65 of 1979 - A resolution supplementing Resolution No. 58 adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Sa aenter,be- t9, 197 lionorable Jennings Phillips, Jr. Commmiesionsr of Public Affairs and Manse 211 City and County Baildisg Salt Lake City, Vtah Dear Commissioner Phillips: The Board of City Commissioners, at its meeting today, passed Resolution No. 05 of 1979, supplementing Resolution No. 50 adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salt Lake City. Utah, authorising the isesasee of$1,000,009 principal amotutt of said City's Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, aeries August 1. 1979 (American Parts System, Inc. Project). authorising said City to enter into a mortgage and indenture of trust with Walker Bank&Trust Company and a lease with Americas Parts System. hie., and approving the form of a guaranty agreement between American Parts System, Inc. and Walker Bask&Trust Company. Yours truly, City Recorder ins CCr Auditor Attorney Treasurer kir. Winn �i1es RESOLUTION NO.65 RESOLUTION SUPPLE- MENTING RESOLUTION MI Section I.suBaU+abn a New 58 ADOPTED BY THE BOAR fds0ule 1 end New Protect OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE Description.The deletion of the CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY, Original Schedule 1 from the UTAH, AUTHORIZING THE Indenture and the Lease and ISSUANCE OF S1.000,000 the substitution of the New PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF Schedule 1 therefore Is hereby SAID CITY'S INDUSTRIAL directed, authorized and ap- DEVELOPMENT REVENUE proved.The Protect,as such BONDS,SERIES AUGUST 1, term Is used In the Original 1979(AMERICAN PARTS SYS- Resolution,shall be deemed to TEM, INC. PROJECT),AU- be Me Proledt as defined In the THORIZING SAID CITY TO Indenture and theLease after ENTER ENTER INTO A MORTGAGE the Original Schedule 1 has AND INDENTURE OF TRUST been deleted therefrom and the WITH WALKER BANK New Schedule l has been substi- TRUST COMPANY AND A A toted therefor. LEASE WITH AMERICAN Section 2.Confirmation elite PARTS SYSTEM INC.,AND Original Resolution with New APPROVING THE FORM OF Protect Description.TheOriei- A GUARANTY AGREEMENT I Resolution,wIM the term BETWEEN A.INC., N ,twciecY'having the meaning PARTS SYSTEM.INC.AND specified in Section 1 of this WALKER BANK & TRUST Resolution,is hereby ratified COMPANY. and confirmed and shal con- WHEREAS. August 14, ine to be In full force. 1979,the B of Commission- Section 3. This Resolution era of the City of Sall Lake City, shall be In full force from and Utah (the 'City"), adopted after it,passage by the Board Resolution No.58(the"Oriel- of Commissioners,Its execution t1 Resolution") authorizing by the Mayo a the City and Its he lCIDnoi to Issue 51.000,000 being recorded In the office of principal amount a Industrial the Ci Recorder of the City. tRios A0005t RevenueABond, ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners this lath day of fon Parts System Inc.Protect). September.1979. r the purpose a Providing TED L.WILSON funds to pay?tweed of tundras- Mayor log and constructing a facility. (SEAL) including real estate,buildings, ATTEST: Improvements, fixtures, MILDRED V.HIGHAM machinery and equipment(the City Recorder "Pooled), to be leased to SCHEDULE 1 American"Pads System,Inc. TO MORTGAGE AND INOE- (the"Company"),authorizing NTURE OF TRUST DATED AS the City to purchase and con- OF AUGUST 1,1979,FROM Prod the Project,authorizing SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH,TO d the City to enter Into a Mod- WALKER BANK & TRUST withg and B Indenture 8 T of rust rust AND TON LE AS ASE DATEDEAS Company,dated as of August 1, OF AUGUST I, 1979. BE- 1979(Me"Indenture"),and a TWEEN SALT LAKE CITY, Leese with the Comp any dated UTAH, AND AMERICAN of August 1, 1979 (the PARTS SYSTEM,INC. as ),In sutstantially the All of the followhg-descdbed forms attached to the Original real estate: ResolutWHEREAS,the forms of the Norrth;and A rwestect rn cornend r of of 2. Indenture and the Lease at. Centennial Industrial Park, tionseach h the ad attachedttg thereto a PHASE IV,with bearings e oThe no: Schedule 1 (the "Original The northwest se inee South Schedule t�uwhich is to be the Pert of l East" .7as the East the South Sadh estate which and upon which the line South t 09159'37"West remainder of the Pooled is to 296.63', the West line North be constructed was IdentlfNd; 007'23" West 340.0', aeprbx. and (mating 108,583 square feet as WHEREAS, it has become recorded as Entry No.3291285 necessary and desirable for the on June B.1979,In Me Office of real estate described in the Recorder of Salt Lake County, arevised Schedule 1 to the Lease Utah. nd the indenture attached SUBJECT TO: (a) ease- hereto as Exhibit A(the"New ments,restrictions and eser- Schedule 1") to be the reel cations now of record,if any; estate which is to be a Pad of (b) taxes and assessments, the Project and upon which the general and special not now be cocinder of the Pooled is to due and Payable;(c)net rights nstructed rather than the f the public In and to any parts real estate described on the of the premises lying or being In Original Schedule 1; Pubfic roads of alleys or high- NOW,THEREFORE.BE IT ways. RESOLVED BY THE BOARD Published September 20. OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE 1979. (685) CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH.AS FOLL OW, ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Mr.Chairman Agraz . . . Greener _ C bell Phillips Result // .. RESOLUTION NO. 65 RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING RESOLUTION NO. 58 ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AUTHORIZ- ING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,000,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SAID CITY'S INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES AUGUST 1, 1979 (AMERI- CAN PARTS SYSTEM, INC. PROJECT) , AUTHORIZING SAID CITY TO ENTER INTO A MORTGAGE AND INDENTURE OF TRUST WITH WALKER BANK & TRUST COMPANY AND A LEASE WITH AMERICAN PARTS SYSTEM, INC. , AND APPROVING THE FORM OF A GUARANTY AGREEMENT BETWEEN AMERICAN PARTS SYSTEM, INC., AND WALKER BANK & TRUST COMPANY. WHEREAS, on August 14, 1979, the Board of Commission- ers of the City of Salt Lake City, Utah (the "City") , adopted Resolution No. 58 (the "Original Resolution") authorizing the City to issue $1,000,000 principal amount of Industrial Develop- ment Revenue Bonds, Series August 1, 1979 (American Parts Sys- tem Inc. Project), for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of purchasing and constructing a facility, including real estate, buildings, improvements, fixtures, machinery and equipment (the "Project") , to be leased to American Parts System, Inc. (the "Company"), authorizing the City to purchase and construct the Project, authorizing the City to enter into a Mortgage and Indenture of Trust with Walker Bank & Trust Company, dated as of August 1, 1979 (the "Indenture") , and a Lease with the Company, dated as of August 1, 1979 (the "Lease"), in substantially the forms attached to the Original Resolution; and WHEREAS, the forms of the Indenture and the Lease attached to the Original Resolution each had attached thereto a Schedule 1 (the "Original Schedule 1") in which the real estate which is to be a part of the Project and upon which the remainder of the Project is to be constructed was identified; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary and desirable for the real estate described in the revised Schedule 1 to the Lease and the Indenture attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "New Schedule 1") to be the real estate which is to be a part of the Project and upon which the remainder of the Project is. to be constructed rather than the real estate described on the Original Schedule 1; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AS FOLLOWS: SCHEDULE 1 TO MORTGAGE AND INDENTURE OF TRUST DATED AS OF AUGUST 1, 1979, FROM SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, TO WALKER BANK & TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE, AND TO LEASE DATED AS OF AUGUST 1, 1979, BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AND AMERICAN PARTS SYSTEM, INC. All of the following-described real estate: A tract of land out of the Northwestern corner of r�� ' "" Industrial Park, Phase IV_ Section 1. Substitution of New Schedule 1 and New Project Description. The deletion of the Original Schedule 1 from the Indenture and the Lease and the substitution of the New Schedule 1 therefor is hereby directed, authorized and approved. The Project, as such term is used in the Original Resolution, shall be deemed to be the Project as defined in the Indenture and the Lease after the Original Schedule 1 has been deleted therefrom and the New Schedule 1 has been substituted therefor. Section 2. Confirmation of the Original Resolution with New Project Description. The Original Resolution, with the term "Project" having the meaning specified in Section 1 of this Resolution, is hereby ratified and confirmed and shall con- tinue to be in full force. Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force from and after its passage by the Board of Commissioners, its execution by the Mayor of the City and its being recorded in the office of the City Recorder of the City. ADOPTED by the Board of Co ioners this 18th day of September, 1979. [SEAL] or ATTEST: >.: ;fig „t City Recorder • -2- SCHEDULE 1 TO MORTGAGE AND INDENTURE OF TRUST DATED AS OF AUGUST 1, 1979, FROM SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, TO WALKER BANK & TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE, AND TO LEASE DATED AS OF AUGUST 1, 1979, BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AND AMERICAN PARTS SYSTEM, INC. All of the following-described real estate: A tract of land out of the Northwestern corner of Lot 2, Centennial Industrial Park, Phase IV, with bearings as following: The northwest line 79°52'37" East 301.73' , the East line South 0°2'50" East 392.4', the South line South 89°52'37" West 296.63', the West line North 0°07'23" West 340.0' , approximating 108,583 square feet as recorded as Entry No. 3291285 on June 8, 1979, in the Office of Recorder of Salt Lake County, Utah. SUBJECT TO: (a) easements, restrictions and reservations now of record, if any; (b) taxes and assessments, general and special, not now due and payable; and (c) the rights of the public in and to any parts of the premises lying or being in public roads of alleys or highways. EXHIBIT A ippr' REMARKS � �r Resolution NO, By• Jennings Phillips, Jr. Supplementing Resolution No. 58 adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salt Lake City, Utah, authorizing the issuance of$1,000,000 principal amount of said City's Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series August 1, 1979 (American Parts System, Inc.Project), authorizing said City to enter into a mortgage and inden ture of trust with Walker Bank & Trust Company and a lease with American Prated to the board of teromissionen AND PAD ¢ 7(efff641414 Parts System, Inc., and approving the form of a guaranty agreement between American Parts System, Inc. and Walker Bank& Trust Company. 1 i