67 of 1974 - A resolution creating the renewal of special improvement Lighting District No. 46-B on State Street Resolution No. 67 By Conrad B. Harrison COMMISSIONER Creating the renewal of special improvement Lighting District No. 46-B on State Street from South Temple to 4th South Streets. Presented to the Board el Ccnrizsia,;e:rs AND PA.:"S:D 1)EC :3 - 1974 td b ,n,zngrr ROLL CALL December 3 74 VOTING Aye EMI Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19 Mr.Chairman ...• Fro Greener PIMNM I move that the Resolution be adopted. Harmsen // Harrison Phillips �. ■�Result RESOLUTION RESOLUTION CREATING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 46-B WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Board of Commissioners declared its intention to create Lighting District No. 46-B, on the 19th day of November, 1974; and WHEREAS, said Notice of Intention was published first on October 22, 1974, second, on October 29, 1974, third, on November 5, 1974, and last on November 12, 1974; and that said Notice was mailed, postage prepaid, to each owner of the property to be assessed within the Special Improvement District at his last known address as said address appeared on the last completed real property assessment rolls of Salt Lake County, and also sent to "owner" at the street number of each piece of improved property to be assessed; and WHEREAS, there were no protests received by the City Commission in response to the Notice of Intention for operating, maintaining and patrolling of Lighting District No. 46-B; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, that it does hereby create Special Improvement Lighting District No. 46-B, and does hereby authorize the City Engineer to proceed with the project as described in the Notice of Intention. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3rd day of December, 1974. TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN Xlowax