8 of 1938 - A resolution directing the Commissioner of Streets & Public Improvements to petition the Secretary o 7 ,, d MAY 24, 1955. V,.. 24, lasso. 3O5 Super 'eon Co. 353 W.S.Temple A right-of-way es fe_t wide ❑cl..g 33 feet on erch side of 132 W.2d So. the following described center line .,es r i n at a point in to,. s 256 S.S. Temple north line of ropperton Place, a sdrdivision o part o .0tior. 33, 173 W.S.Temple T. 1 N.,H 1 e fait L c. muse n^. Meridian, sal point oein., in 1 ,f 502 S.State boundary line of J.S. Military he ervocion end 33 feet east from II 3d0-3th Ave. the N.E.Corner of Block 2, soio opper ?Lice, running tnenee Bo. 3 deg. 02' 'J. along center line of Alt_ Street produced 1., feet, thence along You.... Electric Sign Co. 76 E. 3d S. a 43 deg. curve to the left lie 7 feet, thence N. ..' deg. 12 W. 160.9 105 E. 3d S. feet; thence along a 10 de_ curveto toe left 111.7 feet thence N. dl deg.. 22' W. 424.2 feet, _Fence along a 10 des. curve to toe left Utah Oil Refinin„ �a. 20 Vi lit So. 7 feet, thence N, de✓. 5 6 fe tom o_e or less ,o the 'n . soundery line cf the . Military Reservation: since❑ e: 5 totch Drive. i .;i 'hit r. vccion carried, almembers voting eye. '` Also 'beglnnin.- at the northwest corner of Block 1 :opo'e tau i'T.c (Fiat '5"), a subdivision of part of Sect' n 3 , 1. 1 N n 1 E '" 1zo kr. lo;;..in moved that the followdng requisitions from the park Dept. be allowed and L.,. I M., said tel nein, in tope oo,rdurb ,1 the Fort Jo;:,-on Military Reservation amd rann-o. thence West ol.92 feet; thence North iron -itts! to the City Iur^h s. Agent: • along the west boundary of said reservation 462.1 feet to a point 4 eT on the south line di t foot right-of-way above e trio d thence No. 134 & Jen. Dept. southeasterly along said south line 55.9 feet moreor less to a point ; Statement of Apr. 26,1538 in the east line of Virginia street produced and 443.5 feet ntrtn from ,''iephshe service City e Co. Bldb. point of ae inring,thence south 440.b feet to point of beginning; i:, d kpr. 26, 1960 to May 23,1938 known es Virginia street. _ ;Y (Mt.States Tel. & 'Te1.Co.) $303.98 net ` AND SE IT F'JRTHRF RESOLVED that said Commissioner be likewise authorized and directed to �' I ' No. 967 :ark Dept. _ petition he Secretary sffar for the rot of easement to Salt Late City o e, Se of id-1, ,' 2826 ft. 3/16" flooring (Main floor) Title 10 U. S.C.A. for gas,v.ater and sewer pipe lines within said ri__et-of .y an5 h't c is 0 %; I also covering for north, center Secretary of War be requested to grant Salt ,Luke City, and any utility fran nl ed by it, an and south stairs, Airport easement for right-of-way for electric poles and lines for the transmission and di.tr onion M ., (Mt. Ste.e. Ruaber Co.) $ 1323.22 of electric power and for telephone and telegraph ;a crposes in end upon said right-of-way uns-r Section 961, Title 43, 9.s. C. A, ;.,for 'n.:tic, carried, all :.embers voting aye. on motion of Mr. Matheson the resolution was adopted, all members voting aye. 8 ii.1 c ; n .;a mills troy the vprioue departments amounting to j13,0d2.29, were presented by the Com- LIST OF AJTHORIZED Ei5L.NJI nniki :ffi:'41. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ^„ia .,., ,,,n eon unto, all members voting ave. Y1 1 Ok ti _ .. _._; 11 .. _ i; tees. sett . __ _ II Mr. Murdoch moved that the list of Autnorized Expenditures be passed a n- transmitted to N q ORDINANCES sND n_d^oLUl:C6f 4 the City Auditor with instructions to issue ::rants l aav,mnt of ,amp, '.,Le`.motion carrier, ' t I"' ^� �I ;. 4". kn ordl nen^e annals, Section 1042 Revised Oru ins aced of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1939, all aerobe Cs voting aye. Jig f•r I'' s enoed c sun or hvonce to sed by the board of Co:moissioners on June 26, 1935,relating to +� v' On motion of Mr. Keyser the Board of Commissioners adjourned, all members voting aye. ,iiiatta sod measures and oil inspeotion (Sec. 1342gasoline), introduced by Mr. Wallace, was ta''e° i i 3 ditE.AddlION pu by '.: hat e.on • p1I 4 H P Sor .. number of years last past Salt Lai( City, a municipal oorpoiatl0.t a. v VI Ivey�r II ''' .. c t a- atnlnea an used the Wasatch Boulevard extending through both the Northwest v )I r tut ❑ .o on r Do s .11ita y eserv3tior. toget'ner with sn extension o1 _ n n s _tre't „rosoin., the Northwest Ara of said aesorvetion as part of such Boulevard System, �4u�/A' `"""'� 'l, ''I City Recorder "t 02n gees^ _1 - , ..t,<ad Ore .secret r_ of 7.er t- perms It LEI,' City w ua« and ma iotaln said Soulevur- ,_ It _r.,o Li Ll:-gt the rr.Para r •'Ier 1s hereby empowered to authorize Lila .'- VUa 1 t �a y . .., . .. ... ._ . it tors :h 'he Slit a ✓ rv+tlon of Fort Dog lad, Utah upon such location ..I ,tuc: l::rnd t., oner. oordIt1oes us he C_to.cr id, Dag, tno 'ecretar or w f grant .L uaca G,,y .t,a t: :.'_ 11 . __ 3-"„ a ,. - .� .-. et1 e., n ne fn Nilti«fv bone runt lu i, �, _ t:.:, .o,tie- i.e of In t :octio r. ofc,� p StyYen oven as iopperton 'Place or Bonner Slle-on-the-Hill :IT soundery _in' of said military ees-rvat1n , out no per salon has barn requested an , _ .. t... „rtu b one _ for. r I^r onIntenaeea of said 'boulevard system across. ',ram. 1'- Isel vl se!,I« t,+1 halt Lake City obtain a definite ,;rant from the Secretary .: .t._ni_,-rev ,nr 1Or.n 11 I,:,,ret:.r, iroULtvuri Sy:.t.:m Inc l.,ains such extennlen of i. .u: t i, I 1.._,.. L r.:udy ,dl. I _ ^ , ... u. u.. ., Ny . ire,: robe eernrd- turnn urd our , afford accessosold boulevard yeter rf s^ he re e etly heen conelderabie tv Ile , opt 0 n,e r.V end develop sent; and • I ,,.2.._.. ;r•.rl'.'. ^ 11 sight--^f-e'ny will be greatly in 'ono uuitlic interest :end ,. „ t .'t dv<.rs 1_ ffect I.,: interests of the 'Pelted `.'fate'.:. .. 1 I L,�;., City De end roe crtrecy 1r authorized and direetad to petition the Secretary of War for a :I'-at, to -uaint.,in , street err: boulevard upon and along the following described tracts ol 1.I .. , ,., t .-:rt el the i„.tout2,sou:•:vurd bybtem In n.if. ,,were Cloy, Ruhr said A. of Coa rasr, of I' sit Do .2 Jw, r. .e,, a., yid.. , W-,R: r