61 of 1973 - A resolution authorizing planning grant application for a master plan for the Salt Lake City Interna r , Resolution Ho. 61 By Conrad B. Harrison z COMMISSIONER Authorizing planning grant application', for a master plan for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED NOV 61973 )K�hp CITY RECO' L, y ,I f l I r cx RESOLUTION N0. 61 . ✓ / RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ►LAiNING GRANT APPLICATION FOR A !ASTER PLAN FOR THE SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WHEREAS, the City Commission of Salt Lake City desires to prepare a master plan for the development of the Salt Lake City International Airport and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to obtain assistance in the airport master planning program from the Department of Transportation through the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, PL 91-258; and WHEREAS, the Commission Is the official City agency responsible for and authorized to provide development for the Salt Lake City International Airport ' NOW. THEREFORE. 8E IT RESOLVED 8Y THE CITY CO IISSXON of Salt Lake City, Utah. that the Commissioner of Parks and Public Property be authorized to submit on behalf of the City an application to the Federal Aviation Administration for an airport mister planning grant as authorized by the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970; and be It further RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Parks and Public Property is authorized to make the certifications, representations, and warranties required by the Federal Aviation Administration for an airport master planning grant application and to accept, receive, and disburse funds from the Federal Government for the airport master planning program; and be it further ' I RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Parks and Public Property is authorized to sign the airport caster planning grant application requesting federal assistance from the Federal Aviation Administration as the authorized office of Salt Lake City, Utah. PASSED BY THE SALT LAKE CITY COMMISSION, this 6th day of November, 1973 ATTEST: .CORDER