7 of 1942 - A resolution requiring the Building Inspector of Salt Lake City to obtain from each applicant for a REMARKS
Resolution No. 7
By COf iA171f70pei_ _
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Requiring the Building Inspr. ',
of S.L.C. to obtain from each',
applicant for a permit to
commence any construction, to '
certify upon the application
that said proposed construction'
p is not in violation of the •
:I Conservation Order L-41 and
such permit shall be based
solely on the representation
of said applicant.
f lit a bil toll*Board of Conmisotone
JUN 3 01942
�I Date Filed
eson - - - - �/ �J
ha'rman - - - RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the War Production Board has requested Salt Lake
City to cooperate with the United States Government in the enforce-
ment of Conservation Order L-41 of said Var Production Board issued
April 9, 1942, and all amendments thereto, which order is attached
hereto and .wade a part of this resolution; and
WHEREAS, said Order L- 41 prohibits the initiation of con-
struction after April 9, 1942, unless such construction is specifical-
ly permitted by the terms of said Order L-41 or specifically author-
ized by the Dir ctor of Industry Operations of the 'r.ar Production
Board; and
HEIRS, it is the desire of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City to cooperate fully with the Federal Government in the
enforcement of its orders.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Building Inspector
of dalt Bake City require each applicant for a permit to commence
any construction to certify up(Gn the au lication that the construction
proposed is not in violation of the Conservation Order L-41 and such
permit shall be based solely on the representation of said applicant.
The Building Inspector is further authorized to forward to
the Chief of the Compliance aranch, Var Production Board, Temporary
Building C, Vashingt;n, D. C., or its local office when established,
the details of construction considered by him estionable under
Order L-41. — --
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