81 of 1911 - A resolution that the Chief of Fire Department deliver to the Park Commissioners the old steam engin ,IL , . - -3 REMARKS: Resolution No. 81 ,... . .;.= 1 , By Councilman, REED ' 1 That the Chief of the .. Fire Dept. deliver to the II ' I Park Commissioners the old , steam engine, providing same I I I Gan- be- place-d in-t-h-e-old--mill 1 1 1 " I. .. . • i ; READ AND ADOPTED 1 . , APR271911 I i 1 i H.• , 1, ' ' ' carAmomA . . , . i ! , . 1 , „,'-.,,,,,-,,•:----_--------'—'7,,,,, e—Y7TE- ;T:D., .... . 1 . .„..f.....v.r. _,,i I , • . Resolved:--that the Chief of the Fire Department 74 be authorized to deliver to the Park Oommiseioners the old steam engine;provided the Park Commission oan place the same ei,r4 in the old mill at Liberty Park, The engine to be preserved in remembtranoe of 0/ former days, & �1 z/