7 of 1934 - A resolution directing the City Attorney to bring condemnation suit against the Richards Irrigation kl3MARKS 1 Resolution No. -- } By Commissioner Keyser a 1, - - ;11 Directing the City Attorney to .ring condemnation suit against ' Id The Richards Irrigation Co. ;owners of property in Sea. 34, T. 2 S., R. 1 B., S.L.B. & M., to acquire fee simple title for Salt Take City for constru t ing artesian wells and coliec " tion and diverting works. there pi ! 11 II 1 Presentedto the Bond of Commissioners , lil AND PAIMISD 1 ii FEB6 1934 1,1 frnitka {I @i I Y RtCDRDL+R 1 1,1 it III r, i1 i ` f !' Date Piled T'ebr. 6th, 1934. ,' �; Address VOTING Goggin Z I move that the resolution be adopted. _vZt/ Keyser Knight Lee Mr. Chairman - - RESOLUTION Result The : ichrds IrrIgation Co any "F the owner of the right to use portion:- of the raters of Little Cottonwood Creek in Lake County, Utah; and . bi-I-LAd, said irrigation comaany by agrcencnt ;.ith Halt Lake City dated by at, 1511, vc .0 it the rikhf to uFe cold ;raters ;n cfmthanze for artar to be sosdied to said irriga- tion co-sunny by 5alt Lity; and it is eceschry jn orb:or to s-c-,dly the inhabi- tnts of belt Lake City with as tar deirng the year that it exercise the rirhts granted by said agreef-ent and exchange water therefor as in said agreement drovidcd; and . 1'ff3u-, said water to be exchanged as af)rcsaid can be developed by the drivire:, of an artesian well or tells on and the dr-ltvcry or cater fro!nc the follecdng described oroperty, -L,einning at a point 646.5 feet last and 7.:;5.3 feet boa Ca at the .. Corner of the E. C. 1/4 of :leclion 14, .T. t , 1 I ., . L- 6. 1. 7., running thence North 210.6 feet more or less to the center line of Little Lot-ton- rood Creek; thence. . La.B" 4C1 I . 43.7 Ccet ,- 76° 54' i . lf.b.4. feet, . 531 L. 45.3 feet c . 06' L. 75.5 feet, T. 36' 5a, E. 112.2 feet and N. tri" L. feet along the center line of said creek; t± flee 6outh 114.2 feet; thence 1. 53° 65, c. 117.2 feet; thence N. 74° 57' a. feet more or less to the point of berinning, containing 1.61 acres more or less. Together with a right of way beginning at a point 660.0 feet Last of the corner of the [1.12. 1/4 of ection 14, I. 2 a., n. 1 L., H . L. 3. .; running thence North 957 feet more or less to the center line of Little Cottonwood Creek, thence 6. 18" 46" 1- ce;.4 feet along the center line of said Creek; thence Houth 363.4 feat sore or less to a county road, thence L'est 16.5 feet to the ooint of beginning. AED WHERLI,S, it is hereby declared to be neccsary for said city to have the fee sispie title to said property for thecur-core of constructing arteian sells and collection and diverting works tnereon; HitrAe, the onLr of sLld rcaLed th.6 rice • tendered by tb‘,- for raid la bd, t.ic city be- to to fe.ir end rea ble for elf 1J_.11C1 fit.,± Ii I T it7,t he:t tjc city tt,)rney and he b.,eri y Ic ibr true',c coO cilre,ted :belt0 t the cc -ht• thc pru )Erty Jc.:,--oribc, for the of the fee e jacqc Hltic H.) eL id nd r cIt Lc- :,;ity by conde.ination '••31. t?“-::: -QUI::: 2o of cjr.f_ zee:ic n 0 .1 tnt collection .ond d tifl orI-0 thereon. I....1tiIIjo ft_ that lhe ty .lttorney toand he her e yis ins tructc,.,. to commence Each Droce,c,,,,,in„-_•., ot onco. Ti r r•,y- Ie. the: o ,11,130t o the •;:;1' Q11- /' t ty ft to, tbai thle: rea ,on „ 'hi.; re:a.) t let 2 Flan rrc.b t „ri tL ndontiricl \-'ef•52-04-(.) 4 'a!il ed by the ii.oL rel si cc:cc o-f* a]t ta .e 6th , February A, 2 -7 orary Cilia7iirman ecord A ' - kiagaeP