81 of 1913 - A resolution entering protest against granting of liquor license to W. B. Kelling at 201 South Thirt 4
Resolution No. -
By Commissioner -- -- —
Entering protest against
granting of liquor liense to
W. B. Kelling at 201 South1.
Thirteenth East 6
" .
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'Am 7 1913
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I more Mee resolution Nat._ -by Mr._..__ ._.--..-
Koine . &4 Cd
Martha .
r. iERE.AS, The application of 7. B. Kelling for license to sell
I liquor at retail as a druggist at No. 201 South Thirteenth East
II j
Street, Salt Lake City is now pending in the Third Judicial Dis-
trict Court in and for Salt Lake County; and
"'FEREAS, In view of the fact that numerous informal protests
against the issuance of a liquor license for use et said location
j ha d been received by the foard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
the said Board rave a public hearing on 7ednesday, July 16 , 1915,
to the said Protestants and to the said T . E. Yelling, who Was
rare .ent and appeared on his own behalf; and
. HEREAS, It 2 o-,-)e<red . the seie, hea rin7 from the rejresenta..
tions of the rrotesta.nts on behalf of the faculty of the University
of Utah, end of numerous families resident in the nei1hborhood of
the said drug store , that the said store is the place nearest to
Fort Douglas et which soldiers may obtain liquor, end that in years
II pa st they were accustomed to congregate about the said store end
i I
on the grounds of the University in a state of intoxication. in
'i consequence of the facility with which they could obtain liquor at
the said store ; and it further appearing that the faculty of the
University of Utah believe from past experience that the ability
to obtain liquor at a store so near the University as this one is,
the same being half a block distant from the main entrance to the
University grounds , is highly undesirable from the Point of view
Hof of the welfare of the students ; and
GHTEREAS, A formal resolution of protest by the Board of
it Regents of said Univera'ity against the issuance of a liquor license
for use at said store , has been filed with the Board of Commis-
sicners of Salt Lake City, several months ,previous to this
";, ,
g; r !Gnd
I T,'TIEREAS, It further appears that for the last five or six
i j'
, I
said store by the previous city councils of Salt Lake City, on
: account of the undesirable conditions which •Jere created in the
said nEiphborhood by the sole of liquor there:
T10T THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners
if of Salt Like City, That e license be not issued to the said 7. B.
- sellat1
:, x�elling to li��uor retail as a drugist �.t �o. 201 South
Thirteenth East Street in Salt Lake City, End that the City
Attorney of Salt Lake City be , and he hereb:' is authorized and
directed to present a copy of this reso'.uticn to the Third Judicial.
District Court for its guidance in the premises , and to ,Jrotest on
behalf of S•.lt Lake City against en order being made—fox the
lissuance of such license.
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Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Sal Lake City,
,` Utah, July 17th, 1913.
a)2rr _ VIrt,7
Mayor City Hecer-der
Chief Deputy.