68 of 1913 - A resolution of condolence to parents of Elaine Poulson. REMARKS: Resolution No. 68 By Commissioner Korns Resolution of condolence to parent.s or. Elaine Poulson. ---------- , > s ' • !/,'?.;,"4, • „ „ r: 9 • Rot. vor %-Y. , , 0 Sol!t'Lake CIy, Utah.-:..Z ,e.,_Sta y 1913 I xya 1 mothsthat resolution No. \DY by Me Koran Kaea be adopted Garonce Mr.Chairman' RESOLUTION : WHEREAS, owing to the circumstances surrounding the sad death of little Elaine Poulson on one of the public streets of this city on the 6th day of June, 1913, the members of the City Commission feel a profound personal sorrow; be it RESOLVED, that we hereby express our sincere regret at the unfortunate accident c,nd tender the bereaved parents our sympathy and condolence in their affliction. RESOLVED FURTHER, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the meeting and a copy be sent to the parents of the deceased. 4". e/ Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, / Utah, J e 9th, 1913• (-' (:(e‹ 1 MAYOR. CITY RECORDER.