8 of 1941 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations for the support the City government for the year - _
Resolution No. 8
By Commissioner McConkie
Authorizing additional
appropriations for the support
of the City government for 1.),
the year 141 in the sum of
hawed to the bid of Commlogoon
MAY 71941
ttfirp740,44.frutypi• Dated Filed
Address •
A • ."
Keyser n,
Matheson - - - - - - ----_ - -- -- -s'--/ ,
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - RESOLUTJON
Result � //
DIELEAS, Commissioners of the various departments herein-
after specified have made written requests for additional appropria-
tions setting forth the emergencies necessitating the requests; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to make such a.lSi.tionol appropria-
tions for the support of the city Fovern°nent for the year 1_9/11.
NOW, THFP-ETOR-, El. I't SF OLX'1) that an emergency exists and
it is necessary to make additional appropriations for the following
accounts and departments for the year 1941, and that the foliowinv
sums of honey, or as much thereof as may be hocessary, be and the
sane are Hereby appropriated for the support of the various depart-
ments indicated for the calencar year ending. December 31, 1941. :ai'
appropriations are further itemized in the requests on A.le for such
appropriations and are in addition to those heretofore authorized and
passed by the board of Commissioners of Ealt -ake City on December 31,
1940, and April 3, 1941, to-wit:
Account No. Department. fmcunt.
141 -33 Miscellaneous Expense 2 C00.00
It is necessary in the opinion oT the l oar i of Coz o,ision-
ers for the peace, health an,f saety of the inha- itants o. salt Lake
ity, Utah, that this resolution tak Tied upon its oassare.
'this resolution shall t , e ef-e t u aaon on.
Passel ly the boar
of Commissioners of falt Lake City, Utah, this
7t..;ay of , LYLi.
„„ or.
City Pecorrzer.