8 of 1972 - A resolution supporting Senate Bill 1144, authorizing and directing the acquisition of certain lands Resolution No. 8 • By Mayor E. J. Garn COMMISSIONER Supporting Senate Bill 1144, author- izing and directing the acquisition of certain lands within the boundaries of the Wasatch National Forest and re- questing the Utah Congressional Congress to encourage and obtain passage of said bill. Pro:cited te th Bi 1 Crnmonprs AND PASI.D 4 March 27, 1972 The Honorable Sherman P. Lloyd United States Representative for Utah 1116 Longworth Building Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Representative Lloyd: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. Utah, supporting Senate Bill No. S. 1144, authorizing and directing the acquisition of certain ands e,ithin the boundaries of the Wasatch National Forest. It is respectfully requested that you rive this matter your earnest consideration and encourage passage of Senate Bill No. S. 1144. Respectfu ly, City Recorder Enclosure-1 March 27, 1972 The Honorable Frank E. Moss United States Senator for Utah Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Senator Moss: Here is a Resolution, passed be the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, supporting Senate Bill No, S. 1144, authorizing and directing the acquisition of certain lands within the boundaries of the Wasatch National Forest, It is respectfully requested that you give this :natter your earnest consideration and encourage passage of Senate Bi.l No, S. 1144, P,espectfully City Recorder Enclosure-1 i,..arch 27, 1972 Lace F. Bennett 'LI ‘intiur for Utah 11‘.1.1 tz-v. ..,tuate C fie Building ashington, B. C. 20515 Dear taenatcr Bennett: .L,-.t•e. is uy the I c.•,tird of t'c, .1.ataston-rs, of Salt 1 ...i.e. ; ,?rnit" 7‘;^.. !••• Ii -titho,0-ing and It I ltu of the V asatcL Liont.l t7orest. It is respectfully regu that y, 1,:iv r earnest consideratb n art': p.us „ 11 '4. Respectfully, City Recorder Enclosure-1 March 27, 1972 The Honorable Gunn L. McKay United States Representative for Utah 1705 Longworth Building Washington. D. C. 20515 Dear Representative McKay: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. supporting Senate Bill No. S. 1144, authorizing and directing the acquisition of certain lance within the boundaries of the Wasatch Ntaional Forest. It is respectfully request-.:(1 that you give this natter your earnest consideration and encourage passage of Senate Sill No. S. 114'. Respectfully, City Recorder Enclosure-1 March 27, 1972 The Honorable. Michael J. Mansfield Majority Leader of the United States Senate Senate Office Building Washington, B. C. 20515 Dear Senator Mansfield: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, supporting Senate Bill No. S. 1144, authorizing and directing the acquisition of certain lands R ithin the boundaries of the Wasatch National Forest. It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest consideration and encourage passage of Senate Bidi No. ;;. 1144. liespectful y, City Recorder Enclosure—1 March 27, 1972 The Honorable Carl Albert Speaker of the United States - House of Representatives Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Sir: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, supporting Senate Dill No. =, 1144, authorising and directing the acquisition of certain lands within the beunr'aries of the Wasatch National Forest. It is respectfully requested that you give this _.attar your earnest consideration and encourage passag, of Senate Bill Nc, S 1144. Respectfully, City Recorder Enclosure-1 March 27, 1972 The Honorable Calvin L. h ampton Governor of the State of Utah State Capitol Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Dear Governor Rainpton: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, supporting Senate Bill No. S. 1144. authorizing and directing the acquisition of certain lands within the boundaries of the Wasatch National i'orest. It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest consideration and encourage passage of Senate Bill No, S. 1144. Respectfully, City Recorder Enclosure—1 REC ROLL CALL March 23 19 72 VOTING Aye ay Salt Lake City,Utah, ✓Barker.' . . . ' I move that the Resolution be adopted. R i xex . . . -P �ar�ms n hillips - • t!'r- Harrison . . . Mr. Chairman . RESOLUTION Resuk . . . i WHEREAS, the promotion of subdivisions and other business activity is increasingly contributing to soil erosion, flooding and stream pollution and threaten to destroy the esthetic beauty of the canyons in the restricted watershed of Salt Lake City on which the City and a large portion of Salt Lake County depend for their water supply; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City presently has and strongly desires to maintain one of the highest quality water supplies in the United States; and WHEREAS, the canyons in the restricted watershed area of Salt Lake City are closely adjacent to a densly populated area which enjoys large numbers of visiting tourists each year who, as a part of their visit and tourism, are increasingly desirous of visiting, for picnic- ing, camping, skiing and otherwise enjoying the beauty and ready access- ability of these pristine and rugged canyons of the Wasatch Mountains which should be preserved for the visits of such tourists, who otherwise would have no such access, and for the enjoyment of the local residents and future generations of Americans; and WHEREAS, United States Senator Frank E. Moss has submitted Senate Bill No. 5. 1144 to the United States Senate for consideration of the purchase for public use of certain private lands in the Salt Lake City watershed area, particularly in the Mill Creek, Little and Big Cotton- wood Canyons and which also would provide for maintenance of the scenic beauty of the area, proper management and protection and the preserva- tion of such lands for public use, and the prevention of stream pollu- tion; and WHEREAS, passage of said bill is desirable to facilitate the removal of certain lands from private ownership and the threat of damage to the ecology of the canyons and pollution of streams in those areas the bill describes and the placement of such lands under the management and control of the United States Forest Service; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City Corporation and the residents of Metropolitan Salt Lake City enthusiastically support Senator Moss' efforts to retain the ecological balance, beauty and beneficial use of the watershed area of Salt Lake City for the use and benefit of all. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, that Senators Frank E. Moss and Wallace'Bennett and Representatives Sherman tloyd and Gunn McKay, be, and hereby are, encouraged to use their best efforts and means to encourage and obtain passage of Senate Bill No. S. 1144. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, that copies of this resolution be mailed to United States Senator Frank E. Moss, the Governor of this State, the Speaker of the Senate and of the House of Representatives of the United States and all other members of Congress from the State of Utah. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 23rd day of March, 1972. I11(1011rj