assessment list aPnrovod and the ordinance laid over Snvisr.aeoenof otor['eicoy, 'OtothO '� r 1 I 'v .rr, �, . that an emorf;ency oxf sts, to .naive i. ,a;d lr ,i "r. n ,. .,, 1,6.J., ..0_c.. i�..uur ..ulrth st:01 .1r, 1 L,,tic.,t,„+ I. Ill ,,', , I� ne_d and adopted. hhII ;,/ , f,4 yr,000. By Cnunoi)man -c liana.o;). `. _ 'iu uol atian I. r i. 1 B1 I 1;'-L b .L „t ,. _ .. i t^ r, gym. advnrtine Lo-rrote ic i I,'Z , to �,.: - . ill IKr.cr"- ' .:,,:.''' . a,'. 1'