82 of 1911 - A resolution that all contracts for public improvements, hereafter be presented to this Council for yr sae " .,'��f r I , APRIL 27, 1911. .PRIL 27, 1911. �'�� n. i Resolution No, 92. By Councilman McKinney. City Recorder as soon as possible, :which motion carried. BE IT RESOLVED, that all contracts for public improvements, hereafter presented to this Report No. 17 from the City dorm near reporting on Resolution No. 73 of Councilman II Council for approval, be laid aver one week in order that the members of this Council may have an opportunity to examine same. Lees and reports Nos. 6 and 9 from the Street Supervisor, was laid over pending the action Referred to the Committee on Engineering& Sewerage, of Committee on this matter. Resolution No, 83, By Councilman Reedall. Councilman O'Donnell then asked that the petition of Chas. L. enurer be t:kcn up. wHCREAS, the work of cleaning various offices in the City and County Building is not 443 Chao. If. Maurer. Permission to excavate under sidewalk ut Btlr-East and 2nd South yet completed and the original appropriation of $1,000 is nearly exhausted; and for elevator, also to place iron doors in sidewalk. III r3FRE.AS, the work of remodeling the 17aterworks Department to provide a place for the On motion of Councilman Mulvey, the petition was referred to the Committee on Assessor of Water Rates has loft that department in such a condition that it wall be necessary Engineering& Sewerage, with the City Attorney and Engineer associated. il'll to paint the walls, etc„ therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that an additional aim of 015,00 be appropriated for the following The List of Authorized Expenditures was then taken up end passed on roll call work: li Painting the walla Waterworks Department, $25.00 vote, all members voting aye except Councilmen Davis, Hodgson and Ferry, abs mere absent. ••• Cleaning, Var, and graining wood work, 20.00 Painting three fountains in hall, 3.00 LIST OF AUTHORIZED 'CXP CIiD1TDRES. Patching lower halls, panels, ceiling, etc„ 4.00 Patching archway, 2.00 Laying tile and steps, 150.00 Bronzing four radiators• , 15.00 1378 Salt Luke 'tailoring Co. $ 1.70 1386 Crane Co. $ 78,00 �u $21b.Ot 1379 D. R. Perry 2.20 1387 A. 2. Seder 5.00 Read end adopted and the amount appropriated. 1380 Jena Christensen 2.20 1388 Hood win& Stein 25.00 I 1381 National Hank Republic 1.70 1389 E. Downing 9.35 1382 Herman Bauer 6.80 1390 C. S. Varian 8.45 II 1383 Salt Lake Telegram 2.40 1391 Lottie Kirk, Secy. 36.29 II Resolution No, 84. By Councilman McKinney. 1384 Freed Furniture & Carpet Co. 103.75 1392 Lottie Kirk, Secy. 2.95 1385 Jos. Nelson Supply Co. 773.37 1393 N. W. Drainage District 158.38 k r W1 REAS, three weeks have passed since this Council directed the Chief of Police to enforce the ordinance relative to gambling, liquor selling and the social evil, and directed Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, end referred to the Layer I1 11 the Chief to take immediate steps to close that pestilential plague-spot commonly called the i 7'P9RRAS, said Chief of Police has apparently taken no action toward the carrying out 1` of said instructions, now therefore, n BE IT USOLVED that this Council does hereby call upon Mayor John S. Bransford as I On motion of Coup ci lmcm O'Donnell, the Council then adj ournad. V the chief executive of this City, to see that said chief obeys Acid order or to wok said Chief �,, , for his resignation, I6 • Referred to the Committee on Police& Prison. If I Resolution No. 85. By Councilman Fernatro m, '{/l { . }11 717.7,E eS, ropertp caner:; om Olilted in grading Fifteenth East Street to enable the ��� /I l t! 11 Y ; ( building, of an electric car line from Williams Avenue south along said Fifteenth East Street to loth th Street, have proffered to pay the City's half of the coat of grading said 15th East City Recorder:- II, ,f' Street for the purpose named, and have asked that the cost of engineering be paid out of the general funds: i Dec THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in consideration of the payment as aforesaid of the City's half of the coat of grading, said Fifteenth Fast Street the cost of onginecri n; in I annnecti^n with the eroding of said street, and in curbing and guttering same be paid out of {, the general fund of said City, and be not Included in the City Engineer's estimate of the coot I of said improvement. Referred to the Oorvnrttee or, engineering& Sewerage. 1wI IIefllP ! Resolution No. AA. By Coonollmen Wood. I iII. ■ Nr., !I ur. A r RUSOLV ID that the Land and Water Commissioner bo instructed to appoint two ' �' l'�r3 F extra patrolmen in City Creek Canyon, and one extra patrolmen in Parley's Canyon and Mt. Dell, g .. -ark 1,+ri... the rrl o"'�,.�, ,.V t+.' "1Up n,-,,,,Cl; 0 _„_ ee nr 1 .-_,. a wti.. Z.. 'G„ { Raed mid „dn nl:ed. .. ..,,_ at . ... a w. �--� r .� eo. eu,. 1. lin p uy 14 p 1 ' �l�� � Resolution No. 97, By Councilmen Holley. il( I. RECOL' S, Viet the lu,rd of Public Corks is instructed and oath crazed to proceed at II once to have all puv emente repaired at onoo except the blocks contemplated to resurfaced, namoly, lotend 2nd loath, State to "pest Temple, work to be done under old contrast. .' n,. _ ., the ...,......it`.^c or. ,-;rc cri it'; ,. .,o.,araga. 11 RI.. aa: t 17 ere el One uloy engineer, reporting Resolution Bo. 73 of Councilman Lees ',• and Report o. 6 from the Street Supervisor, in the matter of ���,� 1 Ppaving repairs, which was presented rt the ragular oosolon held lereny, April 24, 1911, end laid over to some up with Councilmen {�, 1 ...i_c,'.; reua l.it1 ce regarding p:.vlr+g repairs w;d resurfacing, wee then Luken up. Counoilman �� � d Lose ''reed tint the City Enelneer furnish activate for resurfacing let and 2nd South Streets to