63 of 1911 - A resolution that a Special Committee be appointed to investigate the rumors that the Utah Independe iY ry��� yF�
'.LAIC 20, 1011. 9.39
-. , :C _im -.'r-e 't" atm 1 for ,'u'or1_tin- state'oct of revenues available for 37 From the Committee on Streets.
hte 1.'0i rc;icrchts and amount recess ire., for eo^air,- city elections, •fetch was presented In the matter of petition I0,111i, of Ja,co 1 '1.11 ever, ct hl, t ,t
to the Ji ty .,'::i'_ ._'ct: 10, 1111, nd 7.:II over to core up ',:ith cam-ittee reports, crosswalks be cand
, c ct pet rn cc'erteito 'me in the _i
- P Pre^anted Center Street and be° ear .,t rl r .:art .meets e rep r cod bl gt the
petition be;ranted ar1 the a>mod of -ublie -mks diistroatod i r ilend to a re,
.pril 13, 11:11, .n. 1:a.: over u-lit ...magi:y, a mil 17, 1^11, :mos taken up and ordered filed, tt,opectfr.iy :aria matted,
I. Davis, G. :aced, .art ic el a:1,
1emo:•a i or , P.Z, by Counc il:ean 'Hall, that s special con:.ittee be appointed to in- 4 Read and adopted.
c tr I. r::0s ,'hi the i t an lad, :rl. Co. is owned arid cnr.'n•o]1 ed by the it. L.. Bell Tel, I
38 From the Committee on Street;.
Co. and ced ar id it er or not tie :rano:._se simi d be forfe'tod, which '.ms presented to the City
In the ratter of petition lio. 126 o y it -t .11, 'rtl.dr..':r 'saint
_ r, , 1.'1, _.r_d laid ovor an.:l annday miril 111, 11111, ass t7.en taken up, • as to conditt er of titles'.ott Street betdren -All and lira South as left by con-
tractor A. A, Clark;we recocv.end that the set-ti n fi
Ilititioi-.man c.ci..r.:.ey moved th,,t the rasa lutd on be .:mended to the effect that the corn- mars, etb.- f, led.
ed, anted,
J. ,_vis, I. . Seal, ..ark .toed:).L.
it tee be . Cua to five in nu- er, and thht the three original probers, that is, the '_ryor,
Read and adorned, 'I
I e mreetaent I the 'nu-<ail sini the C_i;, pate.racy, re^_in as members on the committee with two
mr_mbers of the 39 is the Committeer srt 'ie. c` ^ 1..,,. greet
,,,,.or cal eraiao - Ir 1 II
add t _.,al court men, mini motion carried Prom the
_ _aim t.. arpet__.•ed ^^u^.c__.en `fall _.,. Reedsl _., the additional. a _ r' t "-- _" �I
condition us 3rd South and .iio Ironic ave., in front of nr,: ot; we reCo end I.I'
that the report be ii led.
Respectfrlly submitted, 1,I
mine _..ur.1.-limn adeited as a-ended, J. -^ Davis,Dsvis, .. Reed, ....rY°eedsli iI
Read and adopted. EI
1 R tt r- o. r i, rtrrnt for l02.95 and fre"the Waterworks Le- 991I r 1ll,
_: en :or „ or en n up and erred to the Committee on Finance E. Salaries 40 From the Committee on Streets, H
i Recommending the payment ci items 1167 to 1 :i.,
.. m....i_ _r. C tine .__ -co se s assoc;ated. Read ar:d ..doh„cd and the crcur.ts placed n-en the math 0ri rem' a st. I,
I Pat..JR';S C" 52_,flll;C CC11I":':F.S. 25 From the Committee on Sat nary ._n rket s.
Recommending tee P=; the cep ste 1'ch. �.��
Bleed .de-,5.,d inn the amonrt placed upon the .atIori e1 .at.
I, _ thematt,r i 7r Fri 1. r^: t purchaseland in Lot 2, 26 Fron the Committee on Sar rt ary "� :.ark et ill
r _ 1 a r-e.t t.a c c roc . :one that tine ectiticr, be re Recommending the payment o'.' hero1005 nd12�6.
i. , Read and adopted and the amounts placed v_�.n the .authorized List, ',�
iI I 3cectfutly submitted,
J. t, ...r- racy, C. Lyme, L. J. Wood,
i 40 lrom the aom.. '.Lee
In the platter of report .I t ' cr a g: rz I Li
jof W, J. Lrn�rrvr, Contractor, a ..rani r. ,.` 7 for b arg-r ben r or. the
tt ^c •• - 'ram ;•t' ^r r9 liet, Salt In/re and ford m Can n1 `c h .c car r rrele:r c nl roc m r. tih raT��rt
di the yrrnt o item 1181, be filed and the mount placed upon the u ori:
r rncotf lay su nor Lt r..
rr• t ^•ihtce l ,r-i ri'al s•r•e, Read end adopted and the amount placed upon. the .nthorire, i.iet, Ilt.em 1:'07i i�
. r rd:r.' t.. er` of . 11R2 to 17Rn, L�
. c:.
_ ..:. . . 41 From the Committee on iub7 cc u�ouo,u s^n iii ^t ;✓ .Read and-� ` d d^^ ^ and thet.
smountd laced Aron the ant. ,n.-J..
1 1111
■ fail o. ..11 Hallows C;llcnc, et al, asking that 15th Bast From Committee on a lIe .rounds P. Waterways. ,��
rk _ _'.1,, r, _'ed; r_„ end t:_.t the ell 42 erwa
_ u m,t. or. 1:.1: to
1 .
: ! ..... T espco tf•..'1,, s....mSt ed. I II,
.pure doocal1. le
11 n'm ei sue "�.,. L�avr B. �. i.. neer�, Cyr was;.,,� .,.
la .. +. ,r 'o] �l
i imd, In the matter of' m,eti tion;i'�, '9z o r�:: r:
r ,.�._ ^ c^d a v nvmr �, �,,lk t,,Y, to 6ru .l�.c l l 'h
P, o re err. t 1, I rk; n r r u :
r iLtr-e ram Lr, Iconm and that tho petit eon he pr,ntol :utjeec „o L e ru al - i
iin_p c�i li; u i..LI
I+ 1� n t` •r t e ve' r ' ',termini , t t.n inor inpt7 on Cl ray,' Ave.; 4.
k. I! ^r tea, n ratted, ark to be done ,t petit cror'o e eetoo Road and um tel
i:r r_:/,,;e u�r,rV.:;r,; ,r tee .,':ri'e rr r'.encant el it cte Tee rxo and the Sun ervi oar Or `1
y llese eetfu lay submitted, +'
i• .,. Lsvl s, C. r.. Rood, i.ark topsail.