65 of 1911 - A resolution that the City Recorder advertise notice of intention to pave Fifth South to 4th East. `I'� I sr h`rear
OFF ...^
HAY 15, 1911.
LilY 15, 1911.
4,; ,
�,, and Roper Avenues be changed to loth South, .Pempest Ave, to 17th .o th, and
- r Resolution 1:o. 65 by Councilman s:ci•inney, that the City Recorder advertise notice of Sugar Ave. to 11th 'oath Str s, ..rd t .. Street t sun ere or 1•strl t.. to �
t remove present sip- and :1n,a neer to I rri -h n.; sign e rocorr n z,-:t
II, intention to pave Fifth South to 4th Fast, presented to the City Council April 13, 1911, and the resolution be filed,
7-sic filly ;ubrit' d,
'• laid over until April 17, 1911; presented April 20, 1911, and laid over for two weeks; presented .i:.vi '. ,.. seed, ;.:rk :....i ll. III
kl.. :::a 1, 1911, and laid over for one ,week; presented fir y Kay 8, 1911, and laid over for one week; pre- Laid over for one week at the no usr of Coi:u:ilRcn :fell and i:olt cy.
seated again and laid on the table.
in! 51 From the Committee on Streets. II
`pReport No. 10 from the Special Committee on Gravel 'rite, in the matter of resolution In the matter of report no. 25 fro, the Street Supervisor, c:-1:in. tendon
to patching of paved streets; we recommend that the report be riled s It-Is
Tie. 56 of Councilman Roll, that the City establish gravel pits or, lands needing grading, etc„ matter has been attended to.
Respectfully submitted,
present ed to the City Council Liu1, 1911, and laid over for one vest; presented May 8, 1911, A. 1. D�rvr s, I. Reed, ;ark itsed1]. I;
and laid over for ore week, was taken up and laid on the table. Read and adopted.
�"f�. �- 52 From the oarit.ee on atr^ ...
u,.. Ia the matter of r^ro^t r^ ft., t'r irphriatordent of Thter,orks reel,rcrd- 1,�,
17 From the Committee of the Whole. ing new bride�e ct fad Su.ita ..ud ..,r..,.,. .fuck _... r:co:•_at t: - ^p^rt +
•,I+q; be filed•
In the matter of report No, 38 of the Committee on Public Grounds & Waterways on Respectfully submitted, !i
petition No. 253 of C. W. Earl offering to sell to the city a site for an electric D..vis, II. Reed, ",.,ark Rcedali.
f lighting plant in American Fork Canyon; see recommend that the matter be referred to -,
the Committee on Engineering & Sewerage with the Moor and Engineer associated to Read and adopted.
bring in a report with their recommendations, on or before June 5th, 1911.
Respectfully submitted,
J. B. Moreton, W. C. Lyne, L1. E. Mulvey, L. J. Wood, 53 From the Commrittee on Streets,
4 C. H. Reed, L. E. Hall. _
r In the matter of petition No. 493 of John J. Roberts, et Al, ti;at 5rd Cast II
iii ; Read and adopted. `- between 10th South and Blr.ine Ave, be ,-rcvcled and graded; au, recommend
'Gnat ace pe Lltiurr he .fie,.
Res;eetf,illy submitted,
I.TII'I 49 From the Committee on Ennicipel Laws. _ A. J. Davis, C. II. Read, Lark ::c-_dell._.the report from Attorney tang opinion thathe ^''
' cool Park Commission law is unconstitutional; vie have considered same and recommend ^ ^+ II, ~
that before tat irg :my action under the new law proceedings be taken to test its validity.
: Raspectfully submitted, 54 FromtheCommitteeonetret•.k J. W. :We"inney, L. J. Wood, L. E. Hall. 31Znthematterofnetiti an Io Cof L,3hen, et1, uskinG th t telephone�, Laid over for one week nt the request of CounclSnap Fernstrom and Holley. polesonlestTemplebetweenbthens9thSoaLh b remorcd; `;creco endthati
the petit'an be Prnnted rd the tele,}:orc roar.by
instructed to r_^owe the
poles. Ro mcetl`.rlly uIndttod,
Ithe Committee on G:ur-,l ciprl Laws.
' If� In Fromecommending the payment of items 1534 to 1536.
i Read and adopted and the items placed upon the Authorised List.
Fl From the Committee em fucietpul Laws. I
Recommending the payment of items 1537 to 1542, 66 From the CommiLtaa or. Strr;t:..
p'i Rend and adopted and the amounts placed upon the Authorized List.
In the natter of :9:11:
tion i'o. 094 of S .,�r kor3e (,p.-r orcl l lab, by 1'. J.
I Nun sea, ''ree.. (1 ::,::.,
, nsk0OC het trc,t 11 nt b' in t.]1.1 ll to ti-
u.. From the Committee on Llunieipel Laws. car iLy of p,_r ''a:: t,^ •
Recommending the payment of items 1643 to 1549. Crack be filled cc mega nerd tot
L th. 7 i _ br t 1c�1 In 1 ry�l
�. do•la ace naontea one the amounts places upon the Autaorized List, Lunen
wathor oC ❑`sect te h van,..boon att erdod to i�Ip�
a rr:•ct,.� v
111 F 40 From the Committee on Streets.
II!r' r•t ,n mar the tw win rnr an oml Lin rye u lwn v
,, l6 a .war of nrker amour So,, amounting to p40.46; ve reo Onenend that thematter�be
}f!f ,I' rr LL'.. ,.,.v m. ..r...,.�� .,..1:..1 ,..... .:. - �lie i.� Roeaeeti'u llv eubmitted. r66 From the Co rtt �n 5rrert�.
'' I'' A. J. Davis, C. H. Reed, Hark Reedall. ,-'7 119n 1 7 uric ` •� °"'
Tn th. m tt cr of L er r• r, rrtt t ^i •r
p a^.d and adopted. y c o nor I tr�cI
bhnt t}c r :,it.':',
r t 9-!r t f t o rt rd �k-
G. vrhech Lr „LY � ::.1
r11l�,,.1Sng tl ct LP,. .
1 49 From the Committee on Streets. this '..rotor h071 led. ,...�• ;al 9,
'ill ,1
rl _;t•. e•rb .nr.n n•-row, C. o+ •,,, stating that they.
�j �;' �f' •o eo•,ltt c torv^ss lot and 2nd 'rot in behalf of farmers and fruit growers, '
I 1 r'd Situ to make their revert to Street Committee Thursday ovenina, Ma rob 23, Read :.nd ,:do i�:de
EI 1' 1911; we recommend that thepetition•bJ.fDavaPempewtf Reed,submitted,
A. 67 From the Gel t��' --'
r�n. 1 1.n 1.G9.
R^^-•.d and ,,,t d rd ' .1; „l 1 i.,^n Lh^ A"t'^n�r see l.r'.'t,;� Ili:do ours::l< I
Rend and adopted.
60 From the Committee on Streets. ^