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8 of 1928 - A resolution directing the Bamberger Electric Railroad Company to place its entire right-of-way on 3 8 REMARKS: rt Resolution No. 8 ' Moran By Commissioner._......_.... IDirecting the Bomberger blest 1 R. R. Co. to place its entire I eight of way on 3rd West Street il J & let South Street in proper 1 I repair. 1 a I 1i } li if .aeoted to.;,a :eau)of Commissioners jI i AND PASSED ' ' I ilAY 2/1928 , Xzli,17144614Pnifitt4 ,1 . . CITY PECORD£R iiiii, II II II I ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, ILay .L. , 1918. ' • V Burton Fehr I move that the resolution be adopted. V Finch 7-- o)-- -----------d- -,---•--._ Moran Mr.Chairman Chairman - - - - I/ Result RESOLUTION ',HLITE:4-1S, the Bamberger Electric adailroad Company, a. cor- poration, operating an electric railroad with tracks in the public streets of Salt Lake City, has remitted a portion of its right of way to ba wile scar in in a. state of aisre4..adr on Crd'V,est ene let South Streets in Salt Lake City; and ,IilaSLAS, such condition is a. menace and cause of danger to those usinaii said street and crossings thereupon. NC ,, T-1111DIFOLB, ES IT -bSOLVis that the SambeTger electric railroad Comaany be and it is hereby eirected and repuired to place its entire right of way on Srd Vest Street and 1st West Street, Inducing the space between the rails and traclas, and for a srace of two feet outside of the outer rails of odtsine tracks in good and proper condition, using for said purpose the same Materials as is used in the street aeon which the troks FTC laid at point of repair, or such other mterials as shall meet ' ith the addroval 1 of the Board of Comadaaioncra of It ban'e City; all oT such cork to be done unber the eirection of the LocuS cc of Streets and Public Improvements and. subject to the arc royal of the Boarb of Commissioners, both as Co the Pines of .notbrials used ana the manner of construction. That said company is hereby rebyaired to commence on ssin cork within five days of racist of rosy of this, resolution and to proceed rith said pork sf repair with all reanonable diligence and to complete the same to the satisfsction of the Los me of Commis- sioners. ___ 'act to CIty Z,reorocr b- =no shc oc -by i, oirE.cto. to tranoill'o to ft.:, officc_s o he Banberger Electric Railror-c, 00.71.,Eny co.y o GhiF rcooThtioh. L;:rir o • on o L ' c City, Lit[ '1\-.\\-TzuFy of _ , it-„T 000rO,,-.