8 of 1973 - A resolution requesting the President of the United States of America, Richard M. Nixon to lift the i 7 Resolution . V 1 By Jennings Phillips,"Jr. I -' COMMIE/I OMER esf ing the President of the Unit ! States of America, Richard M. Nixon I' to'lift the suspension in effect on 1 j i'tousing,.manpower and programs for 1 1 lower and moderate income persons. ;i li Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED 1 JAN 23 1973 I `. ,I- C R 14 c i t ye t i a THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 8, 1973 Dear Mr. Hogensen: At the request of the President, I have been asked to thank you for your recent letter and resolution concerning housing and urban renewal programs. Your letter will be presented to the appropriate members of the President's staff as well as others in the Executive Branch involved in implementing the President's policies. You may be assured that your letter will be given full and complete consideration. With cordial regards, Sincerely, 7/ James H. Falk Assistant Director Domestic Council Mr. Herman J. Hogensen City Recorder 200 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 • GUNN MCKAY APPROPRIATIONS Ism DISTRICT.UT.w COMMITTEE Congre,Z of t 1e aniteb&tatess 3ouge of Aepregentatibet aladington,0.C. 20515 February 5, 1973 Herman J. Hogensen City Recorder Salt Lake City Corporation 200 City & County Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Mr. Hogensen: I appreciated your sending me a copy of the resolution passed by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City regarding the freeze on funding of Housing and Urban Development projects. I appreciate your concern in this matter and realize that the termination of HUD programs with no immediately available alternative will hurt a lot of people who need federal support. I am enclosing, for your infor- mation, a copy of the statement which I made regarding these funding cuts. Again, thank you for writing. You may be sure of my continued interest and concern in this matter. Sincerely, /V-4,4•4 "--141 Gunn McKay (� Member of Congress GM:mr Enclosure NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM REP. GUNN MCKAY JANUARY 11, 1973 HUD FUNDING CUTS "ARM-TWISTING" MCKAY SAYS WASHINGTON -- The freeze on funding of Housing and Urban Development projects announced by HUD Secretary George Romney has been termed "Congressional arm-twisting" by Congressman Gunn McKay. "Secretary Romney has ordered a temporary holding action on new commitments for water and sewer grants, open space grants, and public facility loans until these activities are folded into the Special Revenue Sharing program," McKay said. "Special Revenue Sharing has not been passed by Congress, and, in light of the preliminary assessments of general revenue sharing, I'm not sure that it will be." Placing existing HUD programs under Special Revenue Sharing compels Congress to act, McKay said, introducing the possibility of a poorly-conceived bill executed in haste. Critical assessment of the budget was welcome, McKay admitted, but the termination of HUD programs with no immedi- ately available alternative will hurt a lot of people who need federal support. "In Utah County alone," McKay said, "there are over $1 million in water and sewer grants affected by this action. Some of these municipalities are in grave need of help. Payson, for example, is critically in need of culinary water." The HUD cuts are especially distressing in light of in- creased federal emphasis on pollution control, McKay said. The termination of housing programs also threatens Utah, McKay added. "The federal efforts to stimulate housing should 'not be ar- bitrarily undercut before the housing construction market is able to produce good housing at prices affordable to all income levels," McKay said. -30- 73-105 Contacts Pat Roylance (202) 225-3171 • ONIMITTEEs WALLACE F.BENNETT C FINANCE UTAH BANKING,HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS 'AJCizfeb, iafez,$enafe ENEDENHAMPAUL L. RGY pDMINSTRAVVVE SISTONY WASHINGTON.D.C.O.0 20510 DEFENSE PRODUCTION INTERNAL REVENUE TAXATION February 5, 1973 sELECTcoMMTTEE, STANDARDS AND CONDUCT Mr. Herman J. Hogensen City Recorder Salt Lake City Corporation 200 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Mr. Hogensen: I want to acknowledge my receipt of a copy of the Resolution passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 23, addressed to the President of the United States, asking him to lift the suspension of certain housing programs. Since this has been done by the President under his exec- utive authority there is no specific step that I, as a Senator, can take at this time. I agree with the President that the suspension was something that had to be done in order to give him and the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment an opportunity to develop effective alternatives to many of these programs which, in spite of their very high cost, have not really achieved their objectives. Even though no new applications will be processed it will take eighteen months and many billions of dollars to fund those already approved and I would hope by that time more satisfactory alternatives can be found. Very truly yours, Wallace F. Bennett WFB:mk1 FRANK E.MOSS,UTAH.CHAIRMAN HOWARD'',CANNON,o oKw F�OYDK.HASKE�L,CO PETEV.D.:Wm.,N.AM. '�?JCnzfeb Zfafes,donate ROBERT F.ALLRVrF.STAFF DIRECTOR COMMITTEE ON AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES WASHINGTON.D.C. 20510 February 6, 1973 Herman J. Hogensen City Recorder 200 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Mr. en: I have your letter enclosing a copy of the Resolution adopted by the Salt Lake City Board of Commissioners urging the President to lift the suspension in funding for housing and manpower programs. I share the concern expressed in this Resolution, and I intend to make every attempt to reinstate these programs. In general, I do not believe we should cut those programs which help those who need it most. We have to limit government spending. But the question is one of priorities, and it looks as though we face a real struggle with the President. Thank you for passing this Resolution along to me. Sincerely, / 47 Frank E. Moss United States Senator FEM/mcp WAYNE OWENS 9n o=srrs=m,Urw eongre 2;of flit Et niteb&tate oust of Aepreoeutatibto hr¢=stjingron,;.C. 20515 February 9, 1973 Mr. Herman J. Hogensen City Recorder Office of the City Recorder 200 City and County Building Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Dear Mr. Hogensen: Thank you for letting me know of the concern of the Board of City Commissioners with the Nixon Administration's recent freeze on housing and man- power programs. In light of the needs in these areas, I feel that his actions are very shortsighted. For your information, I am enclosing a copy of a letter I recently sent to the President expressing my concerns with the freeze. I appreciate hearing from you and hope that from time to time you will let me know your opinions on some of the other important matters the Congress will be considering. With all best wishes, Sire- i Wayne Owens Enclosure THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS to DitraticT.UTAH 20515 January 24, 1973 Sac Honorable aichard M. Nixon The khite 'douse Washington, D. C. 20500 bear Mr. President: I strongly protest your Administration's impounding of funds for low-income housing and manpower training programs and your aermination of the aural Environmental and other rural assistance programs. The activities are of great importance to the people of :Jtan's Second Congressional District, where your actions strike particularly hard. I find it difficult to accept that these actions have been taken in the name of fighting inflation when greater budget cuts in defense, space, and foreign assistance could be so much more effective and sore in accord with amending priorities Congress has established. :den the Administration locates 'seed money" in its budget for research Lad development of a Congressionally-re:ected supersonic transport; whdn she space shuttle -- which you have endorsed -- is expected to cost at least .15 billion over the next five years, and in view of your apparent lack of interest in su'ostaative tax reform, your decision appears not to be seriously armed at attacking inflation by pressures; but rather to change spending priorities and to run roughshod over the decisions of the people's representatives in doing it. cuestion, as do many members of Congress and many constitutional ea,.eats, your legal or constitutional power to eliminate programs autho- rized and funded by Congress, end will do all I can to reestablish Congressional pre-eminence in determining upending. I respectfully urge that you support substantive tax reform as a meaningful source of curbing inflation and of moving to return a balance of fairness to the federal taxing structure. Sincerely, Wayne Owens January 29, 1973 The Honorable Richard M. Nixon President of the United States White House Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Mr. President: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, requesting you, the President of the United States of America, to lift the suspension in effect on housing, manpower and programs for lower and moderate income persons. It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest consideration. Respectfully, 1•. City Recorder L� Enclosure-1 January 29, 1973 The Honorable Frank E. Moss United States Senator for Utah 3121 New Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Senator Moss: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, requesting the President of the United States of America, Richard M. Nixon, to lift the suspension in effect on housing, manpower and programs for lower and moderate income persons. It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest consideration. Respectfully, City raw Enclosure-1 January 29, 1973 The Honorable Wallace F. Bennett United States Senator for Utah 1211 New Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. 20513 Dear Senator Bennett: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, requesting the President of the United States of America, Richard M. Nixon, to lift the suspension in effect on housing, manpower and programs for lower and moderate income persons. It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest consideration. Respectfully, City Rebet+deL Enclosure-1 January 29, 1973 The Honorable D. Wayne Owens United States Representative for Utah Cannon Office Building Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Representative Owens: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, requesting the President of the United States of America, Richard M. Nixon, to.lift the suspension in effect on housing. income It is respea tfully requested that you give this matter your earnest consideration. Respectfully, Cityiht114441 Recosde r Enclosure-1 January 29, 1973 The Honorable K. Gunn McKay United States Representative for Utah 1427 Longworth Building Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Representative McKay: Here is a Resolution, passed by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City Utah, requesting the President of the United States of America, Richard M. Nixon, to lift the suspension in effect on housing, manpower and programs for lower and moderate income persons. It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest consideration. Respectfully, ?4►0il )9,i‘tY6iNitptit City Recorder Enclosure-1 ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, January 23 ,19 73 Mr.Chaifinan.".. I move(that t Resolution be adopted. Barker Hammen fl(c(:(e'(eq /„. Harrison � � . r7� Phillips j RESOLUTION Result // A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, STATE OF UTAH, TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON HOUSING, MANPOWER, AND PROGRAMS FOR LOWER AND MODERATE INCOME PERSONS. WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development through Executive Order of the President of the United States of America, Richard M. Nixon, has placed a suspension on all subsidized housing programs within its jurisdiction, these being commonly known as FHA 235, interest subsidy home ownership; FHS 236 and FHA 221 (d) (3) interest subsidy and rent supplement rental housing; and Public Housing rent supplement; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development through Executive Order of the President of the United States of America, has indicated a reduction or freeze on Model Cities Programs and Urban Renewal Programs; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has placed a suspension on water and sewer grants; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has placed a suspension on Public Facility Loans; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has placed a suspension on Open Space Land Programs; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has placed a suspension on Section 106 funds to provide assistance in housing developments for low-income families; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has placed a suspension on funds for College Housing; and WHEREAS, Farmers Home Administration of the Department of Agriculture under Executive Order of the President of the United States of America has placed a suspension on all subsidized housing programs commonly known as 502 interest subsidy; 504 repair grants and loans; 515 Cooperative Housing interest subsidy; 514-516 Domestic Farm Labor Grants and Loans; and Disaster Loans; and WHEREAS, the State of Utah is presently suffering from an extreme shortage of housing for low and moderate income families and State estimates indicate an immediate need for 30,000 new or rehabilitated units of housing for these residents, and the Community Improvement Program of Salt Lake City shows 14,304 units requiring either demolition or reha- bilitation and the Master Plan Program of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County show 24,656 units requiring rehabilitation and five thousand nine hundred eighty-four (5,984) units as needing clearance, and the Utah Migrant Council estimates a need for one thousand (1,000) units of Domestic Farm Labor Housing, and housing is in extreme need of Utah's seven Indian reservations, and similar needs are exhibited throughout the State of Utah; and WHEREAS, the vacancy rate among low-income housing in Utah is less than point zero-five percent (.05) ; and a , . WHEREAS, thousands of individuals and families are living in con_ demned housing or dilapidated housing which is unsafe and should not be inhabited; and WHEREAS, the Department of Labor, through Executive Order of the President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, has ordered a suspension on enrollment in all Federal manpower training programs, including NYC in-school and out-of-school, MDTA, Job Corps, Public Employment Programs, On-the-Job-Training Programs, and WIN, which last fiscal year served approximately ten thousand five hundred (10,500) Utah residents of which over seventeen percent (17%) were veterans, five percent (5%) physically handicapped and forty-two percent (42%) present or past public welfare recipients; and WHEREAS, Vocational Education, Adult Basic Education, and Rehabili- tation services have been frozen at fiscal year Nineteen Hundred Seventy- Two (1972) levels; and WHEREAS, the Utah State Division of Employment Services has been cut by approximately One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) ; and WHEREAS, these programs are vital to the welfare of the residents of the Salt Lake area, providing needed opportunity for the unemployed and under employed to secure training and decent jobs so that they can become productive members of the community; and WHEREAS, many residents are being deprived of the opportunity to secure training and decent jobs to support their families as a result of this action; and WHEREAS, the actions of the President of the United States of America, Richard M. Nixon, in the aforementioned areas of housing and manpower programs will be of special detriment to those most in need, the low-income and lower paid workers of our City, County and State; and WHEREAS, the possibility of severe cuts in such vital programs as Head Start, Follow-Through, Title I, and other basic education programs in Utah and the United States of America have been mentioned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, that it request of the President of the United States of America, Richard M. Nixon: (1) to immediately lift the suspension in effect for all housing subsidy programs which aid the low and moderate income people of our County, City and State of Utah and the United States of America; (2) to immediately lift the suspension on enrollment in effect for manpower training programs and further request that no cuts be made in manpower programs, rather they be expanded so as to serve more resi- dents of the State of Utah; and (3) to not reduce those programs serving those most in need in the State of Utah and the United States of America. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be mailed to the President of the United States and to each member of Congress from the State of Utah by the City Recorder. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 23rd day of January, 1973. Mayor ReCb���1n�!, ra� r