85 of 1912 - A resolution ordering the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company to remove line of poles from Third West REMARKS: Resolution No.
By Commissioner :Ois
Ordering the Oregon Short
Line R.R.Co. to remove line
of poles from Third West
Street between North Temple
and. Fifth North Streets.
JUN 101912
, . . ,
CITY Rffee,r,"*.lit
Sat Lake City, Utah, June 10th.
191 2
VOTING Yes No I move that resolution NA
by Mr. IRMA 8
be adopted.
Lawrence . . . .
Commissioner of gtreets 'ub lo Imimmetents
Morris . ,
Mr. Chairman . . . .
RES 0 j, L' _ C N
.I,E S, Tie Crc :on Short or t Line i -tlroo.d Co,- „ ha: erected a
line of Holes in the center of Third West Street bet een U;orth
Tcm-,)le and Fifth th Corth Streets. without authority of law or valid
_permit from Salt Lahe City; and
WHEREAS. By a resolution of the City Council of Salt Lai:e City
of Lu.Tuat 11, 1011, said Company was directed to remove said boles
from the center of said sire of Mich resolution it had due
notice; and
WHEREAS, Said Company has failed to comply with the said reso-
lution of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, Said tholes and each of hem are and is a menace to
life and. limb, and. dangerous to the use of said street by the
NOW T_C .ORE, Be it resolved that the Oregon Short Line Rail-
road Coreany be, and it is hereby recuirod to remove tFe ,soles
erected, by it on Third West Street be een :forth Temple and Fifth
North Streets 77i thin _ 3 __ drys after the service uyo_. it of
certified copy of this resolution; and tie City Recorder i here-
by djrectod to servo u;;on ,..nia comr_any a certified cog,:f . f this
Adopted by the}3,oard of Comnissioners of Alt haRe City,Utah,
June 10th, '912.
--- 7e,.&L--- i'. 1?A ea/4/-r-Pliri/L____
Due service of a certified copy of the within and foregoing
resolution hereby admitted this day of June, 1912.
ti /i(3 a�l' i— -_ .��
Vice President & General Manager ,Oregon Short
Line Railway Company. -