8 of 1948 - A resolution adopting and approving execution of grant agreement offered by Administrator on August REMARKS _ Resolution No. 8 n A ycommissioner Tedesim Adopting and, approving execu lion of grant agreement offe ed by Administrator on Aug. 30, 1948 for development of Salt Lake Muntl. Airport #1 under Federal Aid Airport Project No. 9-42-018-8. falgaile Atli) ,rff . • §ff:§046 appovexpledatt • 1 • Date Filed Address 4 Rec.102 200 12-1-44 ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, Sept. 2, , 194 8 Affleck I move that the resolution be adopted. / Matheson . . . f / // Romney � - �' Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . RESOLUTION Result The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Tedesdo, read in full, considered, and unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF TEE GRANT AGREEMENT OFFERED BY THE ADMINISTRATOR ON AUGUST 30, 1948, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SALT LATE CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT #1. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of Salt Lake City, State of Utah: SECTION 1. That Salt Lake Cit1 . Utah, shall ac- cept the Grant Offer of the Administrator for the purpose of obtaining Federal aid in the development of the Salt Lake City Municipal Airport #1 and that such Grant Offer, when accepted, shall become the Grant Agreement, and that such Grant Agreement shall be as set forth hereinbelow. SECTION 2. That the Mayor of SaltLake City, Utah, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Grant Agreement in sextuplicate on behalf of the said Salt Lake City and the City Recorder is'hereby authorized and directed to impress the official seal of said Salt Lake City and to attest said execution. SECTION 3. That the Grant Agreement referred to hereinabove shall be as follows: (See Resolution #8) Adopted by the Board of Commiss'.ne-s Salt Lake City, Utah, this 2nd day of Septembe , Al; , 1948. • EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF SALT LAKE CITC;SWILCZ DTAR RELD ON i J 1J4,'t, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Tedesco, read in full, considered, and unanimously adopted: Resolution Adopting and Approving the Execution of the Grant Agreement Offered by the Administrator on d4i; 30, 1948, for the development of the Salt Lake City Municipal Airport #1 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of Salt Lake City, State of Utah: SECTION 1. Tbat Salt Lake City, Utah, shall accept the Grant Offer of the Administrator for the purpose of obtaining Federal aid in the development of the Salt Lake City Municipal Airport #1 and that such Grant Offer, when accepted, shall become the Grant Agreement, and that such Grant Agreement shall be as set forth hereinbelow. SECTION 2. That the Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Grant Agreement in sextuplisate on behalf of the said Salt Lake City and the City Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to impress the official seal of said Salt Lake City and to attest said execution. SECTION 3. That the Grant Agreement referred to here- inabove shall be as follows: Poise 1 of 4 Moo Department of Coeasrwle Civil Aerenenties Administration 1ashingtoa 25 GRANT ADISIONT Pert 1 . Offs Date of Offer August 30, 194* Salt Lake Cis,!hales Airport 11 PMo jest llo. 9-42-o2B TOi Salt Lahr City, Utah (herein retarred to as the "Spenser") 71014 The United States of Amorist (acting thrragh tbe Adsiniatrater of Civi'1'Asion*atieM, herein referred to as the "Administrator") WISRDA8, the Sponsor has sataitted to the Administrator• Prejset Applies. tie* dated Ants B, 1940, for a grant of fuMrel trade for a project for develi paart of the Salt tabs City hbeatsipal Airport d1 Meseta sailed the *Airport"), together with place end speolfieatiens for sash project, whisk Pro)sst Applisatiaa, as approved by the Adaiststrater, is hereby inserporate►d herein sad made a past hereof; end ;MMMSAS, the Adsinistrelr has approved a project for development of the Airport (herein celled the "Project") eensistiag eft* following described airport develapuenti Clearing and grubbing; grading aid dsainag, of extension to 11/e Landing strip, taxi stripe, apron and artossbtis parking area; paving extension to S/S rammer (fray 150 feet by 5.500 feet to 150 test by 6,675 feet), torisars, apron and setesa ils parking area; friraishiag sal installing aseweated esrslemarker system and lighting erotica on Ii/S rummy (high iateosity elevated raasay aarke r lights); amine morays and to:iwsys, all as acre p►rtierlasiy daseartbed in the etinw ey sap seaplane and spesiftea— tiosi tnworporated in the said Fsojeet Applisatica; NOW TRUMPS; parseant to sad for the papacies of tarrying oat the provi. *ions of the lederri Airport Art (60 Stat. 17O; Pak. Lsr'77. 79th Oegrses)► sad in ecasideration of (a) the SpOnse 'a adoption end ratification of the representations end usarssaese soatalasd in said Prajeet Application, end its asesptaa a of this Offer, as hereinafter provided, and (b) the benefits to aserve to the United States end the while fret the aeaesplisheeat of the Project sad the oporstioa and saintenanee of the Airport, as herein provided, • - . - IWW1-118lir3/41632(Rotv.348) Page 2 of 4 pages 111AMIXESTRATOR, FOR ON MALT or THE UNIT ) sums, RXRISY MUSS UP ARMS to pay, as the United States' share of costa incearred in awaspliahiog the Project, 61.82 perseatue of all allowable project mats, rabjest to the felloaing taws and eemditionst 1. The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this Offer shell be $177,545.00. 2. The Sponsor shell (a) begin accogilishaent of the Project within a reasonable time after acceptenao of this Offer, and (b) carryout end ceeplate the Project in accordance with the terms of this Offer,.and the /Warta Airport Mt and the Regulations promulgated thereunder by the Administrator in effect on the date of this Offer, which Mt and Regulations are incorporated herein and wade a part hereof, and (a) carryout end emplete the Project in secordenee with the plea and gasifications incorporated herein as they way be wevieed • or modified with the approval of the Ministrator or his duly authorised representatives. 3. The Sponsor shall operate and maintain the Airport as provided in the Project Application initorporoted herein. 4. Any misrepresentation tor omission of a material fact by the Sponsor concerning the Project or the Sponserto authority or ability to wiry eat-the obligations assumed by the Sponsor in accepting this Offer shall torminats the obligation of the Ualted States, and it is wabororbood aad agreed by the Sponsor in accepting this Offer that if a material feet has bean misrepresented or omitted by the Sponsor, the Adeinis— trater an behalf of the United States agreeoverall.grant payments sad*. S. The Adidadatratar reserves the rieht-to amend or withdrew this Offer at'maw prior to its asegitistee by the Spenser. Thip,Offer shalt empire and the Vatted State,shall setae abligetal poy any of the allowablereosts of the Project unloose this Offer heehaw aocepted by the Sponsor within 60 dap tree the abort data of 9ftor or alieh longer time as nay be prweribed by the Adidnistrater .In Writing. • 1111111111111110 * Paso 3 of 4 mot 7. (a) It is hereby umierstoed by sad bottoms the parties berate that prior to final plasm* the.8paswr triii submit aretrran.M aatisfaatary to the Administrator that the approach tones to the'statism and propassd lostrumeat morays, as reheated oa the Spenser's master plea, are or viii be adequately protected agsiart *Waal abstractions and aoafiietiag flight operettas,. (b) The Administrator in tamiarina this Offer in behalf of the United States recognises the existence of en scow volatiouldp between the City of Salt Lahs, Utah, as principal, and the Utah State Aesoaautie$ Ocmaissiaaa, as agent, greatsi by a Co.eparative Agony Agreement sxeoutad by the City ea 'Um C, 1948. and by the as..iasiea on lens 14, 1948, a copy of shish Ce-operative homey Ageaemea% is attar ed hereto east sods a part hereof' and the Sponsor agrees that it will not amend, modify, or towel raid Co-operative Mossy Agseomamd *theut the prier approval la wetting of the Administrator or his duly desigpated rsprsreatat ire. Piss A of Agates The Spoiler's aeeeptaass of this Offer and ratifieatiea sad adoption of the Project Appliostiss inoorperatod herein shell be ovidSnaod by eoneatioa of this tantrum* by the Spasms, as heretaafter provided, and said Offer and aoespteaes shall eon- prise a Azaat Agreement, as monad br the federal Airport Aft, sonstitwtiag the obligations end rights of the Uattad States aid the Sponsor with rapist to the aesasplisb mat of the Projset end the operation and maintains* of the Airport, Saab Grant Agreement shall bosom offeative upon the Sponsosfs asoeptases of this Offer and shall remain is tall faros ad offset thron,tlrout the useful life of the ?militias dfwloped martial Project but teeny sweat net to mooed twenty years from the date of said aoofptsmss. UIRT= STATES or MOM TBS ADaIAISTRATOR Ol CIVIL AIAO5ASTIse Ny 5igioaal Adediistretor, Part II - Aeesptsrio So Salt Lake City, Utah, doss hereby notify and adept all statoasat, rrpressatatioas, warranties, sonsaata, sad agressoats eontala$ la the Prejest Applieatisa and loser- prated materials referred to is the foregoing Offer and doss hereby asiept said Offer and by sueh aseeptenee agrees to all of the terns sad condition's thereof. dusaatsd this 2nd day of Sent. 198,,. SALT LA. 6IT!, UTAg (Nene of Sponsor) By Earl J. Glade (S1 AL) Title Mayor Attest, Irma F. Bitner Title: City Recorder odsn1IaAT1! OF SPONSOR'S ATTORU!! I, E. R. Christensen toting as Attorney for Salt Las City, Utah, do hereby oertifys !bat I here emaaias&the foregoing Want Agressoat and the psosoodinp takes said Salt Lake City, Utah, relating thereto, saddled that the Aseoptaass thessof by said Salt Lake City, Utah, has boas duly authorised and that the esossution thereat is is all respseta doe and proper and in ssaordanss with the laws of the State of Utah, and further that, in.ay opinion, said gnat Agnew**institutes a lard and binding obligation of the Salt Lain City, Utah, in aesordasos with the toms thereof. sated at _ Balt Lake City. Utah this 3rd day of Sept. 1948. ChliTIFICATE I, Tim F_ Eitner , the duly appointed, qualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, a municipal corporation of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the attached extract from the minutes of the Thursday meeting of the City Commission of said Salt Lake City, held on Sept. 2 , is a true and correct copy of the original minutes of said meeting on file and of record insofar as said original minutes relate to the matters set forth in said attached extract, and I do further certify that the copy of the Resolution appearing in said attached extract is a true and correct copy of such Resolution adopted at said meeting and on file and of record. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Salt Lake City this 1rd day of SPptpmhar , 1948. City Recorder Salt Lake City, Utah SEAL