8 of 1950 - A resolution authorizing appropriations for the support of the City Government of Salt Lake City for I. 1 r I , 1 , Resolution Na. 8 ,. , i Earl J. Glade .., i 1 By.... COMMISSIONER 1 P . I 1 Authorizing appropriations flr the support of the City , Government of Salt Lake City ,for the year 1951. , 1 1 I , , I ] D !rern,-:.L I { i, 0 , ..,LT'.0 r. . . ... 1 // /2'./ 1 I I I 1 1 I i i .. . i 1 1 i --,---=----— - -- ---- - ' --— '-t--- \ 1 1 1 Form 102 100 1-46 ROLL-CALL: • VOTING AYH NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, December 21, 1o50X Affleck �!_ Chri stensen ,/ I move that the resolution be adopted. Romney . Lin genfelterAlldeen Mr.Chairman . . , / RESOLUTION Result A RESOLUTION MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE,. SUPPORT OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE YEAR 1951.- f.. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of,GOMmissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the fol inp_ sums of money, or as much thereof as may he ne essary, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of a_ , money in the City Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Govern- ment of Salt Lake City, for the calendar year ending December 31st, 1951, said appropriations being made to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the follow- ing budget, which is hereby approved. ESTIMATED BUDGET BASED ON THE ASSLSbED VALUATION 191,330,803.00 at 97% 185,590,878.00 Total Mill Levy 18.5 3,433,431.00 Library Board 1. 185,595.00 1951 ESTL,IA'TED REVENUE GENERAL TAXES: Prior Years 60,000.00 Current Year 3,433,431.00 4 Business License 330,000.00 4 Business Tax 145,000.00 5 Non Business Licenses 130,000.00 6 Fines—Forfeitures 235,000.00 7 Rent and Concessions 40,000.00 8 Departmental Fees and Charges 140,000.00 9 Earnings General Departments 135,000.00 10 Earnings of tater Department 1,590,000.00 000.00 12 Parking Meters , 14 Utah State Liquor Fund 264,855.00 18 Excess Ruvenue 157,755.40 $6,861,041.40 ESTIMATED TRANSFER FUND 4 Business License 236,898.00 16 Class "C" Road Fund 230,000.00 17 Airport No. 1 Gas Tax 184,895.00 19 Watermain Extensions 275,000.00 20 Street Replacements 80,000.00 Incomplete Contracts 237,545.12 01,24 338.12 Total Estimated Revenue $6,10 ,379.52 BUDGET EXPENDITURES Auditor 56,080.00 Public Affairs and Finance 381,829.50 Public Safety 2,017,179.90 Parks and Public Property 729,454.00 STREETS AND PUBLIC IM PROVifdiNTS Engineers 370,291.00 Streets 859,162.00 1,229,453.00 'Hater Department 599,505.00 $5,013,501.40 STATUTORY AND GENERAL Operations 982,570.00 Bond Retirement and Sinking Fund 239,750.00 Bond Interest 131,113.00 01,353,438.00 CAPITAL INVEof ITS Public Safety 30,000.00 Parks Department 20,000.00 Engineers 15,000.00 Streets Department 70,000.00 Water Department 253,102.00 Water Department (Contracts Payable) 192,545.12 Public Safety Department (Contracts Payable) 40,000.00 Statutory and General 86,000.00 $ 706,647.12 Total Estimated Department Expenditures $ 7,073,586.52 REVENUE FUN) TRANSFERS Business License 236,898.00 Class "Cu Road Fund 230,000.00 Airport No. 1 184,895.00 Watermain Extensions 275,000.00 Street Replaceoaents and Cuts 80,000.00 $ 1,006493.o° Unappropriated Surplus 25,000.00 $ 8,105,379.52 NOTE: Revenue Fund Transfer to be Expended Only as R.-venues are Actually Received. • AUDITOR'S D.PARTMLNT Budget No. 1 Account No. Name of Account Amount A-1 Supervision $ 9,500.00 A-2 Salaries-Office 39,900.00 $ 49,400.00 B-1 Office Supplies $ 2,500.00 B-19 Miscellaneous 100.00 E-1 Rimpairs to kquipment 1,500.00 $-4 Cleaning and Renovating 200.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 1,740.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 500.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen 10.00 F-39 Membership and uubscriptions 130.00 $ 6,680.00 $ 56,080.00 Summary Salaries $ 49,400.00 Operations 6,680.00 $ 56,080.00 NAT0A-0 Ia33IONER•a WYNN A. 1 salary - L*y. • , $ 4000000 A. $ Salari.s - anis* si�s+ 't hi. ; •. OQO A+Y salary -- Ssr.tary Ut1 $14,5B0.00 B- 1 Out.. applies. • . 00040 S. a Printing B. 3 ant es. • . . , . • 1� 00.Q0 3.10 illimosss t,�s0«M. . . . . lt- 1 310.00 s- 4 �S��itew + 3►st�rr.s 1 .00 114. • . . • 100.00 1- i Raptirs is Antt sb • . . . • 000.00 2-11 weirs - Tires snit Vibes. • • • *5.00 l+tt Travel lxpsa • • • . . . . • . 344400 1-09 Nsab.rs)p.-Sabssripttcas. . . • 100.00 . t taloo.00 $10,3*0.o0 MAL DSPA$'!!0T Budget Nb, 5 Are MA 40.011at ANEW a 1© sal•rtas - attars' & malsl snIS 1 pap.00 ttiroto,00 S.3- PristineI Urine Impasse 1 G000 B. IS Postage. 3840 3-1d law Books. • . • . • • • • • • • 1,000.00 s- 1 Repairs .Purait5r. & lister es. • 1- 4 O3.sssl*R ant Btssratis0. . . . • 400.00 P. 1 Wert Oasts. • • ♦ • • . • . • • 100s00 TTroia . . • • . • • . • • . • mom wi rbip & 8utsariptt s. . . • *10.00 a gotpiao 1130.4011.00 • 1.103333 1'A 'ART 3mlpi 10• 6 he. IOW it ASIMIla Man A- 1 Salary - Assaaser• • . • • • • $ 409.00 A-11 :Salaries �. . . . . . 3.1.M.00 Salary M $13.430.00 3- 1 Ottt.S !noses • • • • • . • • • 17R•00 3- S Pristine . . • . • . • • • • • . 400•00 S- 3 Postai.. . . . • �6•QO 3.40 Tap awl plates. . • ► • • • • • 400.00 1- MOO O AllowaaaSs 4433340 .00 1- i ?rival 744 dip oaf• ------ 4.007400 1n14,474.00 BVILIIU38 'GZ Hxy.i tla. bi ise A- 3 salaries - Ottles L plor.rs• $ 3,350.00 3-13 i*Uall1ae►s 1eass• . . • . • 400.00 $ 4y440.00 1030111.3130 111PARlINalt Baldest `Re. • Neila ALAI/ENE Maul A- 1 WAIT - Par Wise �!si A� . • • 4 .00 A- E $t • - Wise . . . 11.4110.00 $14.880.00 3- 1 Wise Zsp as 131400 3. 3 Pristiae . . . . . . . . . • 13li•00 1- 4 01 i�ai sM R.x*vsti t4. • • . • 300.00 H 4 A*to AllomaaMI• • . • "• • • . • 00.00 b 1%114 Travel SUM • • • • • • • • - 7-st users 'alp M 8abse.1314na • • • 300.00 4 1.1131.00 •31s 3'!0•O0 -3- 41lt onzats =WARMS? Budget No. a tea.It Wad Om& A- 1 Salary - .Rowdier # 5000.00 Art Salaries - Miss isployees. . tlb,alo.00 B- 1 Mies Besse . . . . . . . . , 1000.00 E- sr'ri11tIf$ ?OQ.ao i Postage 700.00 2- 4 Cleaning and Rono.atial. 430.a0 7-2; Travel Reponse 320.00 y-31 Mastership 4000 bie,eoo.00 0111L COR11a'1' Budget Bo. 1 s.' MEL Sit Awal Meal A- a Salaries + Dopatios 43,l.d5Si.o© $10,OYl oo 3 * Printing 45055000 0 a• $ Postage 14.00 It. 1 Repairs Persitsre a lieteree . 8- 4 Cleaning and Renovating .l3o.i#q 1 2.215.00 est.eea.00 Budget Bo. 1,0 a.4• AtMag AQoontflt ANSI l• t Salaries - o!'t'los lads sue. . . iiiitAnogi $11,4eo,0p 54d4et !1'0• .10 0aotinaed • OM at Ali WPM D- 1 ()trims Paprase . .. :1 MOO 1)... I pristia$ • • .00 5- D postage. • • • . . . • • . • • • . _400.00 t 1400.00 ;112,88fs•00 ORRSISST Sudo% WI 11 FsaLee1 t bmpl A. 1 salary . Sasiea. $ 5,100.00 A. 6 Salaries • Ortiss room. • . • 3,4010,00 A. 5 salaries..- Wisterias#* Orosad; • . 101,178.00 A-1S salaries . rat aaa. . . . . . • • 8,670.00 A..10 Salaries - Trait Drivers • . • • • 10*000.00 A-l1 salaries • Florist and Assistants. $ .09 118y •60 2- 1 Otfioa Espy 300.00 5_ t Printis$ • • • • • • • • . • • • • 400.00 S.► 3 Postai* 100.00 1- 4 ?nsl 4000.00 21-12 Semolina and Oil . • 5,000.00 21-32 Tires and Tubs s00.00 3.10 2vi.sasliau. i S00.00 21-a5 Smaahonss !mess • 700.00 D-SS heel, 71aats and solids R,000.00 D. 1 Repairs to 'Wounds . . . • . . • • 6.000.40 D- D Repairs to Buildings • • • . . . • 1•500.00 D- 5 Repairs to Streets 6,000.00 1- n Reptile to =gips.Dt 4,000.00 R- 4 Cleaning tad Sao.Yat2ad , 5- 4 #pains to Retor 1quipea4at • • • • 1,000,00 Nall Repairs to Tiros tad Tubes r . ♦ 15.00 1-37 Linen Salvias. • • • • . . . • • • 60.00 1-50 Wd►arship & S*s.riptiosas s 4500 $ 80.000.00 $141•411400 • -8- T a30RXR'3 o,nIQR Budget Nov 1t 8Y+ am t A. oU& min A- 1 Salary - Trimmer . . . . . . . $ 5000.O0 A- t salaries Offies Lplor.es. . . tJ1,tNQ.00 42 ,5?O.00 3- 1 Mies Upson 400,00 B- 8 Prdsti.ng . • . . . ., 600.00 II- 3 Postap.- . • , . . • ..• . • . . 480.00 3- 1 Repairs to lquipisst . a . . • • 300.00 1- 4 Clsasie._and RaMvati�. w • • • l00.00 a-a! 13ea b.r.Kip amid sabstriptiass . . • 80.00 T- 4 Car Allosanee ... • . • . 24000 B.QT8.00 #8t,5il•00 DOG TAX Mame No. 13 P3• MOM a£Amid MRS& 7-U Oollaosicss asad tuyeass. . . . . . )14.000.00 016,000.00 "AKINS urn 121P.ARTION1 Ruudget No, 14 '3• ainStArkeeust Onal A-i1 salaries - Supervisor & Colisotas 104480.00 414.2 0.00 -4. PLANNING AND ZONING trap%NO. 16 aft ... MEWL A. 1 caloorry� iliaar,. . • . • $ 4�Qq A- 1 9a1Arias - Offiaa ..a:itswrs• .♦ . • is ;. $11,000.00 8- 1 Offio. Xxpisss • • • • • . . . • a 80Q40 Ti* t Printisg 400.00 8- 5 Poa • . . • . • . . ♦ • ♦ • • • 30•WO F. 1 Adq ins• p • • . • . • a . • • MOO O Z.. 4 Autoosb 1a Al • • • • •,• a P-SQ Boart of ml$gs nt. • • .•. . . • . l.DE7Q 1)10011600 U41,b8.00 TRAYFXO TI(YZ? OYII(77l imps Iro. 14 • MhaLit MORI Amass% A. 2 salaries • . . • • . . • • • • • . $.4.0'l0.00 $ 8,070.00 0- 3 MIN Zarpau . • 00000 • • * 150400 34. $- $ Y�a tias. 1,Q0.0 $ 9,470.00 GRAND TOTAL • • • $501•az0.00 =MAR! salaries $310•821.80 Operation' 4&00T.OQ 1MtARIBOU Of POLIO IO Mint 16*1T RAW1i11lILit3 r011 U1 MI 19111 iclBllserO111'Y onus t t.. 20 Asst. • L•1 040.1a08rn,s +ala.T $ S,DM.M A-t . daerstamr, Olseb, Otasearapaere. 1400040 A41 2ugistar LAMW.M 0.1 Wise l.pplt.. ISO.00 + 0,1430.0Ii 1-t Pruning . WA" 1-3 *. WOAD 1-1 Sapains is foraii rs sad ft:tasos . 300.00 7-1 Asts.ibtla Ailaraiss Alba f-th trawl 40040 r.» a.r.nhip mat wt.ript .. 1,701.0D Total 241041 4a41Y Banff 044040 /diet Is. 13 Amt. iti..-. 1sM .f A..asa 1 A a g.t*host... )0 .00 AM Cores 020 Aid! 11t ,o1a$+usn, & Annt.rs te,ohO.00 A-I? 1..tallaa bl.' 0.00. M311 Wapner Operation 11,00.40 L-$, Maai r of >i01401,111 NM ills rss 3,881.08 AAA Asst. balers of i►ts. •1641110114 .21101001 11144010.1111 1•a M�r1ltM 1 1.3 tsstap tf.00. .00 ill gasoline and Oil s'p0. f l! Wits mid lass 159.10 1.1e 'halter isAlits 015.00 1-1i Missullaas.is $0.88 1-41 Walt alai.. 101.00• 04 gonads, to 00.00 1-3 impairs to t� 1 of and .atafll ai 0a0.ti Li 1As*a to flusdAuani sax f istw. 75.00 14 . I.pasra is Tssla ant ilssht. .p 150.00 1•0 Mown upester h0ts1.s 00.00 1:r , Astimsb110 Al1sfn )00.00 Ye? last, 1s11i. Wed,Garage 3,79D.01 p.lb Trswlt.r 1 ms , • Mina AM. 123,— Sloe 40.0111% gavot 4.6 ta6sdass �w., 10#310..0 a$ rw1.d.1Y«. 1u.771.00 $4 ?rs a:.i 1.91111.911 I-li s.s.lare a.i Oil 144049 1143 Woo ad Una 4100410 l-30 trials PLUM 1t,00i.00 =nf Ilsiesfiss M 11,lsr T.iisls. 6,000.110 14.0 stpe r.i 114aa3s T,i00.0i1. 446 Repairs t.1Swes'.Tsiss 1,611111.110 ,.a tiravoL imam 300.60 745 rar.ir Csursa1 s43. Paklimie Toast • 840,111.40 JAZ l.y.0 is. $ Met. A►7 Patweb.a. ll�Mi.ON ii.111, Let* _ . lM L for e. ..wo . 9410.111 SAS Jail Sspplise 40.6.09 94 twin q Belleluip 11-5 i.p.ts. ptaal Dsasl.i . she . Tat Seals s• t'�ets s !rasa siomm MINIM_ • 1C4.I0 9.431111111 Operatteas tog • ifl,bhS.i0 • • Ott! $0SLKi Asa. • WWII $ 14410.111 .a 161 "span tO 1•iutat • 101.00 • 14 Saar*7 Lomb', to lost. ad>t.alaaatr . total T e.= nu Baralltiel lodapot no. M ACCT. .4 ..... Olrus., 0rpt.., IA.., tt►.. 1$7,01.SI a-SJ ftr.na M,i L* - £47 11411661101 4,401.111 Amil Ala.Op.raa.n and MWasr►st..r. t1.1Y.M 4011,416.00 1.1 -0111a arp1$s ?7J,00 1d Moan 1,100.00 1-3 flaw 1x•M. SA Pawl 6,400.00 1141 lstar %aiaas 11010006119. 70M.M 1.1t w tls .at-falls , 3�.0/ 0-IS iadl.r'• b.glliu 1,0M.10 WAWA.IhIpala" MAW W 4009W.110 3 ?LeoPratattos>t.ylL... MOO • 1-•t• ilt.darl. ti.W • II-St l FlooklilAt atiOto.S t�fd3.M• iti1 Oro Imo"tau 1.rptl‘. 1 .0001 $4 ialoriala ad Main t. nr«ar. 100.00 1.1 Impairs t. lailtlal. 5,100.00 04 Maus to Fl.lbhat ail*MOO P0.00 . 14 lapin.M ?. %I,s alit Mims dam 141 Man 1s lasts alit 2amla.q MOO Y..S Iq.ir. tO Ia.tr+a.wt. M-Aspsast s 0,501.00 '4 lapatrs to lst.r'Tullis. 1t,801.0) 1' ► trawl to if1 a p47 tasrerr eel Mao ),f00410 t.1p "motorail all tiwrtptt•.. ..1�.M' '4' Total MAMAS asu.se PO'amine. istiot w. 60 isst. �sl." • flea as aloft' �,�►.p 4 T� 10 11.06.111 0-1 Oalt.s asoplis. 01.00 _.100.00 IA pIs LY.a 0.011 043 TAT.. ant Tolori _'{%s.000 045 Janitor'• $Wp34.0 000.00 1h11 tirasd alias 0.10.00 1-As lt.,,llanraa 1,100.0 0.41i Lit Solos 0.00 r-A bptrs t. Posit ro riot 7Lntass 150.10 t-3 O•WAsr M lasfr..nts ad iPMht•• i10.08 1.0 Nspair. to$ tss Nfuslas 1,000.00 r-1► srrw.rw MLaaa. 1.000.00 1444 travel r.r.w 610.00 r 37. Listadzi rot Mass 1,110.00 Total • 123,6*6.00 rant No. iS 4-1 Oals. iataa 3`�i�.60 6.0 ArosiNpt s+AM& 1.4/ srasatser srppu.s iaS0.01 1 4 total { 11.01.00 ar1o! az NN'ltAL Wort No. 61 tort.. Ef" : etra` bl0 NRraa ; 0 1.00.00 iostoroblio aL .a. html. a►o,SZ • Sait42101 baps lb..!s1 tieb. 11,01f.00 Eli MI MI Toys'1Wsr kV yew. tlienlrtsL.s A•0 Coda' TOWS ia.p.otsrs glITTC.00 7Ja�70.00 11-1 Outs. $ipplias M0.00 1_a ?PA*Us 1.11COO 04 P.stap N0.00 OAT tlaselta. awl Oil 4700.00 Owl) lira 41141 Noss 1$0.00 161$ way Voting eapplior 100.00 i l bpalr. to Parattaw end MUM. JO.00 I. impairs t.ttear %bid.. 1,f0.00 r-tb Travel SoOomes 2s%00.40 r-» w.r r hips ad ileeteriptions 4 AIWA Total I h t,100.00 0of0/0*8l424N test. tlarted. are 4,4841.90 BA reel t10.00 OW Janitors Sappily, 700.00 O,.t 1sp.irs to b114iy. 11.00 O-) napair. M ?lf.riy ad Meetly JOAO -WILL Total $ 6s40 w ONO AU 10412 t* ltOPxiliU! Salaries 011,11140 Operations vougio leta� $ $6O,110.90 • • MOWS - POLIO sawn 6104211111122 1.asitso $ 10$7,r1JD.72 Opi rat:aau 29/.20.40 *tssl O/.rstias Mad/et $ t,Yllrs.7►.p. e&PVZrs 111113212210 No. 144 P62.1w perl..at t Oenpa Alt b twatoa tl rsr. tea NOON;••• • llit 1-ist %rusk ' 1 10.40 1 gm Wm*- io *1262 2.466 1.04.40 INS NA00.100 Cuts. StOdisoNIN +MA ♦ 0,256.01. Polio*8spirliii02 *s. 3*tistabil s sit Oopla is td32.06 lira.liatgdss sod 1+pla*ass*ta $00.00 MO* 22iiisio6 2010046 !spot Mow % 420046 dttisd owl 1ke4.01rapl iI*pipets! 2.600.00 >tsr asrspwwosss !W1t&ratt LIAis Ulna wisoars 160411 0,sr10s46 awe sswrissiosel s ottxss ■s* .hiss tilas oat roplaososolii 6,200.00 Mies >ttsipsott "' BOiet foul Naloitol ins whie.d► $ A,N,02 Grand Mel S 1.100,17,40 PO.I $ foiloa tISSWS Soap*.rp. 1 Mot. i mil.. 44 r qr o.orstoof so.*sty., No. )t; °AI N Wit. 18.10.E A41 tOar•aeisotts*a Diapatal.r 1 76.4 f01,lK.M $4 Singe 8s it.o 1,610.00 r-! Pri.tia0 .430040 a) Pima* M.M $41 Swill!, Msii 0t1 11,100.00 141 .00 1-4 UAW pups 015.00 -,% t itt etas 15: Calit11.40411 0.06 Pinto alsollao 1,6110.00 14 Sopa," So IS 0ttars oat 111zM se 10..00 111-3 MMtr1 to Stotxwsweto ask ipsa.tri 000.40 tips lepaloo to rotor ►a4Stiss 11,000.00 11•41 iaaist to Osseo howl., ttt. 1.11 M*s)ss to Strop led trio. 1 141 1Ktosobtit tll000sot 1!00.M ?-1 Spat MA* AI 1,5AO a:0000 r-3t Lomb, 14•311 sad 31161111,101401 —UAL Ituttkait. tow. I 163,460.00 • -• ' .,'• ., . •. . — • . . . . . . . . • . Lientivitearr a? PAZ .4.3r• MU: P:tovall r ailtulz&10418,L. C. sWilla Italipii No. 60 Apt. is, Nam of Menai* Aneent A- 1 lkopervialan $020.017 h.I &Mee salaries 1147360 24$ toptrinteadent JAVA IsosoAct vo i onus,stcpu.• Itoomo II- 2 Printing la.3 ' Penney 2-1 Repairs, 1q4gnos4 100.00 r-Is Ante YAgenen 1.44$.0) 14-12 Aftertidag $20000 Pea testel 1002.00 1632 aresoriptiann -.Maga SaS$0.C. acm-lor SUDS TUN DIF4tV.131111 , Bakst No. 61 • Asst. /km Sue of loom,. Magni Sim 1 Suereisian $ 7,023.00 A-3 segee• giantism:we limed Ildliat 26,770.00 , . 2-1 Office sto4Il1ss . . 10411 1-$ Printing ' 125.00 2.3 tests . 1240 141 Gasoline and Al 500.02 2.13 Tiros sad tines 100.00 G.32 Misc. Sigeolise SG3.00 246 Nursery tilts* 3,00040 V-27 enedcala 50.00 Ea.2 aegeir beilatnp 75*00 1.-2 2ape1.r ?eels 250.00 7-6 Gapair?reeks 80040 IP-4 Ante aromas EC0.02 P.211 Trowel 175.00 11-32 Ostnaripitme Ile :.,.., ,,, ... 2ca Rik na loiliet tto. 61 Asst. Ito. Ilan of wootat Anew* M 1 lli{ynrvidas `11 ►00 A- 2 (Wise Balmy 2.1140.00 Saps, liaintssaose /rayed 10000 amass AosrastLoe Waders 16.100.00 h2,h66.00 s- 1 arrr�t sonata' .0.0 2.T •su Lnrriool sr�plisr 200 7540 1 M 200.00 2-19 s e iasupplies 2.544400 2-2 material. fair Buildings 30040 ti 4 s &off uaoo7nc+rt Gar Sopeore 862•00 IN 0 4 H.atwl Zotolsnont 200.00 1;1 Ito alai Festivals 4020.00 1627 relit tnatwr itlt]stiss l$0.00 10+39 srwboorigtdawr *en rtA A VH st,-:a badge% r.. Qr3 Mat. T.. he• t Cashier. a 00 00 J.-4 sariaarw and assistanta h, 6 Li :r.a0 rill. 4.003.00 ►-m labors* ibialat21.0,1131.00 a- 15.00 I OP iaflol ies � 1000.00 ate•I ewi tta 5,0 0�,00 �NUM lisi 3e050.00 ei Snypii.a 1.200.00 Li 1-� ght 1 syyplt.a 2, .00 !B- 1 Material,' Repels, ;;r,uoda 550.00 0- 0 Aai.rua1, *apair betiding' 1,000.00 L-3 Veteris1a'ttspatr t1mbleR 500.00 2.- 1 &&airy ilruaitur+a sod Fixtures S0.00 E.- 2 xapair, ib.ls and Eoelyrrscat 300.00 1+1 aaeertisaab 300.00 Trowel 300.00 P..01 Masa Llaaa 2,0100.00 T-39 Sub s r'iptises 7.00 DUMDUM Dudost Va. bit aoe1m lye. A. 3. toordart et Aaareant 3 00 A7 Sags% saintsrasse growthOperators ly .00 37,753.00 50 It Pool 10443 Iklig 10.00 NO . 4000.00 aa+�r atssallanaoas Supplies a Globs* 20040 500.0 �` Nor Ras 75.E Do.3 • aIhNr3al, repair Amidst 300.00 1-3 ter Tools 125.00 1-3 soar laatr. sad apparatus 300.00 ?-33 Window quasi,* 300000 6637 nowt Liam 1.900D•00 .. • ;:a.. Atit art it Taxigurt10 66 bsl. No. sera of Amend Mla1n!► ' A.3 wags, aiaisteaaaso ter awsls $2als00,00, 2040.00 s-5 1irstrio •Wrest 90040 Ossalina tad 200.01) 1 and Tubes 75.00 1-lb Light Alabes 50.00 D.1 &atsrial **pair Grounds 550.00 3-6 Ovals Ac 350.00 ;, C. , . . . • -, • ,•. , • • . . , . . . ,• • ,.. L'ilcC.';:17 PAU leticet lia• ei -bast. lb. Ness of Awes& Mord& A.0 1 inpervislos 211.200•02 A-) Ways. Maintanance Oceania la: 40, T Wawa, Patriotism 141 wages. Or.sm . MAIM 5440640 2-Is Fuel 4050'00 245' Janitor Applies 100.00 ,. .. = xiseelleasees Supplied Licht Globes 4=400 15040 amt5 ficeseheuee-Mvppliat 1 500.021 11.26 trees, rlarts• ends 1,250.00 So)? NIOW *AM )0040 • Li-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,500.00 1:1. 2 laieriol Itepair Buildings 2000.00 704$ Sind Oaa.srts _ 425040 147 awn loan — c5.2iSt 2801111 1110,2170 NM Budget Me. 62 Mat. Mr. Mane of kerma . • Awed . . . . inperrision ., • . • , -• • -2 1•260.20 A.-) ,kaion. Maintenntee Oreseds. 141011 • 14its.00 114, Minselinneons itepplles • - • 35.00 D-.1 Materials npair Grenada. , 1$0.40 li•••2 matoruil, '.pair SullSince ' . 340.0q• '1...._, .,.!..+, • i ?Ai ON? %dot floe 0 Mot. No. Nom of Amami. Aaoitig . A--3 ► fl rmoos Ana* s NOMAD ?AMOR pia* s-37 gm Him Moo B. 1 Nstortst, atc ar►+adw k00,00 D-t i1aturial, Repair Nutadiasa 1'-37 Clean Ltiima "UV kAla Haetglit No. 70 Amato Woo _ Kau at Acaoaot gamut A-3 J* oo idcoa �1 A fl ► ouse urauttdr ?us/ 19,85i0.00 3 t9 L os)1'rratt 00 1 Oorraftrass Whoa D. 1 5roxiipact t3roaed� b.3 fla a1 /*air Duiltilmss 2,000:00 IN.37 - tA1e s Liaat s • MOW MAU %apt Its. Y1 Asot. lass of Assets* AsswA A. 1 saperviaiem 1 000.00 A. 1 laps, laiatsaaaos Orsmds 10,041.00 11,071.00 1-6 ?eel 100.00 1-1, Missslliisoss 6app11rs 100.00 144 Light Olsbos 26.00 1.87 lairlies_ 100.00 1-t *stori*1, 'stair Ddldiap 100.00 7t6.00 13,307.00 PIOI PAII lmapt Is. 72 Asst. • Ms. lams sf As.saat Msast A.1 sapsrriaisa 1,40040 A. 6 Vivo, Maiatssase• Orwell .00 1,000.00 0.10 Visosllsa000a 0ugpliss 10.00 2-$7 !laws bass 10.00 6. 1 Material, lsprir €hr. ds 60.00 6-t Material, lrpsir Dslldiala 00.00 ,i2c.00 1,000.00 PAW Amt. Sr Vim et Aiee666 Aeon* A• i 1v.rv$at* I,100.00 A.•I WaS044 VAieVemeemrievarie 40000 406040 1.• 67 Sereum Supplies 00 60000) Is. *mode 140.p0 446660 1,000.00 /SINTS0676 Rai AiSUflOa !ARK be% se0 reme iR!eeaet Aloud 1O1 $4,10,11141111 4110.00 61.0 160ee, laielememeeWood $00.00 1,060060 8.1 rW*4*1, Repair armed 6040 $0020 Maw Mr Mr tt Is 111 i fl1 r; I tEl ' Igli iii a iii •s • UMW, PAU Deliii fr aim st lowati Arm% r$ Rape, wistiiime 900.00 iooa0 s- a relrl 1, %pair Omni .oa IN.i iildr, tMi p l00.0S 1ONO 100o0.M tim r i.11/r!i.. #. Ate. lam Almon Amon 4 1 sq.r.yi.a MOM. Riiii, 1011lMt11011i1 30000 ----�- ',9111.00 400.410 !-1! fbillirMwi i1gf1lii UvdO i•iT far Imo MAO b 1 Vabota, 1t►p *r 0liUi4 1100.00 appiir lriltlap 110.0i 1,1111.14 Map mart Y 6 L4XRA At . t it*1t lbw* et Amount Amotet* A- I aA 1.100,00 1,100,48 m* i rr►WWarf&al Rrpais *made 14040 siWs4*I Vapairertldthjl01440 61440 4,004.00 1I$T1* Bo?rI&LL!A ado% MIN SO Ne. - d' Mwwrwt ! ♦• 6 a tiktirlimamos $rs * 11®6.00 MAO $411 Vitt Use I >6. Ol i* 1 taisair 6rdl4btI 100.00 to 4 Mail 100.0* $M0.00 41.01111111010.0111101, $$$.00 tilLer 001a0 cca>ss est.*lift WA AM4. 1144 arm et Mew* Ammo* A•$ Vases, Mala1ramo• Or~wi1e 11.011 40 A. 1 Mos, Onit PreAre444.1 1,11 00 11,R70d0 S. 0 Maids( $01 0 R.• Nei *00.40 3.00.00 1darallaaRaue Rapllaa 000.00 $•$4, LW 01•bss *1.00 1 Mae , $41114,r OreidR 1,100.00 0.• • IIikrNOal, r 1 iitap 000.00 ■• apply R4nA►ta 1, 000.01 • 1 MAO 104 a 11orllaAsi *WOO i•I $44 twr l 1R0.00 i.i7 Claw Lissa 140.00 10,MO AO • 1011 211 007 0011 .t 1s. 42 Mst* lbw of memo? A. micro, Orsrnds 14604404 A.fi WWMlr, Oslt Protossioaals 2,940400 114444404 1-0 Trtatia4 110.04 B.4 Pirl $10.00 $-11 40001.. 110.00 1.44 Light 0111440 14.00 1•4t •rr 1or! 100.00 D.2 1Mit.r1a1► Impair Orylida 14400.00 1.1 IStrrial. *pair 1idldtap 1.800.00 1. $ lis iiAl. lspaiv $ WMts 100.00 1. 1 ■gdpsat 40.00 1r * lopsir Tools sad ii►sbia.ry 400.00 P. 1 Ldrsrtls4Ag 80.00 P•4? Olsaa Lima 118.00- a01/.00 IIMMMOMMINIMUMIONIMI *1.000.00 ri- . • foiils? C AL11 aoi.4► Ci3 t Iis. Si Ant. Aim*11s. Vimst eas.srt A-i Ori}rrrtda S.000.0 A.•$ U1pw. Ilasigsa s Wounds 1x t01.00 A-LI1 Sage*, sat hophst+1 ss)a 1;44440 11„1Ai.00 a. it Fri*t2* 100.110 !•4 1ti1N1 SOWN 0.$0 44Atter la llsrt SOAP i4* 1i1sN11a1r»n. fimplion $00.00 silt 1.10it eisbos 100.00ROAD fit Pm 8sss D• 1 Itsarlal, Impair Ores a$a 100.00 A-3 i l.isrlalr kph' 11141iiir. 000.00 II* $ *sssris1„ In sir Sties* $0.0 S. 1 impair iliailssat i0.00 IS.1 Il.**ir tools sat Shroblisiorg 1100.00 I►• 1 histsrU. 1a1 WQQ 1P-49 Class Win 1100.00 1".N • • . i tcIrm. Ai)$Z Iwo BudAat no. 84 met. No. )kmo of Aocomt amount �• Saparrillait $ 2 hi-3 Ups, roimbenaooa Moods 4810.00 0-1 Motsrial, aopair Grounds 190.00 8 ;3,000.00 ?MUMS S 3OSULS7ARDS Oudot No. 4 Loot. Nome at A000amt Amount No. A- 3 1a, X.iatowassa ortramas $ 9.300,00 9,300.00 0-1 Material, Repair Crowd! 200■00 200.00 $ 9,500.00 MOLL z L0GIGAL MOM Ballast xa. 06 Loaf. .!I of Amami AmainfU„ M1 , ., a� mMraaaos aru Ounriottaisia uZ 15.200.00 1140 000.00 • L ' sopyua. 50040 limn Bow SOoo i , Rrpair 4rawda T,0 0. 00 0-- 40 0-2 nitsri.ls, 8ayair 8•43w11 t.= A- yalarltls, A<rpalr 1%nsts P-37 c � ticgm.rOQ 32,E • TRA:T ATfARI /Wait Bo. $7 Acat. ma. leap St Aaoousit Aro s% 1..1 Seperrieicat 1 2,820.00 A-3 Wages, l tth%e*aooa dramas 6J20,00 9,1L0.00 e.1, hat 300.00 00040 e.1p ia/pUS� �1550,00 D..1 Materials, Repair Grounds 1,000410 3? Olean Lilies kateriale, Repair 1AtSlfllttea 500.35'0 6�45.09 16,125.00 TUToRARz PLITOOOteD Budget Mo. 80 Aoat. HO. 3a attained,ined, AoeuM A-3 'wages, ltaintsasnas 0raaafs • 5,700.90 5.702.00 a. 2 1ta , � 0 Buildiaor 50.00 5 5,:`1t: SPIRIPO©D PAU ludo*ie. 89 Ault. lrs. bee at loom* Amu* it 3 sa(W, Raintenesse Grounds 8 1.000.00 $ 1,001400 Gam-2 Saber/all Repair eaildlng 464211 $ 1,186.00 . • • • • . . • WM DMUS rIAIMIVIID D4sot No. 90 Lost. Hai of Atom% Await 144)* hp.3 Tome lialattos000s°mode $ 600.00 4500.0) 1 Solaria; Repair Orounda 100.00 D. 2 oriolo ovas 9a1541201 111040 $ 1.0$040 SVINST PLAIDDOODD Notart No. 9 2 Aosta, Mo. Nam of A000toat Atom% 3 Nacos, lialotimonoo Grounds $ 900.00 900.00 • 1 liatorial• Ropair Oroodo 5040 D. it material, lopsir 5040 100,00 $ 4000.03 SUS Ufa Dudoot No, 95 AoaD. Do. Nato of *zoom% lamb 4r 3 ovo, Sataloom000 Ctr000do $ 7115•04 745.03 $.111, MCA 02.0aos 1540 D. 1 iiirtortal. ilopoi.r Grounds 100.00 D. DisSorialp Repair Mailop 100,441 $.5.00 $ 1.00040 VrartAY PLAX31101AID ;Nadourts NO. 96 moot. NO, Ws of Loomis llama 1.•3 IV ages, Minimises Oroondo $ 945.00 945.0) D.4 Pool 60.00 rgJanitor Soppliso 50.03 1.1.04 Global DI.1 Nallorialt ?away,Orintodo 25040 3. I Ditorialy %pair Elettlittogoi 100.00 Ito Rental 75.00 94.37 0140an Limns15.00 555.00 $ 3.004.00 3MP Dudirt Nu. 97 Aeat. No. Nano of Amount seem* $ 8,6bo.00 1.47 lta mei Mechanism mid Nelms 84.57840 a.b r 33,218 3G wl 1142 Gaarallso mad Oil 6,0060 00 143 Tires and Wm 1000.00 NIS Janitor Supplies 1 t=�es. o2540 1N. 2 7crwrial Repair dus3Asr�pr 1 90G.a 2- 2 Repair teals and t+aehiserr 3,S©0.00 1 1F-6 ?z ;alr Stator Y.kiole 55 .37 Clam Lima Stook i 1 918.e0 Sudpt No. 98 lost. Is, !lose at boom* Arse Ar 1 Supervision 1 10y802.00 Ar-3 laser, lalatetunae armada 98.047,42 - 109,647.00 1l.4 am bpeax sR 1, 11-.2 usts202.20 8�.00 • FAIIDiONT 303r A.ftJ 0:=I CLua adept ro. $09 Amt. 1m. Nue of Ammon Aaouot 1-3 Supervision � E 34034?.3f? 1..32 deem, .fsnitoaea 2,360.00 A.221 dads!, Rasreadisl Laiera ],799.00 A- it roil 703.00 10,006.00 3 Janitor Supplies 1�IO_____ ,OD a-2111 Light WORE 5043 B-30 :uaar•Atiae G17.00 D-1 asisria1, sspa Maeoseds D- .00 3 2 1 iCaom �pair 1aS3diop 1' 7-3-38 3abapsiptia. 75.40 30.Ga 112A213./31.2 eon, en taut CIS t So. 100 Amt. He, 11aaa at Amaral% Amoral A~ 3,087.00 A-3 Wean, ?AalaMoaon 0rnroda A-12 Iaasa, Janitors 206540 A....113 taps, A.aoraatiao Leeks* 3.79900 9,931.00 ?as1 140.0 b 9 10''°311, ,i-* 4$0..00 !-ZL 34314 dlrlsa 50.,0© Or in 193O.OQ Pion Claim Llama � � F-39 3Meirtptieo, 75.00 i 13036.00 • JAMB mall .E 3-IRLS' CL2 Budget Ro. IDa. Lcot. Re, liana et d000emt Aaoan% 161 BIptrtiaias $ 4647.00 j., Wags*, lonistanamos atiss.ds • Wages, Janitors . 1rs a L...rs 5; 14751.00 nit 400606 .'"+a Japans's BigsolLes 100460 1.19 ties parolen. 8vpplies $00400 162E 1.340.41005 " Cp 1.3D A.sarsia.s.ppii.s •., .. D-1 Matri.1, Repair Ground. D.• 0 buts ��A . . t 4004 /646 Movies00 7637 class Edna*, 75.00 F.►39 3no..riptis.s 1,325.00 $ 114076.0o AD?ARr Y.14044 ODISI CLW Aral. So. Bane of ADsslmt Amor* A'- 7 '-1 a llaintsaaaas Orou.ds � �40 M14 tags., Janitors 112111 A 44 , tries t sriatLin Lads*,*, 30400600 714141 1.19 $H$ .,m in. 20��0.0000 400 16)0 F reads n BigoA.s 110 D- 1 Material*weir Orooris 030 D. 1 Mttsrial A.pair Pnllatu4P 15pOp0 7-37 L1aan Linen 60.00 1 E.Z. e&O3 P 3 O I.it:$' .4413 &West, no, 303 MO, Ror !taus of Mans% tenet A.1 3eperviatee 4 3,750.0O As lases. leireaseer Drama A.11 tames. hall a Ti 0.O0 A- t1 Wiesa• llsexest�taa Lsegers r0 1O,573.00 3- Aga Soo.00 * Boar riseetta seetw�Supplies 1.O000,00 suur• rc ..1 ll.t ssris1, lapair 0reseis MAD 14.37 $°ywa�r � .00 Daildtap $00 !� tr3ubsa ripiios a 25.0? 30.325.O0 $ 13004,00 0seod?stet Sagie #ie i.0o MeV selariei 00 Operettas ti. ar Ainn?'iL X11YIZ'ItaiS13 !NASA no. 1104 3474.+U 120,000.00 Sliallitantitaans sre ? Writ So lir • Mott to to'et Iseeust Ierwa# irki Afttottalompties $ $0,311).04 1` 441 Somme 2 fl4e0 a.$ Sot tier% $ O �� -4000.00 641 Bort`III S SS+e � ` .fir 114008 p*t4 Trseel 4 Por, 1Wb+e hipe $ lueg`t 3r 10-e apt Street Sipe $ 1.1 000.00 $ 11.0004011 . • DEPARTMENT of STREETS and PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PAIN OFFIC& Budget No. 121 Account No. Name of Account AmemaI TAW. Al Commissioner and Supervisors $ 12,450.00 A-2 Clerks 7.860.00 $ 20,310.00 1.1 Office Supplies 150.00 B-3 �g 100.00 Postage 10.00 E-1 Repairs - Furniture and Fixtures 100.00 E-4 Cleaning and Renovating 250.00 F-4 Car Allowance 900.00 P-24 Traveling Expense 300.00 F-39 Membership and Subscriptions 50.00 8 1.860.00 $ 22,170.00 1121 Budget No. 122 A-i Supervision $ 12,960.00 A-2 Clerks 9,390.00 A-2-1 Stook Roo. 8,370.00 1-4 Asphalt Plant 16,780.00 A-12 Watchmen 5,100.00 A-17 Mechanics 51,930.00 A-17--1 Blacksmiths 11►820.00 A-17-2 Welders 9,270.00 A-22 Utility Men and Laborers 20.610.00 $146,230.00 B-1 Office Supplies 250.00 B-2 Printing 250.00 B-4 Fuel 12,500.00 B 12 Gasoline end Oil 40,000.00 8-13 Tires and Tubes 10,000.00 B-14 Engine Room Supplies 1,000.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 150.00 B-17 Medical Supplies 30.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 11,000.00 B-24 Electric Light Globes 100.00 rill-R-2 Repair Tools 1,000.00 E-3 Repair Instruments 50.00 B-6 Repair Motor Vehicles 30,000.00 E 11 Repair Tires &Tubes 1,500.00 7-37 Linen Service 250.00 $108.080.00 $254,310.00 • DUPARTNNWP OF STRUTS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS $MEETS and BOULEVARDS Budget No. 123 Apooimt No. fame of Acosun% Ansa Total A-i Supervision $ 28,050.00 A-il Inspectors Replacement A-16 Motor Vehicle Drivers 120,590.00 A-19 White Wings 54,580.00 4-22 Utility Men 62,920.00 A-22 Laborers 15.132.00 $281,272.00 D-2 Asphalt Plant 5,000.00 D-4 Flames and Bridges 2,000.00 D-5 Material Maintenance 34,022.00 S02 Repair Tools 1,250.00 S-2-1 Wasatch Springs Plant 750.00 F-4 Oar Allowance 420.00 1 37 Linen Service 10.00 $ 43.452.00 $324,724.00 mama DIVISION Budget No. 124 1-i Supervision $ 6,360.00 • 1-16 Track Drivers and Helpers 167,040.00 A-17 Mechanical Labor $;c-yated _ $173,400.00 IBBAUTIA Budget No. 125 A-22 Supervision end Waternasters ,t 13.680.00 $ 13,680.00 F-4 Car Allcnwanoe 1 720.00 i 720.00 $ 14r400.00 • • DEPARTMENT OP STREETS AND PUBLIC INPROVEMENT3 TONER AND U1ATIta Budget 1o. 126 Account 1o. lame of Account Amend Total A4 Supervision $ 4,500.00 Ar-2 Clerks 7,080.00 A-11 Inspectors 23.160.00 # 34,740.00 B-1 Office Supplies 400.00 8-2 Printing 500.00 B-3 Postage 150.00 B-4 Fuel 100.00 1.-2 Repairs - Tools 100.00 3-4 Oar Allowance 2,940.00 F-24 Travel expense 300.00 F--33 Ez..1ntng Board 90.00 3 37 Linen Service 50.00 4.630400 $ 39,370.00 Budget Jo. 128 • A 1 Supervision $ 3,030.00 At-3 Maintenance 22,178.00 A-16 Truck Driver 5.160.00 $ 30,368.00 1,-4 Car Allowance A20.00 A2o.00 # 30,788.00 $RNIM Salaries $700,000.00 Operation 151.162.00 $859,162.00 D&P1R7ININT OF MEETS AND PUBLIC DIPROMENTS Budget do. 147-6.8 li esal Calculator $ 500.00 Piles (Poser end Beating) 600.00 Dispel Crawler Type Tractor (70.80 B.P.) 14,000.00 3 Garbage Getters 17,250.00 Drill 4,500.00 4 (5 Ten Trucks) 16,000.00 Storage Buildings 69450.00 Salt Bin 2►000.00 3 Rubber Tired 10 on. ft. Front End Loaders 6,400.00 Remodel Asphalt Plant 1,500.00 3 (3" Asps) B00 $ 10,000.00 l • . STATUTORY AND GENERAL GENERAL OPERATIONS Budget Ho. 141 Account No. Name of Account Amount 141-A-2 Salary4easinger $ 2,370.00 A-29 Salaries-Judge! 20,000.00 A-44 Salary-Poundkeeper 300.00 $ 22,670.00 141-B-2 Printing $ 8,000.00 B-3 Postage 1,200.00 B-4 Fuel 6,000.00 C-7 Matermain Redemptions 185,000.00 C-8 Refunds 15,000.00 E-1 Service Contracts 2,500.00 E-2 Maintenance Contract-Parking Meters 15,000.00 E-2-1 Meter Maintenance-Parts 12,000.00 F-1 Advertising (Recorder) 3,500.00 F-2 Juror Fees 2,000:00 F-3 'Aitness Fees 300.00 F-5 Insurance-Auto-Buildings, Etc. 46,Ooo.00 F-6 City's Portion of Sp. Imp. ac Taxes 77,000.00 F-10 Claims and Damages (Boys' Home) 25,000.00 F-12 Special Street Lighting Extensions 11,000.00 F-13 Arc Lights 100,000.00 F-16 Surety Bonds 4,000.00 F-17 Special Counsel 3,000.00 F-18 Municipal Affairs 25,000.00 F-19 Special Auditors 2,500.00 F-20 City Share County Tax Collection 35,000.00 F-24 Travel Expense 500.00 F-28 Telephones and Telegraph 27,000.00 F-29 Board of Canal Preeiients 6,000.00 F-30 Mayor's Contingent Fund 2,000.00 F-31 Civil Service Commission 2,500.00 1-34 Excess Lighting Energy and Power 65,000.00 F-35 Election 50,000.00 F-40 Water Commissioners 2,500.00 F..41 Board of Health Commissioners 1,000.00 F-49 Expense on Bonds 1,000.00 F-58. Water Stock Assessment. 6,000.00 0-1 Police Retirement Pension-City 50,000.00 0-2 Workman's Compensation 15,000.00 0-3 Civic Center 3,900.00 0-4 Rewards 500.00 0-5 Employee's Disability Pension. 35,000.00 0-5.4 Statutory Expense 5,000,00 G-6 Employees' Retirement Pension 58,000.00 0-8 City Employee.' Insurance 20,000.00 H-4 Interest Tax Anticipation Notes 30,000.00 4 959,900.00 Grand Total i 982,570.00 STATUTORY AND,OENERAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Budget No."147-7 Salt Lake Refining-Company (water) $ 20,000.00 Arms,Plant Refund 1/4 75,000.00 18,750.00 Land Purchase 10,000.00 Mosquito Abatement 10,000.00 C and•C Building--Grounds 20,000.00 Judges Chambers 2,250.00 D. & R. G. Railroad Company 5,000.00 Total Capital $86,000.00 • BOND RETIREMENT AND SINKING FUND Budget No. 142 Account No. Herne of Account Amount H-5-2 Bond Sinking Fund--1951 $ 45,000.00 H-5-3 Bond Sinking Fund..4954 83,750.00 R-30 " "Y" iaterworka 1954; 4i}% 15,000.00 H-33 "I" Waterworks 1958 4 $ 12,500.00 H-34 "J" Waterworks 1954' 21% 12,500.00 H-35 "K" Waterworks 1965 4% 21,000.00 H-39 1931 Waterworks ' 1971 4% 50,000.00 $239,750.00 BOND INTEREST Budget $o. 143 Account No. Name of Account Amount H-27 1934 Refunding No. 5 4 $ 900.00 4-30 "Y" Waterworks 40 2,362.5o 4-31 "M" Waterworks 4 3/4% 17,812.50 H-33 "I" Waterworks 4x 3,900.00 H-34 "J" Waterworks 2 1,250.00 H-35 "$" Waterworks12,180.00 H-39 1931 Waterworks 40 Bond 4% 15,000.00 4-40 1934 Waterworks Refunding 4 % 10,965.00 H-55 1931 Storm Sewer 4 3/4% 9,500.00 4-56 1931 Storm Sewer 40 7,875.00 H-57 1934 Storm Sewer Refunding42% 8,373.00 4131,118.00 CLASS "C" ROADS Budget.No. 144 Class "C" Roads 4230,000..00 AIRPORT NO. 1 Budget<No. 146 $184,895.00 ' DEPARTMENT OF PARKS ANC PUBLIC PROPERTY AIRPORT No. 1 Budget No. 146 Account.No. Berne of Account Amount A 1 . -Supervision $ 12,360.00 A-2 Office Salary 2,520.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 8,610.00 A 7 Wages, Patrolmen 6,654.00 A-12 Wages, Janitors 22,776.00 $ 52,920.00 B-1 Office Supplies 300.000. 0 B-2 Printing 75.00 B-3 Postage g-4 Fuel 9,600.00 B-5 Electric Current 10,000.00 B..12 Gasoline and Oil 2,250.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 500.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 2,600.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,000.00 B-24 Light Globes 1,350.00 D-26 Shrubs and Trees 500.00 D-1 Material, Repair Grounds 9,510.00 D-2 Material, Repair Building 6,550.00 E-1 Repair Equipment 1,500.00 B-2 , Repair Tools and Machinery 250.00 E-3 Repair Equipment and.Apparatus 500.00 E-6 Repair Motor Vehicles 2,200.00 F-1 Advertising 100.00 F-4 Car Expense 900.00 F-5 Insurance 8,00040 F-24 Travel 350.00 F.-28 Telephone and lelegrass 200.00 F-37 Clean Linen 1,500.00 F-39 Subscriptions 100.00 Total 1 112 1) 9,8835.00 CAPITAL tIPENDITURES Budget No. 146-2. Capital Expenditures $ TT2 060.00 i 184,895.00 • CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Budget 147 Acepunt: No. '. Public Safety 30,000.00" 5 Parke and Public Property 20,000.00 6 Engineers 15,000.00 Streets 70,000.00 85,000.00 STATUTORY AND GENERAL. 7 • Building .22,250.00 8 Miscellaneous 63,750.00 86,000.00 8 Water Supply and Waterworks . 253,102.00 9 Water Department (1950 Contracts_Payable) 192,545.1a 10 Public Safety (1950 Contradte Payable 4(35 000.00 $706,647.12 REVENUE FUND TRANSFERS Budget No. 148 Business License $236,898.00 Class "C"- Road Fund 230,000.00 Watermain Extensions and New Services 275,000.00 Street Replacements and Cuts 80,000,00 $821,898.00 • UNAPPROPRYATED-SURPLUS. • Surplus $ 25,000.00 - Total,Statutory and General • $3,091,878.12 • 1951 Sip10NT aspART111 T of USSR sUrpLY AND NATSMOSNS AaNlNISThATION Budget No. 150 hest. Si. Naas of Account yam A 1 Supervision 8 19,100.00 A- 2 office Asployeos 75,120.00 A-i1 Niter Readers and Inspection 20,760.00 A-22 ordinary Labor 800.00 4 115,780.00 8- 1 office, Supplies 1,000.00 9- 2 printing 3,500.00 8- 3 Footage 2,700.00 8-19 Nisce11ansons Supplies 20Q100 D- 2 Repair and Aerodsl Office 200.00 am- 1 Cleaning and Nen. tar. and Fixtures 500.00 r and Resovating 500.00 N- 7 Books, Naps red Charts 300.00 n-24 lt.1t. pate, Trans. & Tray. bus. 400.00 1ti33 ps39 pat Nonborehip and Subscription 100.00 er Filings 150.00 t-46 Street Car passes 250.00 9,800.00 Total $ 225,580.00 RNPAIR3 IIiONISSRY & 700L3. I. NA1VIIIIANCI OF 300PS Budget No. 151 Loot. No. Nate of Account; Aawgot A-1 '.gyp SnSrrvisioa $ 7,380.00 A. 2 Clarke, Straps., and Miss 18,180.00 A-17 'Whinier and Snipers 27,660.00 A-22 Wither,Labor 3,500.00 56,720.00 8- 4 tali 1,500.00 8-19 Miloallassona Supplies 1,500.00 D- 2 Rep. to Office 1114gs. Shops 1,500.00 �37 Laundry sad Line 2 Rep, and Ron. nn s ,Supply 5d Naoh. 4, 00.00 500.00 9,000.00 Total $ 65,720.00 • - 2 - NNW AATBRNAIN NXTR89IONS Budget No. 152 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 iwoboaics and Helpers $ - - - N-21 Ordinary Labor - - - 114-14 Pips and Fit. and Mac. Sa*pli'oa ——i Total -i • WSW SNRPioa BONNSci♦cam , Budget No. 153- ACV fy�. • No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Neebanics and Helpers $13,140.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor - - - 13,140.00 1-14 Mat. for Now Berrices - - - Tom 4 13,140.00 NOTIONS Budjst No. 154 Aast. No. Noma of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor $ 2,100.00 2,100.00 1-14 Mat. for dep. and Rouxual 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total $ 4,100.00 POR Sudtet No. 155 Aoot. No. Name of A000uat Amount A 33 orl t Supervision i Labor 3,000.00 1-38 Patrolmen 5,87a.00 8 8,870.00 S-19 Nisssllaasous Supplies 200.00 200.00 Total $ 9,070.00 NATN&SSID SANITATION Hndgot No. 156 Amt. No. Name of Asoount Amount i A" 1-16 ?rook Drivers and Helpers 2,490.00 122 Weimar:,A-38 Pa Leber1y555.0000 a-19 Misc. Supplies and 0 sadeals 1,�00.00 ®,045.00 1,200.00 Total i 9,245.00 1!1181,W$ S78TNl[-.1 T. DILL=mom • Budget No. 157 Acct. No.' Naas of Account Aasunt Pryi 1,000.00 and Station Nan 12,125.00 13,125.0o 8- 4 pima 900.00. 8-19 ldsoslsassous Supplies 1,000.00 N-33 0lwaeals 1,700.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 300.00 3,900.00 Total $ 17,015.00 • - le - CITY OASSI 8Y8?NU Nodgst No. 15$ Acct. 10. Naos of A000nnt August Station00 Ar.,18 Patrol and Van $ 5040.000 $ 6,940.00 9.4 Fuel 600.0W 949 Otaosllsm.aas Atom 70040 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 1,200,00 2,500.00 Total * 9,440.00 $IO& LITTLI Q0TTOMCOD SY8T811B Budget No.150 Loot. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor $ 1,000.00 F�A-30 Patrol& Station .n 11,015.00 12,015.00 S- 4 ?col 450.00 D- t Repairs to Buildingsas 1,000 500.00 1,950.00 Total i 1)00.06 Narwr. ALL EXOIL►NQ OUL. PLP[LIIRS Budget . 160 Root. So. Vamp of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 A-3$ Patrol• Station len 2,700.00 3,000.00 N-12 Nat. for Rep. It Ran. 200.00 200.00 Total $ 3,200.00 - • - 'i suit PUMPING PLANT Bu¢O% No. 361 Acei. N0. Naar of Account Ascamt A 22 ©ribiarn Labor $ 200.00 A-39 Pump Operators 3,300.00 $ 3,60.0o 9-h fUol 275.00 1-19 Nisaellansous Supplies 100.00 00 1- 2 Repair' to Buildings 2 lop. A San. Shah. a Equip. 5 0.0o 975.00 Total $ 4,475.00 IELL3 IbVI$TIOATION. °MATlOS AND NAINTI*ANOE Budget So. 162 Loot. No. Naas of Account Amount A022 Ordinary labor t 2,000.00 A.37 Special investigators 2,860.00 A-39 Pump Operators 2,000.00 6,880.00 250.00 8-19 N.aatilonseus Suppli.a 900.00 D- 2 AMiss to No. 2 Sep. A Sen. Mach. & Iquip. 1,p 0.0000 2,300.00 Total $ 9,160.00 CANAL MAINTNNANO= Budget No. 163 Amt. Mo. Nana of Account Amount 5,000.00 4-31 Patrol� �1c Sttation Nan 14,460.00 0- 4 Nat. for la s p. a Saint. Bridges R 00Q 00 14,460.00 2,000.00 Total # 24460.00 , ..• 6. MAST JORDAN CANAL Budget No. 164 test. No. Yw of A000amt Amount P- 5 Sint. Canal. by Canal Co. $ 3,500.00 I 3,500.00 Total 4 $ 3,500.00 KAMR 3TATIOS 4Ip ,PINO Budget No. 165 Loot. No. Naas of A000ant Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor $ 100.00 A-38 Patrol& Station Man 5,010.00 5,110.00 B-19 Sias. Supplies 200.00 200.00 Total $ 5,310.00 SAINT. at moms E ANSONIA PLANT Budget No. 166 Loot. No. Name of Account Amount A-34 Water Sampler $ 2,280.00 A-45 Sanitary Saginaw 4,080,00 6,360.00 B-33 Medals, Chlorins and Ammonia 16,000.00 1- 3 Sat. for Rep. and Bea. Mob. 750.00 16,750.00 Total $ 23,110.00 SAINT. & OPRIATION 0?OISTRIBUTXON RRBNRVOLBS Budget No. 167 Loot. Ne. MOO of Aooaust Amount A-rt Ordinary Labor 8 1,500.00 A-38 Patrol and Statiea.Saa 7,730.00 Total $ 9,230.00 - 7 - Acat. No.. Savo of.Account Aacait B- 4 Fuel $ 300.00 e`19 NIsoallsa»oaa Suppliss 1�000.00 - D. 2 Repairs to Bu+1aioga 200.00 $ 1,500.00 Total - $ 10,730.00. NAM DISTRIBUTION Budget No. 168 • Acct. No. Saar of Account Amount - A-32 Eanrgsn y Ssrrioc Orsm $ 13,650.00 A-38 Water Distribution Ornr 12,385.00 26,035.00 Total 8 26,035.00 . REPAIR A MINT. was, OOONDUXTS. YAMS d MISTS Budget No. 171 Acct. No. Ian. of Account Amount A- 1 Supervision $ 3,240.00 A-17 1aa os i•Brlyara 28,830.00 A-22 Ordinary Ltlwr 8,000.03 • 40,070.00 D- 5• Sapisw to Streets 4 Blyds. 1,000.00 E-12 flat.. for Rep. &Nan. 10,000.00 11,000.00 Total $ 51,070.00 • • • - 8- RIPAIA a SAINT. NAM ' tnnCfn 8udaot No. 173 Loot. No. Nam of A000mt Amount A427 lisohsnios and Helpers $ 10,410.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 40,000.00 $ 50,410.00 D- 5 Rep. Streets and Blade. 3 000.00 R-14 Material for Reps. a Renerals 24000.00 18,000.00 Total $ 68,410.00 REPAIR. PAINT. & INSTALLING NkTRMS Budget No.'174 Lost. No. Nano of A000unt Amount 1-11 Meobanois and Helpers $ 22,860.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 4,800.00 27,660.00 11.14 Not. for Rep. and Ron. 30,000.00 30,000.00 Total $ 57,660.00 FOUNTAINS Budget No. 1755 Mot. So. Naas of Moment Aionnt A-17 ilsohanios I Helpers $ 2,400.03 A-22 Ordinary Libor 400.00 2,800.00 R-19 *iaeellaseoue Supplies $00.00 $00.00 Total $ 3,300.00 IMP. AUTOMOBILES & TRU0 Budget No. 177 Acct. Ito. Naas of Account Amount A-17 Mmohanios& Halptrt $ 11,480.00 $ 11,480.00 N-12 amain. & 011 12,500.00 N43 Purohape Tien 11liber 3,500.00 BP- 6 Nat. for Rep. & 9,000.00 241 Repairs to tiree & Tub's 100.00 2 25,100.00 Total $ 36,580.00 INDIVIDUALS& COMP.E= Budget No. 118 Loot. No. Naas of Amount Amount 10.19 Nlselil nsouo Supplies alb asp Total NZQNAN R ADAAN Ir..Buu7 ORB Budget No. 179 Amato No. Naas of A000nnt Aft 1-22 Coridthary Labor 3 ►_.. N-19 Misal2anosns !!applies - - Total $ ,. '- 10' • - REPAIR& MAINT. PIPE LINES - INDUSTRIAL CENTER Budget No. 180 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor $ 2,001.00 2,000.00 E-14 Mat. for Rep. & Ran. 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total ° 3,000.00 60TH 3OL"fh PUMPING PLANT Budget No. 181 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 iechancis & Helpers 3 - - - A-22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 A-39 Pump Operators 2,500.00 2,800.00 E-2 Rep. & Ran. Machinery A Equip. 500.00 500.00 Total 3,300.00 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE Budget No. 183 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount F- 4 Auto Allowance t 1,900.00 1,900.00 Total A 1,900.00 Total Labor t 453,530.00 Total Material 4 :supplies $ 145,975.00 T;ITAL QPERATINO 3UDGE:T w 599,505.00 21 — CA1'I'AL I'•vESTNE TS Budget No. 147-8 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount .1 New Measuring Devices £. 500.00 .2 New Automobiles 15,500.00 .3 New Machinery and Tools 1,100.00 .4 New Furniture and b`ixtures 500.00 .5 New Chimical Toilets 1,000.00 .6 New saeters 25,000.00 .7 New Office Equipment 500.00 .8 Water System Improvements 445,900.00 Total Capital Investment t 490,000.00 GRAND TOTAL !„ 1,089,505.00 • Salt Lake City, Utah TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SALT LAKE CTTY, UTAH Gentlemen: We, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, beg to report that we have met as reouired by law and ordinance in session from time to time, until the work of completing the budget has been accomplished, and herewith submit report and statement of expenditures and revenues necessary to be raised for the year ending December 31, 1951. We have carefully considered the reouirements of each department of the City Government in detail as well as the estimated and anticipated revenue and have decided unon the list of appropriations hereto attached. To make this appropriation effective, the City Recorder has given notice of hearing on the budget and appro- priation resolution in accordance with the State Statutes, and is hereby directed to furnish each department with a certified copy of the estimate and apportionment for that particular department, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to solicit bids for the printing of 300 conies of the budget. Adopted December 5 1950. `. Respectfully, j �J f City,,,A I Board of Estimate and App+ i onment In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution become effective January 1, 1951. This resolution shall take effect y 1, 1951. y � _ Adopted by the Board of C mmissioners Salt Lake City, Utah, this J 6 sr day of December;- 1950. .621211,4__. ` City Recorder ( S E A L ) IIIL STATg OF UTAH, SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, ) I, Irma F. Bitner, the duly appointed, Qualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct cony of report in detail of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment estimating the anticipated revenue and providing appropriations for the support of the Municipal Government of Salt Lake City Corporation, for the year ending December 31st, 1951, passed by the Board of Commissioners December A 6" 1950, and as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this A e " day of December, A.D., 1950. City Recorder ( S E A L )