7 of 1919 - A resolution for the results of bond election of February 25, 1919, for the issuance of $2,000,000.0 fA
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Crabbe Salt Lake City,Utah, Ma2oh...3.,. ,191._2...
Green I move that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairman ,v
WHEREAS, At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah, held at 10 o'clock A. M. , Monday, March
3, 1919, which said meeting was duly, lawfully and regularly
called for the purpose of sitting as a board of oanvassere to
canvass the returns of the special bond election held in Salt
Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday, the 25th day of February, 1919, for
the purpose of voting upon the following questions:
1. For the issue of $540,000.00 bonds for water supply
conduit from the mouth of Parley's Canyon to the Northeast
Bench and various feeder water mains throughout the distribut-
ing system, water main stubs and lowering water mains.
2. For ttte issue of $250,000.00 bonds for the acquiring
of water rights in canyons and creeks adjacent to the city,
and other sources of water supply, by exchange or purchase,
or both, and the development of local sources of supply.
3. For the issue of $100,000.00 bonds for the conser-
♦ailion and development of City Creek Canyon water supply.
4. For the issue of $50,000.00 bonds for the city's
portion of construction of sanitary sewers.
5. For the issue of $100,000.00 bonds for the city's
contribution toward a Soldiers' Sailors' and Marines'
Memorial Building.
6. For the issue of $196,000.00 bonds for the construc-
tion of storm sewers.
7. For the issue of "35,000.00 bonds for the construct-
rilr - .
ion of bridges over the Riordan River and Surplus Canal.
8. For the issue of 0200,900.00 bonds for the cityrs
portion of street paving.
9. For the issue of 085,000.00 bonds for the city's por-
tion of curbing, guttering and grading streets.
10. For the issue of 020,000.00 bonds for the cityrs por-
tion of the construction of sidewalks.
11. For the issue of 0200,000.00 bonds for Municipal Bath
House and improvements of grounds at the Warm Springs.
12. For the issue of 0132,000.00 bonds for paving, build-
ings and other improvements at Liberty Park, and improving new
parks and boulevards.
13. For the issue of 027,500.00 bonds for paving and othe
improvements at the City Cemetery.
14. For the issue of $42,500.00 bonds for construction of
paving repair plant, a west side fire station and a comfort
station in the business district.
15. For the issue of 022,000.00 bonds for underground
fire alarm system; and
WHEREAS, Said Board of Commissioners duly and fully can-»
assed all -the returns of said election, and it appearing at this
ime that the judges of said election for each and all of the voti
laces within said city have made full and complete returns thereof
It is hereby resolved, certified, recited and declared
hat said election was duly and regularly held in said city on
luesday the 25th day of Februry, .1919, in manner and form provided
.y law; and that at said election all qualified electors of said
ity who had paid a property tax in the year 1918 in said city were
iven opportunity and permission to vote and none but such duly
lualified electors of said city who had paid a property tax in the
',ear 1918 in said city were permitted to vote, and no votes were
eceived at any voting place in said city except from such duly
'ualified electors who had paid a property tax in the year 1918 in
raid city' and
Be it further resolved, certified and declared that upon
the proposition of incurring indebtedness of Salt Lake City in the
otal sum of
$2,000,000.00, and of issuing bonds therefor for the purposes
set out in the above enumerated questions, the vote on said
questions was as follows:
Per Against Majori
1. For the issue of $540,000.00 ity
bonds for water supply conduit from
the mouth of parley's Canyon to the
Northeast Bench and various feeder
water mains throughout the distribut-
ing system, water main stubs and
lowering water mains, 1469 448 1021
2. For the issue of $250,000.00
bonds for the acquiring of water
rights in canyons and creeks adjaoent
to the pity, and other sources of
water supply, by exchange or purchase,
or both, and the development of local
sources of supply, 1463 447 '016
3. For the issue of $100,000.00
bonds for the conservation and devel-
opment of City Creek Canyon water
supply, 1447 451 996
4. For the issue of $50,000.00
bonds for the city's portion of con-
struction of sanitary sewers, 1430 44B 987
8. For the issue of $100,000.00
bonds for the oity's contribution
toward a Soldiers' , Sailors' and
Marines' Memorial building, 1316 569 747
6. For the issue of $196,000.00
bonds for the construction of storm
sewers, 1408 470 938
7. For the issue of $35,000.00
bonds for the oonstruction of
bridges over the Jordan River an&
Surplus Canal, 1399 484 915
8. For the issue of $200,000.00
bonds for the city's portion of
street paving, 1424 466 958
9. For the issue of $85,000.00
bonds for the city's portion of
curbing, guttering and grading
streets, 1423 462 961
1 10. For the issue of $20,000.00
bends for the city's portion of the
construction of sidewalks, 1423 457 966
For Against Maj-
11. For the issue of $200,000.00
bonds for Municipal Bath House and
improvements of grounds at the Warm
Springs, 1393 500 893
12. .,Por the issue of $132,000.00
bonds for paving, buildings and other
improvements at Liberty Park; and
dRprevino,new parks and bettletards, 1359 545 814
13. Por the tome of $27,500.00
bonds for paving and other improve-
ments at the City Cemetery, 1332 549 783
14. Por the issue of $42,500.00
bonds for construction of paving
repair plant, a west aide fire
station and a comfort station in the
brew iris district, 1384 491 693
15. Por the issue of $22,000.00
bonds for underground fire alarm
system, 1299 568 731
That at said election there was and is a majority of votes
cast in favor of said above propositions for the issue of bonds
in the amounts hereinbefore stated, said majority being indicate
An sash instance in the third column above.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $540,000.00,
,and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of increasing, im-
proving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the
• ;present waterworks system of Salt Lake City for the purpose of
'supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants thereof, and
to that end to construct a supply oonduit from the mouth of
Parley's Canyon to the Northeast Bench; and to construct various
' feeder water mains throughout the distributing system, and to
Ieonstruot water main stubs, and to lower water mains on streets
Ito be graded, curbed and guttered and paved.
That at said election the right and power was given to Sal
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $260,000.04'
land to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of increasing, im-
proving, enlarging, extending and adding to the present water
I ,
supply of said city, and to that end to acquire additional water
rights in oanyone and creeks adjacent to the city and other
sources of water supply, by exohange or purohase, or both,and by
the development of local sources of supply, including the devel-
opment of water at Liberty Park.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $100,000.00,;
;and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of increasing, in-
'proving, enlarging, extending and perfecting the present water
(supply from City Creek Canyon, and to that end to construct
additional small storage reservoirs in said canyon.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $50,000.00,
and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of improving, extendi-
ding and adding to the present sewer system of said city for the
purpose of oaring for and disposing of the sewerage of said city),
and to that en& to lay additional mains to serve the southern
portion of the city where no sewer system now exists, and to pay
the oity's portion of the cost Of the same.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
(Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $100,000.00,
!and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose reergazzargiantassantsz
of constructing a public building as a Soldiers' , Sailors' and
Marines' Memorial to oommemorate the splendid ,achievements of
Utah Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Great World War, and
for the city to erect same, or to contribute to the construotio
of such memorial building for the purpose named, within Salt
Lake City, where the cost thereof shall be borne partly by the
City and partly by the State of Utah and other contributors, the
same to be under the control of said city and state.
That at said election the right and power was given to 3al
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $196,000.00,
and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of increasing, im-
proving and adding to the present drainage system of said city
for the purpose of carrying away the waters that gather in and
flow through said city, and to that end to construct storm sewers
Iin and upon the following streets: Ninth South Street, Thirteenth
South Street and Fourth Avenue, and to conduit Emigration Creek
;and the Salt Lake City and Jordan Canal within the city limits,
1 That at said eleotion the right and power was given to Salt
'Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of 435,000.00,
and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of constructing within
the limits of Salt Lake City, two bridges across the Jordan River
and one bridge across the Surplus Canal.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the ount)of 4200,000.00,
Iand to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of improving the
public streets of said city, and to that end to pave additional
(streets within the city., and to pay the oity's portion of the
cost of the same.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
jLake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of 485,000.00,
land to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of improving the
ipublio streets of said city, and to that end to grade, and con-
struct curb and gutter upon additional streets within the city,
!and to pay the city's portion of the cost of the same.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of 420,000.00,
and to issue bonds therefor for the, purpose of improving the
public streets of said city, and to that end to construct .
!additional sidewalks upon the'public streets of said city, and t
pay the city's portion of the coat of the same.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $200.000.00,
land to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of constructing and
' furnishing a Municipal Bath House, and to park and improve the
igrounds surrounding the same, at and upon the Warm Springs
property owned by the city.
That at said election the right and g power was given to Sal
Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $132,000.001
and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of extending and
improving the park system of said city, and to that end to
macadamize or pave the center drive, build garage, shop, comfort
station, concession and zoo buildings, water mains and sewers,
fenoss and other improvements at Liberty Park, and to lay out,
plant and improve the West Side Park, the new Sugar House Park
! and Parley's Park, and to construct boulevard along Parley's
Creek from sugar House Park to Parley's Park.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt/
/Lake City to inour an indebtedness to the amount of $27,500.00,
and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of improving the
' City Cemetery, and to theft end to oonstruct hard surface roads
along the main streets, and to construct a new residence at said
That at said eleotion the right and power was given to Salt
!Lake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $42,500.00,
','and to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of constructing and
/ furnishing a paving repair plant, a new west side fire station,
and an additional comfort station in the business district, all
within Salt Lake City.
That at said election the right and power was given to Salt
bake City to incur an indebtedness to the amount of $22,000.00,
sad to issue bonds therefor for the purpose of installing an
' underground fire alarm system in the business district and two
! main lines running east and west withi the city.
Passed bye Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
! Utah, March 3_ , 1919.
Temporary Chairman
- Comity cor er.