73 of 1911 - A resolution that the Board of Public Works be instructed to have all asphalt pavements repaired, ot -,4 ;":" i :a:
?Y'S 19211 CD, 1911. 2.}y `.
:91L "0, lv11.
Can r.,Roan c. `,'-cr: 4oyed that the ci r .1 sd;Jourr., 'nisi.. option was lost on the III
f al'-in.- roll call vote: Report Ile. 12 from the Corr:1'tee of the .hole, in ore r:,ttor :1 -i t;, .91 os,
on, lead, which v,as rrescr_ted earlier ir. I: sees. r.under . fir. -..n d 'usiness _d luia aver to 1
., •'or^ �roo, -all �'
Voss, ol' cs '_c.inney, ..nlvey, Rcedsll, Wood, 8.
, rt, Lai.., r, .,,nic, ilo.;Hell, Ferry, ' come up with CM,Ti'tee Roberts, was then taken op or !, t ,.; r.•rlr-.- -alp,of,
tic report was adopted on roll call vile, all 10 Lor, a tiro _✓e en-ce . e,0:al-on
Rns 4l Ai on , 72. By L_hell ue Wall. Oa Davis, lodnsr.r,, .type, O'Connell, -ooa_ d r L'erry, to•ccro absent, '
R tr t the park. Co.a..1s i aners are hereby instructed to employ two men for a
y ash thereof f as n ses:nr✓, to ee:;tr.,y sparrow nests that have been Councilman c'.'isr ey then r lvc r,.,,�cr �. roc n?'_d eras.:n.
..t in the street shade trees of this eity, and in trees and on structures on private property
nor, t.c o-.ners no lesire, to the end .h.t the nroparatien of sparrows be prevented so far as
On notion of Councilman dernstror the 'oun•el .turn sdiberned.
;soil_e; ter.. hA fifty dollars, or :o much thereof as necessary, is hereby appropriated for
:'nit eo.
Referred to the Bo_,rd of ..IT''. Corrissloncrs, , / " 1
i:1cs-lotior 1:a 73. 3,y Counci lmun 1.ces. ?,
: the Street =. r ,;cot .. - n„at_. to this it dated ...arch. 13, L,, '.�_co �
1.11 A. ill t t' entsbe repaired; therefore,• LL
;I. I:2 :19:SCLV11, t.:a the 3o_rd of l,rhile Yorks be instructed to hove all asphalt
.n. o...., i,,_:_,,, o....r O.,,in ..1"at is cop.,,emulated to be resurfaced.
Referred to the City Or.;rir.cer to report on.-onday ni tot, .n ril 24, L911, with other
rcrerts, c`.e,, on natter.
• ' .. ,,az'i on i:o, 74, By C^.:...•..:mar. ...._;3r.ney. , 1
33.. IT 9r.0. tt.t the electrical ordinance which has been so long before this
e e'1, hot 9i,-Ioh hoe not yet been -iven the proper consideration, be taken up in Committee
I ' o_ i.c le C•.sr •Il .ri .11': c-raidcred •,'7ursdly, ,e 1 37, 1.911, ,t 8 O'clock P. M, 1
Lai er for cc + .c re.s.est if t^ahellrtim afro ctrur, 1 1i,
1,_csol•ution ':o. 7 C Councilman -c':inr.ey. ! ��1,
-- 19 t r,eirted that nu, rooe parties are in ne habit of frequenting City ilIl
11 r, r. -r. on Snn,"-yo ord rating the 1aches, and t'.at the refuse the often finds
lit ov i o ci an r_e,c; and 6 1
°9:110,13, it is oloo rep parted that ;bottle are rer-.itted to range and forage in said Vp
r fore 11
'{ :1 I :L. J t the Land mL ter Cor issloner be, and he is hereby instructed III
o _c ri a it ti ted to arrestan cr'.ons ca tir refuse into said Creek and ��11�
a„tlr r. d t n , du everything possible to prevent the
waters of rs d creek from hem, in an• senner defiled.
or nc rveor.. �1,
�, .-1,... n 0 . 7d. 3y C^L'r_:1m n .-c:anr.ey.
_... 5, 1.2c air, .r r safety pro ire r.:r.,inds that the fire department of Salt Lake
_l- ,.i.J o.. .1 w,-1 u iioLiU:J roe Led -A. Lrn1. : Ir,lugrat•I:ns•
t J
■ _ L Y. nc r (.renal-tee ofhis ou it vi th the C1 ie. 01 lout Airs ' ��
,' .t ell . i-r at toe c.rlie2t r—s,i„L. :tote, the vacation
ace 1,1,6 a to bu,rr:1„te) crosser,
ISI,, 1^ ,' .p :in .:.:Ibl., estimates of thecost Of such chnnRe,/ fl,,1 I.
! ��
t L,lrrr ey ir• �inu Ile is uc reny riserlrCLed to prepare now o s•m passed by the Lac is
d � .' . toot�.poop ... 7...n .:I c,r Juti o:, and anti)rity 1n sac rdil.;c f
I111 Ii