7 of 1963 - A resolution of appreciation to the Teamsters Union, Local No. 222 and to the Utah Chapter of the Na Resolution No. 7 By Herbert FLSmart COMMISSIONER Resolution of Appreciation to the Teamsters Union, Local No. 222 and to the Utah Chapter of the 1 National Defense Transportation Association for services rendered in behalf of the Salt Lake City Civil Defense Program in moving civil defense supplies from Clearfield Supply Depot into the public fall-out shelters of Salt Lake City. Promoted b the Board of Commigtlonen AND PASSED APR2 51963 ilt4Vv.11Vt?*.tiNp l� ctrr aacOHDER L. Rec. 1C2 50 10-62 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, A.P?3l..Z5 ,196 3. VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Resolution be adoptcd. Christensen . . Harrison . . . ✓ �� Smart . . . . Romney . . . • Mr. Chairman . � RESOLUTION Result . . . . f RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, in order to properly prepare Salt Lake City to meet what- ever emergency may arise from natural causes or unfriendly acts, it is nec- essary that the city establish and maintain public fall-out shelters; and WHEREAS, supplies for the proper maintenance of such fall-out shelters were made available at the defense warehouses at the Clearfield Supply Depot; and WHEREAS, the Teamsters Union, Local No. 222, and the trucking firms associated with the Utah Chapter of the National defense Transportation Association have willingly and freely given of their time and equipment to move such supplies to Salt Lake City and into the public fall-out shelters; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners recognizes and is deeply appreciative of such service rendered to Salt Lake City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY hereby expresses its gratitude and appreciation for the services rendered in behalf of the Salt Lake City Civil Defense Program by the Teamsters Union, Local No. 222, and by the trucking firms associated with the Utah Chapter of the National Defense Transportation Association, in moving civil defense supplies from Clearfield Supply Depot into the public fall-out shelters of Salt Lake City. - 2 - AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Teamsters Union, Local No. 222 and to the Utah Chapter of the National Defense Transportation Association. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, 25th dayApril,of A ril, 1963. A/ 0 R A4-4/Lt �iWAILICall/i • COMMISSIONER Of I S S I O N r R CO MISSIONER COMMISSIONER