7 of 1917 - A resolution submitting eleven propositions to be voted upon separately in connection with the $3,30 REMARKS:
Resolution Nth. e
a By Commisioner._._.,Ne.1en.— - -•V
submitting eleven propositional
to be voted upon separately
F. in connection with the
$3,300,000.00 water bond issue.
- 1 ,
Salt Lake City,Utah, March 15. 192 O„
Burton ✓ ''
N �
I move that the resolution be adopted.
Green _ --
Mr. Chairman �R
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
heretofore, on the 26th day of February, A. D., 1920, passed
an ordinance providing for, and ordering a special election
and submitting to the qualified tax paying electors of Salt
Lake City, Utah, at such special election, the question of
incurring a bonded indebtedness in the aggregate sum of
43,300,000.00, and issuing negotiable coupon bonds therefor,
for the purpose of increasing, improving, enlarging, extending,
perfecting and adding to the present water supply and water-
works system of Salt Lake City, Utah, and of supplying and
distributing water to the inhabitants of said city by
acquiring by purchase, exchange or otherwise, water and water
rights, and by constructing dams and storage reservoirs, con-
duits and distributing mains, and fixed the date of said
special election for March 31, 1920, and
WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Board of Commission-
ers it is deemed advisable and for the better interest of to.e
public that the different items entering into said aggregate
sum of 43,300,000.00, be submitted separately so that the
qualified tax paying electors of said city may express a
choice for or against the different items making up such
aggregate sum.
election, the date of which to be hereafter determined, that
eleven propositions be submitted to the qualified tax paying
'electors of Salt Lake City, as follows. the issuance of bonds for:
(1) $555,000.00 - -For the purpose of increasing, enlarging, ex-
tending and perfecting the present water supply
and waterworks system of Salt Lake City by the
construction of additional supply conduits,
distribution mains and conduits, equalizing
storage basins and canal enlargements.
(2) 300,000.00 - -For the purpose of acquiring by purchase,ex-
change or otherwise, additional water rights
in tife..waSepfret Mill Creek and Big Cottonwood
(3) 200,000.00 - -For the purpose of enlarging the Mountain Dell
storage reservoir in Parleys Canyon.
(4) 120,000.00 - -For theuuTpose of enlarging the pumping plant
at the 1046kb of the Jordan River on Utah Lake
and for additional pumping plants in connec-
• ti on with the o an al system.
(5) 200,000.00 - -For the construction of additional storage
reservoirs in City Creek Canyon.
(6) 725,000.00 - -For the construction of storage reservoirs in
Big Cottonwood Canyon.
(7) 175,000.00 - -For the construction of storage reservoir in
Mill Creek Canyon.
(8) 125,000.00 - -For the construction of storage reservoir in
Emigration Canyon.
(9) 200,000.00 - -For the purpose of acquiring water rights in
timastaringoommf Little Cottonwood Creek.
(10) 300,000.00 - -For the construction of conduit from the mouth
of Little Cottonwood Canyon to connect with the
Big Cottonwood conduit.
(11) 400,000.00 - -For the construction of storage reservoir in
Little Cottonwood Canyon.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVP:U, That the City Attorney be, and
he is hereby directed,to prepare for submission to this Board,
an ordinance providing for,and ordering a special election at
which said above enumerated propositions shall be submitted to
the qualified tax paying electors of Salt Lake City.
In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of th.e inhabitants
of Salt Lake City, that this resolution become effective im-
This resolution shall take effect and be in force
immediately upon its passage.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt lake City,
Utah, this \ day of March, A. D., 1920.
a or
City Recorder