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Rec.104 50 1-58 Q P. CY . ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, June 31 , 195 9 VOTING A e Na I move that Resolution No f$ by Mr Adiel F. Stewart4 Mayor Burbidge . . . be adopted. Christensen . . V y ---- -- ,-- Romney . . . par Mr.Chairman . Result . . . . Jena 11, 1959 Honorable Adisl F. storart, Meyer Commissioner of Fiblis safety Dear Dirt at a sooting of the Beard of Comiesionere hold Jame 11, 1959 asolntion 'se. t authorising tbs Malted states of Aourioa, Corps of Engineers to oondyot work on the flood ooatrol *prove. nonts along tt111 Creek, Jordan diver, the surplus Donal, and on any atrents ar ratarmays owned or eeopied by the City it ear nactiaa with this project• was adopted. Tours truly ti City espy net water tnriaaar -J2- Iet1 indite! lileo SALT LAKE;MY CORPORATION- ROY W. MCLEESE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER 401 CITY&COUNTY BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY I I.UTAH June 12, 1959 Hon. Joe L. Christensen Commissioner of Streets and Public 1m_rovexents City Dear Sir: I submit hererith the Resolution To. 8, to be resolved by the Chairman of the Board of City Commissioners to authorize execution in behalf of Salt Lake City, Utah, a construction and entry permit to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA authorizing it to conduct work on the flood control improvements along the Jordan River and Surplus Canal on any stre-:ts of water- ways owned or occupied by the City, such work to be in ac- cordance with the plans of the Corps of Engineers heretofore adopted. This permit authorizes the UNITED STATUS to use properties which the City has acquired such rights for channel excavation, levee construction, diversion structure const- ruction, railroad bridges modification, so forth. This resolution having been submitted to the Board of City Com,issioners, by the Board of County Commissioners and the resolution has been reviewed by this office and approved. Therefore, I recom:end that the Board of City Commissioners approve the Resolution No, 8, as submitted. Respecfully yours, 1No i, UcLee City Enginee JSF:bjc II 4 { Street or Engineer's Description Party Remarks - Waterway Right of Station Involved Way Sunset Ave. 66' 24-25 left of County I Vacated street East to West Sunset Ave. 66' 7 j10 - left of County j East to West Claybourne 66' 114-85 i left of County + East to West t---- Elba Ave. 66' 30 j 10 j left of County i East to Rest Parkway Ave. 66' i 39 j 25 E left of County ! East to West I Vacated Street 66' 42 j 30 { left of County I East to West I Broadway St. 66' 48 j 30 j left of County i East to West Western Pacific i Addition Hastings St. 66' 33 A 63 J left of County North to South Main Street 66' } Western Pacific =j 30 left of Cipiyaty I East to Giest Addition Bayfield Ave. 66' 115 4-30 4- left of ( City 1 East to West Cheyenne St. 33' 115 4.30 t left of City 1 North to South i Harris Ave. 66' 1194-72 - left of City East to West i Valencia St. 66' 11*72 f left of ; City North to South Valencia St. 66' 123 4- 00 f left of City 1 North to South . I i Street or Night of 6.agineer's De6cription Party •W.tterway W a..y Station Involved it en:skL Van Buren 66' 123 4.00 left of Station City East to Welt Utah Ave. —.�- 66' 1294. 5031. right of City North to South Redwood Rd. 132' 13S f 20 I left of Staffs North to South Redwood Rd. 132' 141 ; 85 { Right of State liorth to South 5th South St. 5O' 227 i 50j left of City East to West 5th South St. 30' 2264. SO E right of City t;ast to West (Third) 300 South 66' 245 / 30 1 right of County East to West 300 South 66' 247 1 S4 f left of County East to West Fulton St. 66' 2474. 80 1 left of City East to west Fulton St. 66' 2504.08I Right of City North to South Butte 66' 252 f 401 Left of City North to South ilutte 66' 2534- 91* Right of City North to South Stanley 66' 2584. 751 Right of County North to South St.airy 66' 256 f 171 Left of County �..... North to :ottth Page 3. Street or Right of Engineer's Description Party Involved Remarks • Waterway Way Station . Second So. 66' 2584- 75-E Right of Station County E.at to 'West ZOO 200 ao. 66' 261 f 45 J_ Left of County East to West Edison St. 66' 239 0 95 0 Left of County North to South Edison St. 66' 2644- 11 { Right of County North to South Jefferson 66' 264f ilk Left of County North to South Jefferson 66' 269 f 64 It tight of County North to South 100 South 66' 268 ; 34 4 Right ;i z.:oun;y t.;. .„t to s eat (First) 100 South 66' 270 f 44 0 Left of County East to West Lincoln 66' 276 f 06 t Left of County North to youth Lincoln 66' 277 , 16,L Right of Coan,y North to ouch Garfield 66' 27$ 0 36 0 Left of County North to .Louth Garfield 66' 275 f 06; Right of County North to .mouth Cleveland 66' 2$l E 75 0 Loft of County North to South Cleveland 66' 282 L 43 f- night of County North to South Seventh No. 66' 366 { 48 it Left of County Last k West (700) Seventh No. 66' 364 ;00 i Right ;if County Last is West CONSTRUCTION AND ENTRY PERMIT SALT LAKE CITY, a municipal corporation, hereby grants to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, its contractors, agents and employees, a right-of-entry upon all those parcels of real property as described in in Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof and recorded in the official records of the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, Utah, together with the right to construct all flood control improve- ments along Mill Creek, Jordan River and Surplus Canal as shown on Corps of Engineer's drawing file No. JO-4-52, and for all purposes incident thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City has caused this instrument to be executed by its chairman this 11th day of June , 1959, at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, SALT LAKE CITY, a municipal corporation, /. BY�' /� ; "/-/ L�/c lJ MAYOR ,,,,- ATTEST AWRIE/O6R`1 RESOLUTION NO. 8 BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of City Commissioners be authorized to execute on behalf of Salt Lake City, Utah a construction and entry permit to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA authorizing it to conduct work on the flood control improvements along Mill Creek, Jordan River and Surplus Canal on any streets or waterways owned or occupied by the City, such work to be in accordance with the plans of the Corps of Engineers heretofore adopted. The permit shall authorize the UNITED STATES to use the properties on which the City has acquired such rights for channel excavation, levee con- struction, diversion structure construction, railroad bridges modifications, spoil disposal and such other uses as are authorized by the grants and permits issued to the City. PASSED and ADOPTED by the SALT LAKE CITY BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS this 11th day of June , 1959. SALT LAKE CITY MAYOR ATTEST: / C Y 01P41\ Certified a true and correct copy.