86 of 1980 - RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL FORM OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT, TRUST INDENTURE. PURCHASE CONTRACT AND CE APPROVED AS TO FORM SnN leke City ANameye pig Dale.._...f................... RESOLUTION OF SALT LAKE CITY STATE OF UTAH No. 86 of 1980 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL FORM OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT, TRUST INDENTURE. PURCHASE CONTRACT AND CERTAIN CLOSING DOCUMENTS USED IN CONNECTION WITH ISSUANCE OF $1,655,000.00 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH (the City) , WHICH BONDS WERE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY, THE PROCEEDS OF WHICH WILL BE USED FOR FINANCING THE ACQUISITION AND/OR CONSTRUCTION OF A WAREHOUSE AND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY WITH APPURTENANT EQUIPMENT FOR USE BY R S SUPPLY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, City previously adopted a resolution dated December 2, 1980, approving the issuance of industrial revenue bonds consisting of Series of 1980 aggregating $1,655,000.00 principal amount dated December 1, 1980 (R S Supply Company of California Project), the procees of which will be used to finance the acquisition and/or construction of a warehouse and distri- bution facility for use by R S Supply Company of California at a site located in Salt Lake City, Utah; WHEREAS, the aforesaid Resolution approved in summary the terms of the Loan Agreement, the Trust Indenture, the Purchase Contract and other related documents to be used in connection with the closing of the sale of the Bonds authorized thereby; and -2- WHEREAS, the Purchase Contract was approved as to form, executed and delivered on December 10, 1980, and the Loan Agree- ment, the Trust Indenture and all other related closing documents were approved as to form, executed and delivered on December 15, 1980; and WHEREAS, the bond attorneys have requested that the City Council approve the final form of the principal documents used in said bond closing and ratify the execution thereof by officers of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of Salt Lake City: The City hereby approves the form of the Loan Agreement, the Trust Indenture and the Purchase Contract which have been prepared by bond counsel and which have been reviewed, approved and recommended by the City Attorney and executed and delivered by officers of the City. The City hereby ratifies the execution and delivery by officers of the City of the Loan Agreement, the Trust Indenture, the Purchase Contract and all related closing documents heretofore approved by the City Attorney and executed and delivered by the officers of the City. This resolution is deemed to be a part of and pursuant to the aforesaid Resolution dated as of December 2, 1980. This -3- resolution, as incidental to and in confirmation of said Resolution, need not be published and is effective as of December 10, 1980 as to the Purchase Contract and as of December 15, 1980 as to the Loan Agreement, the Trust Indenture and all other related closing documents. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of Salt Lake City this 18th day of December, 1980. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By ' -�LC�C��� Ro ald J. W .ite ead, Chairman ATTEST: Mildred V. Higham, X1 corder SALT LAKE CITY Ted L. Wilson, r ATTEST: Mildred V. Higham, corder Resolution No. By City Council Sk57(ixattidiNfie Approving the final form of the Loan Agreement, Trust Indenture, Purchase Contract and certain closing documents used in connection with issuance of $1,655,000.00 principal amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for R S Supply Company of California. Tge •,r