70 of 1980 - RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION to Gerald H. Blair for his service in the City's Traffic Engineer’s Depar f/ RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Gerald H. Blair commenced employment with Salt Lake City Corporation on May 1, 1977, and has worked in the Traffic Engineer's Department since that time; and WHEREAS, Mr. Blair has resigned his position as City Transportation Engineer, effective October 1, 1980; and WHEREAS, during his employment with the City, Mr. Blair has demonstrated a professional excellence as well as progressive managerial talent; and WHEREAS, Mr. Blair streamlined transportation operation methods and placed Salt Lake City in the forefront of technological advances with a computerized traffic signal system; and WHEREAS, the City of Salt Lake and its residents owe Mr. Blair a debt of gratitude for his diligent, faithful, conscientious service which was performed with great professional competence. NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City on their own behalf and on behalf of the residents of Salt Lake City, express sincere appreciation and gratitute to Gerald H. Blair for his devoted and capable services. The Mayor and Council further wish him well in all pursuits as he leaves employment with Salt Lake City and hope that he will derive great satisfaction from knowing that he has played an important role in the development of Salt Lake City. DATED this 30th day of September , 1980. .5R2IL-1126421 �L AN CH IRMAN \-_ COUNCIL MEMBER Ojtet...d.(e..4r- •UNCIL ME B L M MBER OC UNCIL MEMBER COUNC 43E gj 11)190AM COUNCIL MEMBER -2- Resolution No. By Ted L. Wilson, Mayor gNINVOCIDLICe Expressing appreciation to Gerald H. Blair upon his resignation from the City as City Transportation Engineer. •