66 of 1914 - A resolution permitting the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company to plank crossing of their tracks - -
Resolution No. 66
By Commissioner ',Corr/e
Permitting the Denver &
Rio Grande Co. to plank
crossing of their tracks at
Fourth South street under
Paving Bxt. No. 95 until
Aug. 1, 1915.
AUG 111914
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>3Ett Par tatty,Mug At Springville, Utah.
July 20, 1914.
Hon. Richard P. Morris,
Commissioner Streets and Public Improvements,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
My Dear Mr. Morris:
With further reference to your letter of July 16th.
Owing to certain improvements which are contemplated, as well
as the necessity of purchasing new rail and ties in crossing 4th South
Street, I wish to respectfully request that this matter be deferred
until a later date.
We are perfectly willing to plank the street in a manner
satisfactory to your City Engineer and our Mr. Blake.
I understood in talking this matter over some time ago, that
there might be some objection to holding up the paving under our tracks,
but when the situation is explained to yourself and the other Commission-
ers I believe you will grant the request. We do not wish to do this work
until we can make a permanent job of it.
I will be glad to call on you the first opportunity i1have in
Salt Lake City and explain the situation fully.
Yours truly,
. . .
VOTING.W, . Yes No 1 , Salt Lake City,Utah, ,ATILg. 11.,. 191 4
ir I move that resolution No t by Mr. Mo rri 6
--1-— he adopted.
Mr.Chairman 11
1 ,
WHEREAS, the City is now proceeding with the paving of
Fourth South street from Rio Grande Street to 5th West street, under
Paving Extension No. 95; and
WHEREAS, this paving extension crosses the tracks of
the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Company; and
WHEREAS, said Denver a Rio Grande Railroad Company has
stated that in making the necessary improvements to their tracks
in crossing Fourth South street it will be necessary to purchase new
rails end ties and asked that the matter be deferred until a lager
date, and stated further that the, are perfectly willing to plank
the street in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer and their
Mr. Blake; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the said Denver & Rio Grinds Railroad
Company be permitted to plank their crossing at Fourth South street
providing said tracks are brought to grade before the planking is
laid and that they agree to pave the crossing at Fourth South street
on or before August let, 1915, all work to be done to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer.
Adopted by the Board of Commissioner/%f Salt Lake
City,Utah,August-1 1914.
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