7 of 1911 - A resolution that Engineer submit plans and estimates for work on Paving Extension No. 72, and repor 17 _ REMARK8: Resolutio n lam: 7 =r... ;- TbatEr}gineer submit plans. l aril estimates for work on Yavi.ng Ext. No. 72,. report. y sa®pe. -to City Council W AND ADOPTED JA1`19 1911 , , I ,,,,-,,,-,:, ,— , ,.. ,,,, -7..-=:..),.; 4-=. .. . , ... .. , ., . , JhP„f'.e!,}y1t ji 6/1 RESOLUTION 6/ )11 RESOLVED, that the communication of the City Recorder in regard to advertising notice of intention for Paving>Extension To. /0, be received and filed; 7r7te- that the City Engineer be directed to prepare plans ant specification for said improvement including the octet and expense of engineering, inspection, publishing notices and making tax levy, and submit same to the City Connell.