70 of 1981 - An enactment resolution approving an Industrial Revenue Bond for Miller Brewing Company. am,r.anwiaa,nrywlMry • • • --.72):, •• ... .:1 . ..HI - ME I-11117I I II '161 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAN PROCEEDINGS CITY, UTAH OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALK LAKE y !II TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 19E11 i U E S O A'i AUGUST ZS��SBl I I NE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAXE CITY,FAH,NET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY,AUGUST 25,1981,AT 5:00 FROM FINANCE MO ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: P.D.III ROOM 301 CITY ASO COUNTY BUILDING. - II OR ROLL CALL THE FOLLOWING COUNCIL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT: 59 II I RE: Industrial Revenue Bond Application: IHL Freight,Inc, ROHA0O C.WHITEHEAD ALICE SHEARER 500010 R.FONNE150CN CONS M.DAVIS RELWNtee acquisition That the Council consider an appllcaton for Industrial Revenue Bonds in the amount of PALMER GEPAULIS EGWARO W.PARKER • will doO10,for the acquisition of heavy duty diesel truck tractors and van type freight trailers. These bonds III GRANT 01050 will be Issued re two series One for 81,500,0110prose and one for$3,500,000. See Attached Litt OF FURLS: I'. applicable. III proposal Applicant will reimburse the City$2,5O0 In processing fees. DISCUSSION: See Attached Documents:I. Evaluation • Mayor Ted L.Wilson,and Halter R.Hiller,Oepnty city Attorney,were also present. of proposal based on O Draft leCriteria. 2. Typed Industrial Revenue Bond Application submitted by IHL II Freight Inc„ 1 Letter from Blain L.Carlton,Attorney for I4L Freight,Inc. 1 i Roger F.Cutler was absent frsr this meeting. Pr.Glen Goodrich,bite President of lit Freight,Inc.,addressed the Council regarding lilt's request i I Council Chairman Palmer OePaul is presided at this meeting. for an Industrial Revenue Bond He explained the new law allowing for the purchase of transportation equipment using funds financed through bonding Mr.Goodrich then answered questions. I' ijI. Council Chairman Palmer OePaulis Conducted the meeting. Councilnt'r..ber Shearer roved and Cou Cllrerber Mitehead seconded to adopt Resolution 6B A of 19E11 ' ' :II Prayer was given by Lynn Nagel,Salt Lake City Police Chaplain airs Corp. approving an industrial Revenue Bond application In the amount of SS 000,000 for the acquisition of heavy duty diesel truck tractors and van-type freight trailers submitte II d b IN Pled L Freight,Pledge of Allegiance burs v r Y S t, hich rail vot ing incarried,g aye. Inc.,� all mem- bers • Resolution 68 A of 1981 approving an Industrial Revenue Bond application for IML Freight,Inc. i on file • • J Ni From City Council in the Office of the City Recorder for inspection I!ICouncilmarder Shearer coved and Countllmember Parker seconded that the Minutes of the Salt Lake City 59 r{ Council be approved for Its meeting held August 1d,19B1,which motion carried,all ardent Voting aye. 0.E: Industrial Revenue Bond Appl lca[on. Self Eaterpri sus,Inc. RECC15,EN0:TION: That the Council consider an application far Industrial Revenue Bonds,in the amount of • PETITIONS 01,500,O0O,to fund the purchase and modification of an existing used ail re refining facility. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: Not Applicable The Applicant will reimburse the City$2,500 In processing fees. DISCUSSION: See 194 Czssity and Associates requested that certain property located in Lots 4,15,and 16 of Block 27,10 Fore Attached on submit: 1, Self of proposal based on Byl9/BO Draft Criteria;2.Types Industrial Revenue Bond _ 1979 Plat,Big Field Survey,be annexed to Salt Lake City and ref erred to as the tastily Plaza Annex and Application submitted by Self Enterprises,Inc.Th further requested that this area be zoned 4C-3'. Nr.Ste ven Self,President of Self Enterprises, .i Comcl lrtember Shearer coved and Cuuncilmember Nabey seconded to schedule a public hearing at the ear li- f Rated,Inc.,is fassedcili the Cowould regarding Self Enterprises' i-,I i test meendtr Se of them moved osnsilallowirg the HabeyRecorder's Office to edul publishing earingnat,hei ea request for anIndustriale ievenue Bond. M Self stated that this=an,tGa,oand b¢used for pollution control and rec on used oil, Vicki Ne[vl rtis State of Utah Division of Oil Gas,and Mining,also addressed the motion carried,all members voting aye. Council on this Issue. Ili [ourcl lnembsr Sparer roved and 6oun[Ilnrnber 00005l is seconded to adopt Resolution 69 of 198I approving I 119 Harold P.Hinkle requested that the text of the Zoning Ordinance be anelded to make itthe Industrial Revenue toed application in the awun[of S1,530,000 to food the purchase and modification of an ..• 19BI mechanical repairs and servicing of automobiles it a'B-3"District. Possible to have voting used oil re refining facility submitted by Self Enterprises,Inc.,which motion Carried all members pi 19' 9 Y Sessvi lmemb=r Shearer moved and Counci leenb¢r Fonnesbetk seconded to adopt an ordinance,BILL 67 of 4 N� 1991,amending Section 51.21 B of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to Can- Resolution 69 of City approving an Industrial Revenue good application for Self Enterprises,Inc„is an ditional uses allowed'n business d 3'Districts by adding automobile mechanical repair and service file in the Office of the Recorder for inspection. shops,which nation carried all members voting aye. j FROM IRS CITY AROedtt: • OTHER CITY BUSINESS 71 FROM CITY COUNCIL: RE: Miller Bruning Co.,13,4OO,00O IRS Letter from Ray L.Montgomery to Mayor Wilson:1 have nevi exec and approved the documents pertaining to Bd the issuance of the City s Industrial Facilities Revenue Bond for Hiller Brewing Crony,In the amount of Mr.Peter Billings,appearing In behalf of Caron Cause,addressed the Council about a S3,40O,OOO 1 have in my possession one copy of the documents but it is ny understanding that Pr.Cook has mode ce providing far disclosure of appearing contributions and expenditures before the election. a propilllo Billings arrangements to present the original and 12 or IS copies to you for execution on August 25,es prior at 3:DO p,m, 1 outlined the text of the ordinance and answered questions. g also understand hr.Cook has presented the sane documents to the City Council for'heir review authorization and and exeetvt for of the necessary resolution hen to their nci lmenber Shearer movetl and CquMllmember Oavls seconded to send the dls<losure oral nonce[o tee giving Y permission to sign. 1 have reviewed the reso. er Cou lotion also and find It In proper form for execution Please let youdesire anything further Sc put the 3yrsC nn¢I Com It tee to be otters Red by all Ceuoc lSmembers for discuss ton,wh ice nation carried,all cancers volt e9 matter on yours and the Councils agendas for consideration and approval. lie,Rand Cook representing Hiller 89 epre g 1 er Brewing Corpzny,stated that the Industrial Revenue authorized in 1979 order the Commission form of government that the buildingsubstantially complete was The Board of aunty Commissioners of Salt Lake four ty,b action catersonds are ready to be sold. s Y comp le le and the day,petitioned the SO I'Lake City y Sca[its regular meeting held this a y Council to convey t P Y o Salt Lake County n fee all air rights over the Salt Cestosacetber Shearer roved and Ceara llnember Davis seconded to adopt Resolution 70 of 1991 Complex,extending over 200 lest Street gelseen South Temple and First South. The Board further requests approving an tanuraneoralisiMinumz the min of 200�'st Street and the conveyance'n fee those asp construct]Revenueinstallation Bond Enactment Resolution e-the amount:e hsote In L It Late City, the ubmt vn acquisition, s.hovndar Res xhich will no longer be utilized as Leo ns Hest 200 Fes[Street along the east and construction and Inst allot tors of a tarp^- controlled no 5[roll ed warehouse In Sal[Late[i! y R respectfully a n of the 200 Nest thoroughfare. Isle Lake County Co-.pan,which notion married all members voting Y submitted b Miller Brewing tl y requests that upon approval by the City Council that legal counsel for Salt Lzke County and Salt Lake Y g are' Ling,b directed t prepare theordinance and conveyances containing specific legal descriptions tins for N by t'. City l II Resolution 70 of ISO1 approving an Industrial geven.e Bond Enactment Resoltuion for biter Brewing Company Is on file In the Office of the City Recorder for Inspection. • 1�4s [9 t ttyCSalt Late be Nab t d C 11' h Parker seconded to refer to the Consign of the Whole a 72 !autoCounty d in f 11 I.rightsthe Salt Palate Complex.extending over 200 Hest RE Introducti Proposed 0 i. Li Ordinance A d..t p t f ear South U t narrowing f 200 Hest Street and the conveyance in fee[lose '+Sections 20 3 e5 and or:poseJ ,p t Street g v t d [boundaries which I17 no longer/n utilized as a portion of Drdi nonce creating Me Central Parting nod W ss Improvement District,,v lsory Goard An Chapter 27 f theCO t Ih yh r motion also Included that theCis its n v s Office be directed to communicate to Title 2S th-County Attu ney s Office that an ordinance be prepared,1,hich.ration carried,ail members voting aye. - 4 • P. • P.