85 of 1913 - A resolution authorizing City Recorder to advertise for bids for excavating to bed rock and construc REMARKS: Resolution NO. . 85
By Commissioner MORRIS
Authorizing City Re.a%rder to
advertise for bids fot* excavat €
to bed rock and constructing
dam and spill way at Lake
Phoebe and Twin Lake.
vornv0 Y.ve: Silt:Lake Cat, Utah, July..-.2), , ;..., 3
Keyser I moue that resolution 1Vo.I" by Mr Morrie.
Korns --•-- be adopted
Lawrence �:, .� -
Morrie .. ..
Mr.Chairman . --. Al
WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is desirous of building a dam and
reservoir et the head of Big Cottonwood Canyon; and
WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners heretofore determined to
commence said work under direction of the City Engineer, at days
labor and without the letting of a contract A00 therefor, believin
that said work could be done to better advantage and for less mone
thereby and on Itey 22, 1913, appropriated 0.6,000.00 for said work
rHEREAS, The Third Judicial District Court of Utah has, in a
! suit brought for that purpose, determined that the city cannot do
said work in the manner proposed without letting a contract for
the same; and
1 WHEREAS, The ,City Recorder, for the purpose of saving time,
i! and knowing it was the intention of the Board of Commissioners to
authorize said work to be done under contract duly let, according
• Ito law, commenced advertising for bids on July 14, 1913:
OW THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the City Recorder be, and
Ole is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the excavating
to bed rock and constructing of a dam and spill way at Lake Phoebe
land stripping to bed rock the Twin Lake Dart the head of Big
Cottonwood Canyon, according to the plans and specifications of th
City Engineer; and the action of the Recorder of commencing said
publication as aforesaid, be entered as hereby approved and ratifi d.
Adept d by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City.
Utah u 21, 19 ,
Mayor City Recorder
Bya✓ei Chief Deputy