65 of 1974 - A resolution expressing the intent of the City Commission establishing the tenure of the Salt Lake C • I,
Resolution No.•
ByGlen N, Greener
Expressing the intent of the City
Commission establishing the tenure
of the Salt Lake City Police and
Fire Department Chiefs of not less
than five years and not be terminat
or requested tnoresign but for good
cause and that such termination
or request for resignation be made
by any individual commissioner, ex-
cept upon recommendation and consen
of th- Commission as a Whole.
Preseorte;to!'ae Cord ei Csinr,issioo rs
NOV 2 7 1974
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March ff, 1,741
liarewsiple Glee N. Craws
Comadseisaer of tolis sty
3T3City awl County figiltibag
fait Lmk* City, Utah
Dear Cos1a1s=exesear
The Saari of City ,s , • , at its tegethig today, apyrorad yeas
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June S. 1975
Honorable Herman J. Hogensen
Commissioner of Water Supply
and Waterworks
100 City and County Building
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Commissioner Hogensen:
The Board of City Commissioners, at its meeting today, approved your
motion as fellows:
"I move that the City Recorder be directed to add a 6th
signature lino for my signature to Resolution No. 63 of
1974. regarding the tenure of the City Police and Fire
Department Chief, end that I be authorised to execute
said Resolution and thereby adopt and affirm the same
as if I were originally present when the same was adopted."
Yours tzuly.
car ace 3r*corder"
Mayor Harrison
Commissioner greener
Commissioner Harmsean
Commissioner Phillips
---Resolution No. 65/1974
- TING.. Aye )Tay
Salt Lake City,Utah, November 27
YQ 19
Mr.Chairman .... V
Greener / /I move that the Resolution be adopted. ^ j
/ '.
Harmon1�,/ /,.,��tt,� Z—'
Harrison . /
WHEREAS, the State law vests in the Salt Lake City Commission the
power to discharge the Police and Fire Chiefs without cause; and
WHEREAS, the position of Police Chief is of vital and continuing
importance to the welfare of the City and its residents; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to promote
stability and professionalism in said office and to facilitate con-
tinuity and tenure so far as that is possible and compatible with a
good police force and civilian control over that force; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of all of the Commissioners of Salt Lake
City that a statement of policy of the Commission be made regarding
the tenure and status of the Police Chief setting forth their intent
as a matter of public record and to act as a deterent against hasty
or unilateral actions which may result in the resignation or discharge
of the Salt Lake City Police or Fire Chief;
SALT LAKE CITY, that the said Commissioners individually and collec-
tively acknowledge their convictions that the positions of the Salt
Lake City Police and Fire Chief are highly sensitive and volatile
positions within the City, which positions require the full support of
the citizens of Salt Lake City and the Board of Salt Lake City Commis-
sioners. As such, these positions should be viewed as professional
and not political in nature; tenure and stability in said positions
are advisable, desirable and necessary for proper police and fire
department morale, efficiency and operational continuity.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Salt Lake City Commissioners,
without attempting to waive any statutory right or power, does hereby
express its intent that the Salt Lake City Police and Fire Department
Chiefs shall have a tenure of not less than five years and, in any event,
said Chiefs will not be terminated or requested to resign but for good
cause shown or for other important and overriding policy considerations
which go to the vital interests of Salt Lake City. It is the intent of
the Commission that no such termination or request for resignation will
be made by any individual commissioner, except upon the recommendation
of, and the advise and consent of, the Commission as a whole.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be delivered
to each of the City Commissioners, the Salt Lake City Police Chief,
Dewey J. Fillis, and the Salt Lake City Fire Chief, Leon DeKorver, with
the Commission's expressed confidence that this Statement Of Intent
will serve as a useful expression to be enforced by the good faith of
the Board of Salt Lake City Commissioners, together with the salutary
influence of public opinion and thereby serve to facilitate stability
in the office of Chief, but balance that objective with appropriate
civilian control over these vital departments.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cit , Utah, this
27th day of November, 1974.
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