7 of 1943 - A resolution protesting Senate Bill No. 109 regarding supervision and disposal of garbage, refuse, s REMARKS: Resolution No. .`i By Commissioner Tzdetsco Protesting Senate Bill #109 re. supervision at and disposal of garbage, refuse, sewerage and other waste material to be turned over t. the State Board of Health. etegort3E'uTIA,Bawd of Commisoleace I AND PASSED FEB 1 11943 • Salt Lake City,Utah, , 194 VOTING AYE NAY I - ✓ I move that the resolution'be adopted. - Keyser Y//J Matheson r� *Cookie I i /eaes,.a Mr. Chairman - - - _ _ RESOLUTION Result l:hullAS, under the statutes of the State of Utah, cities of the first class as well as other cities are renuired to create and maintain at their eneense a board of health to be administered by an ad_ec_uately trained personnel; and .LLIiiipS, the function of preserving ann protecting the I; cities r inhabitants by proper sanitary ;leasures involving the dis- posal of garbage, refuse, sewerage and other waste arterial Set^i- 'mental to health or of an offensive or unsightly nature heretofore has assays been regarded as and is by its nature and diversity of conditions prevailing throughout the state a local city _unction best administered by the city under the general laws of the state; and I;Eh'dAS, Salt Lake City has erast; &- and r aintained over a period of aany years a.nd does now maintain a board of health end other agencies fully and adecuately ecuicced and administrres. by a highly trained and experienced personnel it.ipl:mentea in detail by ail needful ordinances, rules and regulations and so is fully capable of controlling, supervising and performing, the duties and services involved in maintaining proper sanitary conditions within the city; all of which procedure necessitates the expenditure of lay.,-ge amounts of money and taxes levied enciusive_y for city pur- poses; and I.HBhLAS, to vest in the State Board of Health the powers and functions contemplated by Senate Hill No. 109, no pending be- fore the 19213 session of the Utah Legislature, could be to super- impose upon the cityts administration of a local function a super- vision and restriction not tarranted by conditions. NOW, ThEEIYORE, BE IT R-JSOEI/BD that the Board of Cora ls- sioners of Bait Lake City go on record as opposed to the passage of Senate Lill o. 109 and that a copy of this resolution be for- arded_ to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the HOUSE cof hepresentatives of the Utah Legislature for consideration by the Senate and House and the proper coiruaittees hereof whenever said aeasures shall be considered. Passe' by the Bo �of Cotosissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this /Jiday of r D. 1943. City i .core r. I Il